Jeez, I'm banning myself from this thread 'cos of the proliferation of spoilers. I've played the demo but the game is not even out here yet and won't be until after I leave the country in (*counts*) 37 days.
Okay, so I left the country, came back and bought the game. I wasn't planning on playing the game because I was halfway through a SW replay but when I put the game in my Xbox to test that I hadn't been sold a dud disk it sucked me in with it's magnificence. It took me a couple of weeks (and 20-odd hours of playtime) but I finished it tonight.
Truly, the most perfect video game I have ever played: On the patented Nate-Omatic (TM) Game Scoring System, Psychonauts kicks arse in all major categories including graphics (especially for providing the best RT graphics I’ve ever seen in a game), design (Black Velvetopia had me drooling), a fantastic hero, great characters (including the supporting ones; I loved Mikhail!), voice acting, level design, FMVs, plot, having a twist that I totally didn’t expect (but really should have), humour and just basic kick-arsedness. I’m sure if I waited another ten minutes before sending this I’d think of another dozen or so things I loved about it.