Havoc, you can't say "it's 1 lousy post"
Simply because that gives everyone the right to post 1 lousy post in every thread, thus crating endless SPAM
Do I realy have to explain everything into detail here? Damn...
When I say "its just one stupid post" I mean it in a way that it just happands every once in a while.
Let me tell an example.
If a topic is about 30 posts long, then someone posts something completely inrelevant to the topic to let know he's going on vacation or whatever. Then another 30 topics later he posts another one to tell he's back.
Personaly, I don't see any problems with going of topic for small bits, 3 maybe fours posts. The real spamming starts when ppl start using the forum as an instant messenger.
Example 2: is this spam?
The topic is well on the way, then this happands.
Persone 1: Yes, I agree. Though my ant in Florida does the exact opposite, she does this and that.
Persone 2: Yea but your ant is just freaky. She should do it like we said.
Persone 1: My ant aint freaky, she just has a diffrent way of doing things.
Persone 3: Yes she is :P. She's just as freaky as you! J/k
Persone 4: Yup, persone 1 and his freaky ant. LOL. Anyway, to get back on topic...
Is this, or is this not conciderd spam? And don't lie becouse ppl have been banned for stuff like this, which is complete nonsence. Its just a little fun inbetween, by persone 1, 2 and 3 who just are realy good friends and like to pull a joke on one another from time to time. Anything wrong with that? No...
Though ofcourse, when it happands to much, or a conversation carries on to long, then it can be conciderd spam. But even then, we have moderators to send it back on track.
Something like: Yea guys, realy nice about the ant and all but can you please get back on topic?
That serves two puposes. 1. You end the spam. 2. You don't get the endless flame wars about the warning passed out. 3. You keep the respect of your members tords the mods becouse the mods treat the 'spam' with normal behavior instead of pretending to be a policeman.
Take my own forum for example, I have rule's set up. I have a warning system which thank god I never have to use exept once. My forum is nice, cozy and fun without strictness. And spamming happands a lot, just ask TBM or T-nex, but most of it is just for fun. And when things do get out of hand, the topic does get closed, and the persone is spoken to.
The point im trying to make is that to avoid spam, you have to allow it to a certain hight. Simple as that. Cuz right now, its starting to look like its mods VS members, and if 1 thing is deadly to a good forum, its having a reputation for having flame wars between moderators and members.
Ok, I end my statement :P. Hope yall learned from it
Don't forget to take note's