So I figured out what the key was to get the abes oddsey -ddcheat thingy to work
Heres how to do it:
1. Create a shortcut to abewin.exe
2. Go to its properties and add the command line -it_is_me_your_father
3. Hold the shift key, and press enter/double click abewin.exe keep shift held until the main men loads
4. Now load a game/start a new one, press tab and away you go, also trying holding scroll lock, and pressing 2 when tab mode is on to view the brain/animation states
Heres a screenie to prove it works
Don't u mean COMMENT line? if u meant command line, i did step #1, and then i went to the shortcut with properties. if u meant in notepaded, it didnt come up in notepad o_O
dunno of the topic is old. so i dunno if i had bumped o_o;
fyi, when i just added it in the comment list, and when i did shift, i realised it selects ALL stuff. are u trying to make a shift scam?