So I figured out what the key was to get the abes oddsey -ddcheat thingy to work ;)
Heres how to do it: 1. Create a shortcut to abewin.exe 2. Go to its properties and add the command line -it_is_me_your_father 3. Hold the shift key, and press enter/double click abewin.exe keep shift held until the main men loads 4. Now load a game/start a new one, press tab and away you go, also trying holding scroll lock, and pressing 2 when tab mode is on to view the brain/animation states Heres a screenie to prove it works |
Awsome! I can't beleve you figured it! XD! Congratulations!
thanks, anyone know if you can use it while on elum yet? :p
Sweet! If only my PC hadn’t died the other day, I would run and have fun with this right away. /me sighs.
Congratulations and thanks, Paul! |
Ha ha, flying Abe! Too bad, I don't have the PC game...
Absolutely awesome! Well done man! :) I'll try it tomorrow, I haven't got much time now.
Cool! Question though, howd you find this?
disassembled the game EXE, the code for it is below:
00450126 . BF 08ED4C00 MOV EDI,abeWin.004CED08 ; ASCII "-it_is_me_your_father" 0045012B . B9 16000000 MOV ECX,16 00450130 . 33D2 XOR EDX,EDX 00450132 . F3:A6 REPE CMPS BYTE PTR ES:[EDI],BYTE PTR DS:> 00450134 . 75 2E JNZ SHORT abeWin.00450164 00450136 . E8 F5E40300 CALL 0045013B . 6A 10 PUSH 10 ; check key 0x10 / VK_SHIFT 0045013D . E8 8EE40300 CALL 00450142 . 83C4 04 ADD ESP,4 00450145 . 84C0 TEST AL,AL 00450147 . 74 1B JE SHORT abeWin.00450164 ; skip if key isnt held 00450149 . 6A 02 PUSH 2 0045014B . C605 F88B5000 >MOV BYTE PTR DS:[508BF8],1 00450152 . E8 A9D70300 CALL 00450157 . 83C4 04 ADD ESP,4 0045015A . 6A 02 PUSH 2 0045015C . E8 AF970400 CALL |
No I only just looked at that part of the code, since I've been trying to figure other stuff out. There is millions of lines of asm, it's far from easy.
I have some bad news... AO must be programmed diffrently or somthing. but I noticed taking sertain characters on diffrent screens corses the game to crash or not work properly. For example. I took a Slig (the one right at the top of that ledge with the bell to ring for elum. and floated him all the way to the cave exit. When I went through I walked onto the next screen... I tryed to operate the lift as the slig.. but instead he just freezes and dose nothing. so I float below the lift and the game freezes. also going on the screen below as abe and floating to the mudokon that says "hi" and you have to whistle to crashes the game if you say Hi while standing directly ontop of him.
And no. you cannot float as Elum. he just freezes but you cant move. Plus I checked the screen (where you return to rupture farms) at the start of the game and nothing new.. its just the return to rupture farms screen except the Directory dosen't work and the mudokon isun't there. |
Invincible Mud!
Also, how do you get the oddworld games to run in windowed mode? I hate Fool-Screen... |
I used a util called DxWnd that hooks directX api calls... dosent run too well in a window though, would require editing the exe a bit
Thanks, I 'll try it. :)
Btw, did anyone try pulling the lever in the last level with a slig? I did! ^^ |
what happens :o? crash?
edit: thats supposed to be a shocked face, not angry, oh well |
Basiclly you get the "Yay, you finished the game" screen and movies while abe is still up there so the 2 sligs couldn't get him actually.
...and then it crashes! :P |
Actually, without cheating (with Abe) you can go the the lever screen without the shrykull and quickly pull the lever.
The first 2 sligs will shoot you before the FMV starts. ;) The lever triggers a timer that will get you to the ending screen when it's done, no matter when happens after it, so I didn't except something else. |
yeah when I first had the game not trying to save all 99 i'd just pull the lever, get shot and then them FMV would still start
edit: oh by the way there is some way to save screen shots as .tga's from within the game, I couldn't figure out how you do it though, I only got it to work by editing the memory at runtime.. it saved one as SD000006.TGA |
This is awesome! Now if only I had Oddysee for the PC as well. Hmm, has anyone tried this out when taking over bells? The song bells? Well anyway, *goes of to find AO for pc*
Yes, nothing happens.
Screenshots/vids kthxbye.
1,234th post lol. |
Yes, me is curious about some more vids and screenies of this amazing find too. I want to see a Abe inside that pit at the start of the stockyards with that scrab and the mudokon and that will be enough for me.
I went out of my way to take some screenshots for you two. Enjoy. :) L0LZ0RS! ABE TELEP0RTED! Abe now has the power to walk through walls. Wow. Now he can drop through floors now. This guy never gives up... He's safe from that nasty-pasty. Meh. Aw. Peekaboo. 0MG!!1 THE SLIG IS DOING TEH MATRIX!!1 I thought Sligs were too fat to jump. ^^ It can fly. Bless. I hope it doesn't fall like Abe did. And then this Slig with a shaman mask comes and... Yeah. Yeah, I should be worried. It's the Sligs turn to play now. W0W IT MADE IT!!!1 On the first screen of the Stockyards, if you move Abe to the top in tabbed mode, he'll go back to Rupture Farms. It's odd, I never thought these levels were actually connected. And Sligs can't use the pullys in the Monsaic Lines. I tried moving one of the Sligs to the Scrabs, it just dies and goes to Abe before the screen loads. It's the same with the Slog screens in Stockyards. |
Thanks Jordan for those screenies! I like the one with the slig and the mimic. Too bad they are I really want AO for the PC. Might order it next day now. Thanks again!
lol I love that one |
Are you playing as the slig?!?!
How did you get the Neo Slig on that angle?
Lol awesomes thx. |
I turned it around while walking and froze it in that position. Pretty weird actually.
Can anyone guess how I got on this screen? XD! |