Yes, it's the male g-spot.
TOPTIP: If you probe up and forward, toward the prostate it's generallly going to be a couple of inches up. If you go to far you're going to hit your partner's bladder, which feels pretty soft and he's going to feel like he wants to go pee.
Right below that is a firm little nub; that's the "P spot" and you'll know when you hit it. Grind into that for a while (I know I wound terrible 'grind' it's more like a skilled massage) and, if he wasn't already on his back, he'd be on his knees so-to-speak and you'll be a king.
Now you'll want to lube up one of your hands and rub him off from the top.... if that's what he wants. There are ways to draw out the process; time it so you both keep coming right to the edge and pause. It's tough, not something I've mastered yet even.
It's a little easier to reach if he's got his legs over your shoulders and better if it's all for him, but can be more pleasurable for you if he's on his stomach and you can reach it that way.
Remember that.
That was lame.
Last edited by Pilot; 07-20-2009 at 09:50 AM..