Or maybe add both channels together. Resulting sound attached. (There are converters online for ogg to mp3 or otherwise.)
This completely removes the white noise. Looking at the waveform for this file and comparing it the left and right waveforms in the original file, you can see where the signal goes silent due to cancellation of the noise. Audacity makes visualizing this easy.
Nice idea, but the attached file doesn’t make the morse code sound much clearer to me.
I’ve identified three spots of obvious morse code made up of beeps that don’t match the rest of the music playing. I’ve been listening to them and I think I’ve figured one out for sure, and Job has been decoding it as well.
00:13 – I can’t get this one, but Job tells me on Skype she think it’s “di-di-di-di-dit” (.....), which is
01:10 – I’m positive this is “di-dah-di-dit” (.-..), which is
01:47 – this could be “di-dit” (..), which is
Job tried to input 5LI to the message box, and sent me back a screenshot:
We thought we’d cracked it, but now neither of us can get the box to repeat that message, so we’re not sure if it’s a false positive and “A R E Y O U L S O T ?.” is simply a generic response that no one else has come across yet, or if this is actually the solution.