I would go and see it if only, if only, you could opt to see it not in 3D. I know that Up uses the 3D system with more subtlety than most, but I still tend to find 3D distracting.
shit. i didn't even know it was 3D. that would have come as a surprise when being handed glasses.
would prefer to see it in non-3D, as i too find it distracts me from the actual film.
Sorry about the bioshock joke. I was just overloaded with oddworld. Wanted something new. Sigh...
That unspeakable device reminded me of something. My brother know all about adult stuff, and whenever I do something he gives me this look and says "That's wrong". When he's was whacking this brush against the sink, I said "Stop banging the brush" and then he says "that's wrong'. I never have any idea what I said meant to him, but now I know how Eddy feels.
“I always believe the movies I've made are smarter than the way they are perceived by sort of mass culture and by the critics,” Snyder said, a statement he immediately followed by saying, “Also, ‘It looks like a video game.’
I've heard this is just a gold filling in the great turd of what CN has become.
On the other hand, I'm asking for like 3 seasons of E,E&E for Christmas.
There is a lot of crap on Cartoon Network. This is true. But the combination of The Misadventures of Flapjack, and Chowder (their two currently running original shows) make up for almost everything else. I think that Flapjack is their best show since Ed, Edd, 'N' Eddy.
I like Lady Gaga. but this bad romance, is nothing but a terrible amalgamation/medley of all of her previous singles, with a stupid "I REALLY WANT TO BE WEIRD" pretentious video.
I love that film. I have seen it so much, I could write ther script from memory. Have you seen "Without a Clue"? It was on television today. It's quite funny.
A man walks into a zoo. There's nothing there but one dog. It was a shih-tzu.
She'll be even more frustrated when she tries to recognize all the complicated metaphors in Eraserhead only discover that there aren't any and David Lynch is just insane.
I bought some powdered water, but didn't know what to add.