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08-24-2002, 12:48 PM
Cloverfield's Avatar
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Oddworld Oddworld Forums New Layout

Greetings OWF members...

By now you will have seen the new layout of Oddworld Forums. I hope you all like it. It's a bit different to the previous color schemes that we have used, and hopefully you will think it is a pleasant change.

Please feel free to post your comments and feedback here (even negatives) about the layout.

There may have been some small things that I have missed and I have some other small ideas for this layout. I will attempt to get to these as soon as possible.

Thank you to all OWF members for their on going support.

Abe Babe...

Edit: Looks like Xavier beat me to my post. I'll leave this one here simply so I can recieve feedback and suggestions.
Oddworld-Web | Advent Children.net | Dirge of Cerberus.net
"If that's so, I shall draw you into the darkness. Into the nightmare that forever deprives you of light, from which you can never awaken." ~ Sephiroth, Kingdom Hearts

Obsessed with J.J. Abrams!!! <3
Creator of Cloverfield, Lost, Alias and Fringe ... he's just too awesome!

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08-24-2002, 12:55 PM
Al the Vykker's Avatar
Al the Vykker
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I love the new lay out more of the original Abes oddysee look, and more of native look and feel to it. Great job again!

Sincerely Al the Vykker
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08-24-2002, 12:55 PM
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it is wonderfull!
I love it!

I make a news about on Oddworld Maniac

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08-24-2002, 01:11 PM
salty pretzils's Avatar
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I don't mean to be iratating, and the new design is nice 'an all, but I don't think green and blue go together that well. The icons are nice. And the banner is good.

Goodbye and goodnight
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08-24-2002, 01:42 PM
Joe the Intern's Avatar
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WOW! This new layout is great! Kudos, Kristen! It's wonderful!
"A shark on whiskey is mighty risky! But a shark on beer is a Beer Engineer!" -Space Ghost

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08-24-2002, 01:54 PM
MojoMan220's Avatar
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I like it a lot, much smoother on the eyes. My only suggestion is to make the OWF logo a higher resolution... it's a bit muddy, otherwise I love it.
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08-24-2002, 02:51 PM
Disgruntled Intern's Avatar
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Yeah, it's quite nice...The old design was so drab and cryptic..

Buy my T-shirts. People will like you more and I will hate you less.

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08-24-2002, 02:55 PM
TheKhanzumer's Avatar
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Wired New Layout

I really like the new layout. It is much better than the old one. I am also really excited about the new OIPT Forum. Kaimana deserves kudos for that especially since she is a fairly new forum member.

I think the Oddworld Forums have a bright future. Things have been rough in the past due to some friction between members but I see that the division has left both groups much happier.

Live good lives and stay odd!

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08-24-2002, 03:01 PM
Squinge's Avatar
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AHH!! No more DrabWorld...NOW it looks like an OddWorld! Very Good!!
BTW, Kahnzumer, Kaimana is a guy not a chick.
You've got to mess with people.Otherwise they sink into a cryonic torpor, and they're never seen again.

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08-24-2002, 03:02 PM
brewmaster's Avatar
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Cool nice job it is great I am sure anybody who looks at this forum will want to sign up straight away.

P.S Green and blue does go together.

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08-24-2002, 03:51 PM
Kaimana's Avatar
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I think Khanz made a error about that...you do know im a guy..right Khanz.. Justa really outgoing nice one

Anyway to the point folks and Abe Babe Beautiful layout i love it very much...now this is what i call and oddworld forum...just amazing...thats all i can say..i love this new layout


Kai the OIPT CEO *OIPT its what keeps the forums going*
Faith, Hope, and Love...the greatest of these is Love
1 Corinthians 13:13.......~Kai~

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08-24-2002, 04:26 PM
paramiteabe's Avatar
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This Layout is great! I went on here this mourning and it was the original layout but now I go on again and I was like WOW what happen in the last several hours? At first I thought wait a min this doesent look like the forum then I was like ah yes! This really is great. Out with the old and in with the new. It has that Mudokin tone to it. Great look Kriston!


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08-24-2002, 04:41 PM
Rex Tirano's Avatar
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I like the lil buttons they are cool. But i think the backing green looks like decaying snot (not like i know or anything). But otherwise its really cool!

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08-24-2002, 05:18 PM
SeaRex's Avatar
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I like it. But what is that blurry stuff behind the OWF logo?
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08-24-2002, 06:07 PM
Majic's Avatar
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Ah, the new color sheme. Love it This is more calming, I guess you'd say, and all the new buttons etc... look great.

The blurry stuff? No clue, but it looks fancy...
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08-24-2002, 07:16 PM
mitsur's Avatar
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The new fourm layot looks great!*dances*Unfourntly, it's a little slow on my comp right now.
Is there anything new besides the layot though?(new smileys ect.)


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08-24-2002, 07:17 PM
TheKhanzumer's Avatar
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Sorry about that Kaimana! Slip of the finger I guess. I know you are a guy and would never question your masculinity.

Humblest of apologies. I feel dumb.

Btw, if I ever do that again to anyone else here is an apology in advance.

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08-24-2002, 07:25 PM
Kaimana's Avatar
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Khanz dont fel bad...i know you know i am a guy no biggy...Anyways the OIPT Forum is nice huh..and so is the layout

Kai the OIPT CEO *OIPT its what keeps the forums going*
Faith, Hope, and Love...the greatest of these is Love
1 Corinthians 13:13.......~Kai~

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08-25-2002, 12:30 AM
Cloverfield's Avatar
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Wow... thank you everyone for your comments! It's also a bit of a concern when doing something new (and this is quite new, as previous OWF designs have looked somewhat similar) as to whether it would be okay or not. As what one person thinks is good may not be good for the rest.

With the logo, I got some assistance from a multimedia designer from work (who has played all Oddworld games), as whenever I tried to do logos they kept messing up. That was always one of Sydney's high-points; Logo design. He added the stuff at the back to make it different, it's a distortion of the words "Oddworld Forums". If people don't like it though, it can be easily removed.

Mitsur, how much slower are the forums running for you? I have cable so it's hard to tell such, but when I created the graphics originally I actually noticed the total size was smaller than that of the previous design. I'll check again though. I could also try reducing the size of the Paramonia image at the top and see if that helps.

Abe Babe....
Oddworld-Web | Advent Children.net | Dirge of Cerberus.net
"If that's so, I shall draw you into the darkness. Into the nightmare that forever deprives you of light, from which you can never awaken." ~ Sephiroth, Kingdom Hearts

Obsessed with J.J. Abrams!!! <3
Creator of Cloverfield, Lost, Alias and Fringe ... he's just too awesome!

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08-25-2002, 02:10 AM
thebomb372's Avatar
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i love it i was wondering if there could be some sort of background music for it if it is possible thanks and welcome.
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08-25-2002, 05:13 AM
Majic's Avatar
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Eh... Background music? I don't know about that.

I'm also noticing a slight increase in speed. I don't care much though, its still fine for my standards. I'm wondeiring, when will the other scheme be out? Sometimes (no offense, I love the layout) the green can get a little boring, or mroe like, ugly and tiring.
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08-25-2002, 05:22 AM
Kaimana's Avatar
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Personally i love this native scheme...its beautiful

Kai the OIPT CEO *OIPT its what keeps the forums going*
Faith, Hope, and Love...the greatest of these is Love
1 Corinthians 13:13.......~Kai~

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08-25-2002, 06:14 AM
Miss Odd's Avatar
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Woa! Do you guys ever get any sleep? Well done on the new look anyway!! :)

Hey OWF administrators,
A job well done on the new look! It's cool, creepy and very odd all in one. It's cool too..!
Soz if I'm posting this in the wrong topic, but I dunno...

Anyway I just thought I should let you know,
~Elodie/Miss Odd Serenity
.::["Your world will become a thing of deceit, painted all in white..."]::. ~Haruka Kanata, Kung Fu Generation
Oddworld Online... New Stranger Layout UP!!

.::[Oddworld Online]::.

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08-25-2002, 03:33 PM
paramiteabe's Avatar
Wolvark Semi Auto
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You know sound effects might not be that bad. You ever go to Munchonthis.com? When it pops up you get that music and Munch pops his little head out and says "My name is Munch!" Could something like that be put into the forums?

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08-26-2002, 04:16 AM
Cloverfield's Avatar
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I'd really not want to integrate sound into the forums. It's okay for a novelty site like MunchonThis.com... but for a site where people need to visit everyday, it can be annoying and irritating. Ever go to a site that loops a midi file in the background... it's really gets on your nerves.

Also, sound slows down a website (unless done in Flash like the MunchonThis.com site). I'm already getting reports of the new layout being slower. I wouldn't want to slow it down any more.

Although we're trying to take member's suggestions into account, myself and Justin honestly believe this suggestion if implimented would be loathed more than accepted.

Abe Babe...
Oddworld-Web | Advent Children.net | Dirge of Cerberus.net
"If that's so, I shall draw you into the darkness. Into the nightmare that forever deprives you of light, from which you can never awaken." ~ Sephiroth, Kingdom Hearts

Obsessed with J.J. Abrams!!! <3
Creator of Cloverfield, Lost, Alias and Fringe ... he's just too awesome!

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08-26-2002, 10:10 AM
paramiteabe's Avatar
Wolvark Semi Auto
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Yea now that you mention it I think it would be pointless to have it. Your right it would get annoying after a while.

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08-26-2002, 11:21 AM
Outlaw Mortar
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I cant stop my puke from comming out of my ass this is so horrible, ewwy ewwy

Sorry i apologise, im sure the stuff you dudes were snorting when you were thinking up this cripe was some pretty hardcore shite. It must have clouded your judgement of taste.

It wont be long before the Babe of Abe or mr Pilotsom reads my very negative remarks and spanks me to the banned section but hey!
Free the beans.... and ill free your heart... free your heart and ill fry my beans!

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08-26-2002, 11:49 AM
atusiya@'s Avatar
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Re: puky

Originally posted by ODDBODD
He has come back here too.
It is because this is his home town.
atusiya@'s father...
>>My name is Atusi( or Atushi). I love "Abe" from Japan.<<
Think online, think social, think big and start small!
[Don't click it!!] ][Back to 1997] [Don't click it,too!][FilmMakerMAG][superstuff]
Odd odd oddworld
Is Elum [" Dani Bunten 's M.U.L.E."] spelled backwards?
Abe's Oddyssey Hello Hello ~ Abe's Theme

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08-27-2002, 05:13 AM
Cloverfield's Avatar
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The industrial layout should be a couple of weeks away. I have some other important things to do this week which I neglected last week, so will have very little time to work on OWF layouts this week.

I'm thinking for the industrial layout, it will have a theme with Sligs/Glukkons, and will be black with greys or other dark colors.

Abe Babe...
Oddworld-Web | Advent Children.net | Dirge of Cerberus.net
"If that's so, I shall draw you into the darkness. Into the nightmare that forever deprives you of light, from which you can never awaken." ~ Sephiroth, Kingdom Hearts

Obsessed with J.J. Abrams!!! <3
Creator of Cloverfield, Lost, Alias and Fringe ... he's just too awesome!

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08-27-2002, 06:09 AM
Xavier's Avatar
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Well, In my forum (http://forum.oddworld-fr.com) you can change of styles. there is: SoulStorm, Paramonia and Scrabania as themes.
so everybody is happy with his own colors.

great job Psykobee

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