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07-27-2002, 08:38 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
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Jacob  (87)
The Return...

His foot squelched deep into the soft, mudlike ground. A small rumbled came from his throat as he remembered the happenings that took place not so far away from this very spot. Obitus had returned, this time wiser than before. He remembered that last time when he had attacked the small village of Pyke that he was merely in possession of the body of an Orkhid. The creature was too humane, not wanting ultimate power in return for its body it killed itself. Abandoning Obitus and releasing the countless souls of children who were his downfall. Things slowly went from bad to worse since that happened, the Reptilian who was the key to bringing him back disappeared before any of his followers could perform the Ritual. And now the God was back to square one, pondering the moment were he would strike his foes. Get his revenge and gut Spider and his companions. It would be a great feeling to absorb that bastards soul...
Taking a step forward Obitus advanced towards a small cavern. Moss was growing on the entrance and silk webs had been woven near the roof of the entrance.

Obitus: "Guards...Followers...Reptiles!?"

Speaking in his actual voice Obitus spoke to the cavern, awaiting replies. Within time miscallenous voices came from the rock like door and slowly a single head emerged. The creature was of Reptilian origin, its black scales glistening as it entered into the sunlight.

Reptilian: "Ssssire. Pleassse, come."

With a grunt Obitus stepped through into the cavernous shelter to be greeted with the horror-filled cries of captee's. Looking around his sights were graced with that of Mudokons. Black ones. He was in awe of these creatures as, through his entire life, he had never seen such beasts. They were just like the Natives...but black. Obitus could sense their hatred, their power, their evilness as if it was some sort of intense, electrical current. In a sadistic sense he was faintly aroused by it.

Reptilian: "W-We gatherrrrrd th-them as o-ne gavvae birth."

The creatures voice was husky and filled with pleasure. He was musing over the screams and cries as his fellow specie attacked. Looking down down at his fellow Reptile, the green eyes of the host Obitus had embedded seemed to flash.

Obitus: "Intriguing...Where is the child?"

The moment he uttered these words the feeling of dread crept into the creatures entity.

Reptilian: "Thhhe, Thee chil-ld esc-c-caped. Ssssomeho-ow."

As it spoke these words it could see Obitus', its Gods, person tense up.

Obitus: "A newborn, able to escape? Escape from an entire army of warriors. Explain how this, this happened?"

The Reptile bowed its head, kneeling on one knee.

Reptilian: "Iiit ha-d a C-K-Kkeeper. Hee, he ran."

The grunting of the God signified annoyance and frustration.

Obitus: "A child would have been a welcomed feast..."

As he spoke his voice faded into a slur nothing and he padded around the small, dark cavern. Admiring the banquet of Mudokons that had been chained to the walls and beaten to a crippled pulp. These were to be his food. His source of revitalisation. His plan was relativly simple...take their souls, strip them of their meat and drain their blood. All this would empower him for at least 24 hours. And then, open the gateway to the Dracconic realm and snatch his physical self from the Gods that had it in their possession. It was simple plan. Simple with devastating consequences. The cretins of this very realm would feel the horror that was Obitus...And Spider...Spider would feel the torment that was Homocide...
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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07-30-2002, 07:35 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
: 4,377
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Jacob  (87)
Part 2

Whispers amongst the prisoners gave Obitus that immense feeling of power. He did not know why he felt so powerful when creatures began to whisper and he didn't really care. So long as the feeling was there nothing else mattered. They were 38 prisoners in all. Many more had been captured, the Black Mudokons were a specie that seemed plentiful but very scarce. Obitus himself had never encountered such beings and he doubted that any other of the Mudokons had either. But these Muds were a magnificent sight, their black skin gave them a look of evil. However, from the way they were acting now he knew that, they too, were just like other mortals. Powerless and afraid of things superior. Most of them sat quietly, awaiting their fate. Others clutched to their crying children and some clutched each other. Cooeing reasuring messages into the others ear. The Dracconic God was monitoring them all from a heightened boulder. His Reptilian guards were keeping them in check, keen to have this power all over the world of Odd. The Dominant male of the pack was stood, on hind legs, at the side of Obitus. Its Purply-Blue head trills set back as if gelled.

Obitus: "I hear you allowed a child to escape...Tell me more."

Reptilian Lord: "It waaas nothing. Just aaa newborn. We got the Mudokon who aaattempted the escaaape aaalso. He waaas deaaalt with aaaccordingly."

Obitus turned his head to see the Reptile's eyes. The body of his host was decaying rapidly, although it could not be physically seen, Obitus could sure as Hell feel it and he needed his body soon. Getting the body he was in now took him a long time to do so, this weakened his spiritual essence and thus forced him to do what he did back in the City. Force death.

Obitus: "Melik, you understand that if i dont have a substantial amount of blood and souls then the entire Reptilian race will suffer and slowly, but surely, die out."

The Reptilian Lord bowed its head in shame, its tail swished slowly from side to side.

Melik: "I understaaand sire. But it is haaard, it is haaard when your followers moraaale goes down becaaause of aaa setbaaack including a mere Crossbreed."

It wasn't meant to sound as rebellious and snide as Melik had intended it to sound. But it did, and thus it insulted the God of Death. Turning abruptly Obitus snarled. His face was inches, possibly centimeters from that of Melik's.


Quite taken back the Reptilian nodded, muttering the word 'Sire'. Its races savior was nothing like the Mudokons...But so long as he got the job done, who cared.


Obitus had turned to face the crowd of prisoners and addressed both them and the Reptilians. Screeches and whoops from the Reptile race made the Mudokons increasingly weary and nervous. And slowly the Mudokons were lined up against the stone wall, some sitting, some standing. For what was to be the bloodiest and devasting ritual known to Mudos. The 'Blood Feed'.
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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08-01-2002, 12:23 AM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
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Jacob  (87)
Part 3

The prisoners of 'war' were chained up and then hoisted off of the ground by their feet. They moaned and struggled to break free but to no avail. The Reptilians sneered and whipped them with their thin tails, making sure they did not shed blood. If a Mudokon did attempt to make an escape bid and kill anything in its way the Reptilians would restrain it and hoist it up anyway. Killing was not an option, Obitus needed all of them. The God was walking around, inspecting the ways the creatures were restrained and handled. Scowling on any malicious treatment the Mudokons recieved whilst being vulnerable. The Mudokons were mostly concentrated around the middle of the cave. Although, that was rather cluttered and some were merely dangling off walls.

Melik: "Is everything saaatisfaaactory, sire?"

The creature's tone was soft and hopeful. Its tail twitching nervously as it watched the 'decorations' go up.

Obitus: "Yes, yes it is."

Obitus was still speaking in Jakes voice, which did seem very strange for a God. As Jakes voice was fresh and pure, very mortal-like.

Reptilian: "Sssire, Lord."

The creature bowed down to Obitus but merely nodded to the Reptilian Lord. Something the Dominant male did not appreciate.

Reptilian: "We have a kreature that will not fiT on tHe wall...what should we d...?"

Obitus cut him off immediatly, as if he already expected such a thing to happen.

Obitus: "Keep him captive, i shall drain him when the time is right."


A couple of hours later everything was set. All the Mudokons that could be dangled from the cavern walls were and the ones that couldn't were merely restrained for later. Obitus had taken off all 'his' clothes to reveal the naked hosts body. Something the God was sickened by.

Obitus: "Come...I want to be out of this wretched thing by tomorrow."

The Reptilians nodded and scampered away. Some clambering up the rocks inside and settling on small ledges were they would then pick up a cross-bow. Around five Reptilians were holding these weapons and all awaiting Obitus' command. They were ordered to fire inwards at the creatures in the center and then slowly move to the creatures that were further away. With the atmosphere tense and electrified with hope, the God uttered the word they all, aside from the Mudokons, wanted to hear...

Obitus: "Now...(!)"

The being of Death smiled. Knowing that his plan was finally starting. Three of the five creatures fired. Each hitting a different Mudokon in the neck. The arrow went straight through the creatures throat, strangely looking like a piercing of some sort, however it was forcing blood to ooze from each hole. Each of them had their own unique way of dying. One would squirm, clutching its neck and vigorously shaking. Another would just spasm gently, forcing more blood to pump out of the gaps. It was very unique and something the Reptilians loved to see.

Obitus: "Yes....FINALLY...YES!!"

His real voice broke through. His hideous, vile, loud-rasping voice. It cut through the mumbles and cries of the prisoners and encased the entire cave with hatred and torment.

*Scene: Single blebs of blood slowly flow down the creatures faces. Their upside down bodies forcing more and more blood to come to the surface. As hard as they try to halt the blood loss it fails. And gently the blebs float downwards towards the God. Splashing his hosts body and face. Surprisingly it does not make a stain or mark the body, but gets absorbed into the skin. Being drank by the Soul of the Lord of Death. As he does this sadistic ritual, white forks of electricity starts to shoot across the ground. It goes around 4 feet outwards before dispersing but starts to speed up in this process as more and more blood is absorbed. Letting out a low and powerful scream Obitus tells the Reptilians on stand by to sacrifice more of the Muds and that they do. The blood that would usually miss the being seemingly gets pulled into the body by a strange force, causing the power of this divine to increase. As all of this happens Obitus' eyes shine powerfully. Strongly. Magesticly. And the boundaries of the Dimensions begin to fade.*


*Setting: We are now in the Dracconic realm were Staros lay in wait for Obitus' attempt to reclaim his body. The God of Law is pacing up and down, his scales seemingly glowing with anticipation. And then something caught his milky-white eyes. The physical form of Obitus had blood appearing on the skin. The blood was mainly on the face but more blood could have been appearing on the chest which the wings covered. This was unsettling and Staros immediatly calls for assisstance*

Staros: "GUARDS!!"

No sooner had he said this powerful word, had two black, Dracconic looking creatures appeared. Their skin was boney and jagged, horns, of a substantial length curled backwards, razor sharp boney fingers curled inwards and the creatures ribs could be seen. They were almost Demonic like. Bearing no tail it seemed to take away their Dragon like link, however, the bat-like leathery wings seemed to give that title back.

Dracconic being #2: "Sire. You called."

Staros span around, he was nervous but also angry.

Staros: "Stop Obitus. Stop him and destroy any followers that keep him from existing in that damn world!!"

Dracconic being #1: "But Lord, we dont know how to..."

Staros: "I shall send you. The Dimensional barriar is weak, i can make a hole for you to pass through."

The beings nodded but then asked another question that, to Staros, wasted more time.

Dracconic being #2 : "How will we get back upon completing the task...?"

Staros: "Take these, they will allow me to use my powers on you to get you out of there. Make sure they dont fall off otherwise you will come through the barriar and thats potentially fatal. Now go."

The Lord of Law passed them silver bracelets with writing and Dracconic symbols on. They quickly placed the items on their wrists and watched as electricity fused the ends together. By this time Obitus' physical body was jiggling around, red barbs of energy running around it. The Law God would have gone through himself, however, beings such as Staros need to have some kind of host on the other side. He did not have this link. Quickly Staros turned and snarled at the figure of doom and then, with electricity darting around his scales, made some swift hand movements in the direction of one of the walls. His white eyes shone brightly and the wall seemed to ripple as if water. He nodded to them to leave quickly, they obeyed. And headed to challenge the notorious God and his followers...

(OOC: I shall continue this chapter later.)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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08-01-2002, 12:44 AM
Kaimana's Avatar
: Jun 2002
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Kaimana  (11)

Thats really good. i like it. the story line is cool i look forward to reading the rest

Kai the OIPT CEO *OIPT its what keeps the forums going*
Faith, Hope, and Love...the greatest of these is Love
1 Corinthians 13:13.......~Kai~

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08-01-2002, 05:35 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
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Jacob  (87)
Part 3 continued...

By the time the Dracconic guards had entered the world of Mudos, all was not well. Obitus' power had grown immensly in the few short seconds that had passed. And gradually it was increasing. The Mudokons who could not be hung from the ceiling were thrown towards the empowering menace and killed instantly as their veins popped there and then. The creatures seemed to be paralysed standing up right and shook as their blood spewed out of them like water from a hose. Once their life force was deminished, their bodies were cast aside telekenicly like some sort of Apple core.

*Setting: The Reptilians who were equipped with the Cross bows did their deeds well and finished off the remaining survivors. The others merely stared in awe of the force that was Obitus. By this time Obitus' was surrounded by white and red particles of light. Electricity was running up and down his host and every-so-often you would hear a fierce scream come from the him. The Dracconic guards, still had time however, and quickly split up. One making a bee-line for a Reptilian bowmen, whilst the other clung onto a pointed rock that hung from the ceiling. As his claws dug into the surface of the material, he let go with one arm and held it out. Electricity and black whisps of shadow began to form and elongegate. The beings red eyes narrowed as a sudden flash of light turned the whispy object to a solid staff.*

Dracconic being #1: "Syphó...Take out the survivors!! We cant allow him to gain more power!!"

The beings voice was filled with small traces of terror. The other guard landed on the rock ledge were one of the Reptilians fired the arrows. Its black wings retracted. There was a brief hiss from the follower of Obitus as it lunged for the guard, bringing its right arm down. The guard blocked this advancement and kicked the creature in the stomach before upper-cutting it. It staggered backwards for a small amount of time, but did not fall. But as it composed itself and advanced once more the guard did quite a remarkable thing. He slowly moved his hands through the air, whisps of shadow forming around them. Then, as the shadow elogegated and solidified he span around so he was facing away from the creature and brought the staff back, it met the creatures stomach and pierced it readily. The guard heared the muffled cry as the shocked Reptilian took the weapon in its gut. Suddenly a flash of light was emitted from the offensive end of the staff, the part that was inside the creature lit up and then fired. Sending the Reptilian flying backwards in green flames. And as it connected to the wall the entire creature disintegrated before bouncing off and hitting the floor. The guard quite pleased with himself stood up straight and snarled, before realising that Obitus was getting ever more powerful.


*Setting: Back in the Dragon world Staros was awaiting the result. He was watching the body of his former friend, waiting for it to show signs of death. It did not. Instead it showed signs of empowerment and strengthening. And then it happened, the thing Staros did not want to see happen to a being quite like Obitus. The phase out. It started with his horns, they were slowly sizzling out. Red electricity running around them and inch by inch transporting them to the world were his soul lay. And then as it finished with the horns, it moved to the head, slowly taking pieces of the body to Mudos.*



The Dominant males voice was hard and full of stress. He waved his arms around wildly, pointing to both of the beings that had entered through some sort of ball of light. Quickly the Reptilians jumped and clambered up the walls, making their way to the intruders bent on stopping them from reaching their goal of supremacy. But the creatures merely laughed and fired round green bolts from their staffs, killing the incoming attackers instantly. As the Reptilians distracted the intruders Melik watched as his God slowly took form. He knew the other two creatures were from the Dragon world. But they were too late. As they all fought the host of Obitus got thrown backwards, electricity encasing the deceased. As it moved through the air it decomposed rapidly, until finally, upon hitting the wall, it was nothing but bone and pieces of decomposed meat. Melik's eyes widened, he looked to were the body once stood and saw a green smokey light. And as he watched two red eyes formed, and then the green turned to black. The sign the God was reaching his true power...


*Setting: Staros tried with his entire selection of powers to stop Obitus from getting his body back. But it was no use, the protection spell was still protecting the body no matter what. The body was nothing but bone now, the skin had completly disappeared, leaving rock like bone. The heart however still needed to be sent to the new world and that was going rapidly. It pumped, faster and faster. No blood came from it, all of it was being sent to Mudos...and as Staros looked on in fear. The heart burnt out and dispersed...dispersed to the new land.*



A bright flash of energy shot outwards in a ring. The beings caught in its path never died but merely felt a gust of evil and power pass through them for a brief moment. Melik watched in relief. He was there, his entire entity...his powers were back...he was free.

Obitus: "Finally...after all this time, i am re-united(!)"

His voice was deep and blood curdling. The God looked at his hands, turning them around. He stood around 7 ft in height, his tail long and full of spines. His wings large and bat like, he beated them softly, smiling as he felt the air beneathe. His eyes shone red and sharply he looked up. Looked to the being clung to the jagged rock about his head.

Obitus: "Fool. Foolish being. May this teach you not to listen to authority all your life..."

As he said this he raised his hand, the Dracconic guard gulped and attempted to take aim with his staff. But as he lined it up a rush of red energy swamped over him, the rock bubbled furiously due to the power. But the energy that hit his body quickly Destroyed his body and his grip. His hand that hung onto the rock was eaten away and slowly he fell down to the ground, wriving in agony.
His body hit the ground and smashed into small chunks of flesh before slowly shrinking into a smoking piece of charred meat. The God smirked, squinting as something caught his eye. A silver piece of metal. The beast grunted and held out his palm, the chunk of metal flew forwards and landed squarely in the middle of Obitus' hand. He clutched the thing and then examined it carefully. Wondering what it was. It seemed to be a bracelet, and a pretty one at that. Carefully Obitus put it on his wrist, realising something was wrong when it connected together automaticly. The left eyebrow of the Dragon rose suspiciously.

Syphó: "Damn you Dragon God!!"

The creature hissed these words as he fired a green bolt towards the divine. Obitus looked up and waved a lone hand to the left, forcing the round bolt to make a dramatic change in direction and hit the rocks. The God then rose his hand and snatched the staff from the creature telekineticly. The staff hurtled through the air and landed in Obitus' fierced talons.

Obitus: "Dark being, you are no match for me..."

Syphó smirked, jumping down from the rock and landing with ease he stepped upto the God.

Syphó: "You have changed old friend..."

Taken back by this Obitus cast aside the staff and looked hard at the being in question. After a few awkward seconds Obitus smiled.

Obitus: "Syphó...!! It is you!! I haven't seen you since i was ascended upon!!"

He held out his claw, welcoming the creature. Syphó excepted this gesture and shook Obitus' hand.

Syphó: "I have seen you many a time. But you were busy with the lives of others...And then when you disappeared, i wondered were you were...Thankfully the Gods turned me into a higher-being and gave me this mission(!) Heh."

Obitus shook Syphó's hand furiously. Pleased that he had met a familiar face.

Obitus: "Tell me, how did they cope without the deaths of the mortals?"

Syphó: "They killed them off themselves. Obviously none of them liked doing it, it was quite entertaining...Heheheheh."

They laughed and joked as if they were mortal children once more. And then Obitus noticed the same bracelet on Syphó.

Obitus: "Tell me, friend. What is this weird object?"

The being looked at Obitus' wrist, his companions link to the Dragon realm was now gracing Obitus' person.

Syphó: "Its to connect the wearer to the Dragon world. Staros said he would bring us out if he sensed danger. Upto now he hasn't prevailed."

Obitus: "And he wont. My powers are blocking his, i can literally feel him trying to breach my walls."

His head cocked upwards and he took a long deep breath, exhaling it slowly, with seeming pleasure.

Obitus: "A Dimension breacher, you say? Interesting...They have changed the design since last time...Does it still have all the correct functions?"

The old friend looked over his shoulder, the Reptilians were looking on, whispering amongst themselves.

Syphó: "Yes, near enough. So...whats there to do arou..."

He was cut short by the growl of Obitus as he grabbed hold of his neck. Slowly the God raised the 6ft being off of the ground and looked deep into his eyes.


As he said this the captee struggled in vain. With a low grunt Obitus grasped a hold of his arm and pulled it off, the cracking of bone and tearing of flesh rippled through the air. Closely followed by the whoops of pleasure from the Reptilians.

Obitus: "Tell Staros to guard his realm heavily...Thats if you survive the breakthrough..."

He smirked and then pulled the silver bracelet off of the lone arm. Stepping over the shocked body he calmly walked to his clan, his army, his followers.

Syphó: "D-Damn...Damn YOU OBITUS!!"

The words got louder as particles flew into his body, rippling it. His black wings spasmed and his neck twitched violently. And as his life drew to a end, his whole body shined brightly with white light. When the light had died down...all that was left was smoke.

America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

Last edited by Jacob; 04-01-2003 at 10:02 AM..
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