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07-11-2002, 07:08 AM
One, Two, Middlesboogie's Avatar
One, Two, Middlesboogie
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Wired Surreal dreams.

Share the strangest of your midnight movies with us. Here are the barmiest ones I can remember:

1) I was the director of a Japanese film company. I can't speak Japanese, and the film crew couldn't speak English, so I had to have an interpretor. We were shooting a film in which some planes landed on Uluru (Ayer's Rock), but our budget wasn't big enough to fly to Australia and rent the planes and everything else, so we got round the problem by having me lie down on the floor with a brown cloth over me, pretending to be Uluru, and then they dubbed the planes in with CGI.

2) I was in a queue waiting to go on a roller coaster up in the mountains. It was snowing and everyone was wearing ski outfits to keep warm. Nelson Mandela was standing behind me, wearing a bright orange ski jacket and a blue baseball cap. I was on my own, and there were lots of people waiting to go on the coaster, so I had to go in a compartment with him. It was really weird when I woke up, but it seemed perfectly normal at the time. The roller coaster also went sideways rather than forwards.
Hand me my flamethrower... it's the one that says 'Bad Motherfucker'.

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07-11-2002, 08:45 AM
Gluk Schmuck's Avatar
Gluk Schmuck
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Mmm. Surreal Dreams.

I had a few lovely dreams this morning. I don't know what order they were in but here goes.

1. I was on rollerblades on some sort of mountain thing with places to fall down and I was fighting Lara Croft. I kept nicking her pistols that she must have respawned with.

2. I was racing against people on rollerblades while in a car but I wanted to talk to my friend Robert. I figured I was going too fast so I put some rollerblades on (I guess, I didn't actually notice that part). And so I kept accidentally boosting (see JSRF) and I had to keep slowing down. I noticed that it was very hard to blade as smoothly as the characters of JSRF and it was also very hard to corner. When we eventually reached our destination, I tried to stop but I ended up rolling into Jamile and spinning round although I was proud of the fact that I didn't fall over.

3. I received three seperate, and different, demos of Fur Fighters through the post (all in different PS2 boxes, they all had instructions). I don't have a PS2 so I decided I'd lend them to friends. I somehow ended up playing one of the demos and it was a 2D (psuedo-3D) Turn-Based Strategy game.

Tha's 'bout it.
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07-13-2002, 03:05 AM
Dequibenzo's Avatar
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1- This one's weird because I myself am not actually in it. I don't know, it's like the imagery isn't being seen through anyone's eyes, just... happening. Anyway, all it involves is the world being in actuality a large, extremely dark blue whale, and then suddenly there's this image of a square area of water bordered by docks and ship riggings. It's very dark, and raining, and the water is turbulent and barely reflecting the storm clouds and lit lanterns above it on the edges. In the water are faces- not human faces, or any animal I've ever seen, but still recognizable faces that are made of the water itself. There's more to it, but it makes even less sense, and I don't quite know how to describe it.

2- I'm on the moon, looking up at the earth, which is oddly pink and big, but still the earth. It's cold- bitterly cold, colder than I've ever been before. Then, this girl I've been friends with for years now comes up and sits next to me, because I'm suddenly on a big purple couch, and she puts her head on my shoulder and falls asleep there. Just like that, I'm not cold anymore, and a complete sense of satisfaction and comfort comes over me. Then I wake up.

Oh, wait, that's just my favorite dream, not my weirdest one. Whoops.
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07-13-2002, 03:15 AM
Oddworld Forums Founder
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I've been having variations of the same dream over the past few months. It involves me being at a train station, vaguely ressembling the train stations I use in real life, but these stations seem old and derelict. There is lots of plant-life surrounding the train stations, lumpy, hard soil is overtaken with the exposed roots of large trees and there are lots of dead crawler plants covering the buildings. There is an appropriate level of other people using the railway service, and I'm usually looking for someone but can't seem to find them, or I hop onto the wrong train and find myself far away from my destination, lost amongst unfamiliar surroundings.
The Glass Asylum

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07-14-2002, 11:33 PM
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When I was younger, I kept having a dream that there was a bomb in the house about to go off, and a child-fence was preventing me from escape. No matter how I tried, I could never clear it. Child-fence, you know, those things parents put in their halls to contain youngsters.

Also, I'm walking around looking for a Target (don't ask), but it feels like my eyes are gouged out and I can never find it.

In another, I'm in a ghetto McDonald's restroom and this white-trash Eminem wannabe stabs me right in the jugular! Ouch.
Magog on the March-News You Can't Abuse! Do Do Doo *Be Jealous* Do Donoo neer ner *My Hero, My Hero* "That Confidence! It's like he has an aura about him!" "Pshe! He should learn how to dress." I hate McDonald's and they hate me. Well they would, If they had ever heard of me. I will teach them to fear the name Edo! Drop me a line at edotheotakuking@hotmail.com Yo! If you're still reading this, you pass the attention span test. Don't you feel proud! Well, you should be. Most people can't pay attention for more than ten seconds. If you're still reading this, you get a full scholarship at the MacKinney Attention Span Community College. That's how attentive you are. I will reward your attentiveness by giving you my blessing and this link: www.engrish.com Thank you for your cooperation!

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07-15-2002, 01:26 AM
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I have a few reoccuring dreams I'll share with you.

The first, and most common, goes like this:

I'm walking down our street, when a homeless man asks if I have any food to spare. I go for my wallet, and he more or less karate chops my wrist, and says "No, stupid, I said food! Not money!"
So, like any good beaver would, I call my mom,
[Oh yeah, I forgot to mention...in this dream, I'm a beaver.]
and she strolls out from some bushes toting a bucket of fried chicken. She doesn't seem to see me, and trips over my tail. All the while, the homeless man has seemingly entered a state of suspended animation, apparently from the lack of food. As my mom lays on the sidewalk, sprawled out and cursing...a chicken breast begins to ring like a cell phone. She answers it, and it turns out to be for me. As I hold the phone/chicken breast to my ear, the homeless man leaps through the air and eats the chicken-phone. The rest of the phone conversation is carried out by me placing my ear to his stomach, and shouting my response down his throat. I can never remember who it is on the phone, although I know it is a dead relative. After the conversation is over, the man tells me I've just won the lottery, and promptly shoots me in the testicles.
I then wake up.

I have that dream about twice a month.

The next dream is actually quite disturbing, and luckily enough is not as frequent. In the dream, my father's cancer comes back, and kills him within a matter of minutes. His death is very painful, and I often wake up with tears running down my face.
The funeral is an open casket service, and for whatever reason, I sneak in a few hours ahead of time, and decapitate his corpse. I then keep his head in my pillow case, so I can talk to it at night when I can't sleep. I also keep pennies in his mouth. The rest of the dream is suspenseful, as I managed to leave a few of my hairs on my father's corpse when I decapitated him. At the end, I can't find his head...and I'm rather depressed because of it. As I sit, sobbing, on my bed...my closet door is hurled from it's hinges, and my fathers head is levitating inside. His eyes cast out a dead, white light, and he laughs. He then blames me for his death.

Then I wake up, and hurl my pillow across the room. I guess it's because in my dream, i kept his head in my pillowcase, and when I wake up, I can still hear his words. I have this dream about every three months.

Buy my T-shirts. People will like you more and I will hate you less.

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07-29-2002, 07:48 AM
Gluk Schmuck's Avatar
Gluk Schmuck
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Gluk Schmuck  (11)

Last night I had an interesting dream.
I was a member of some kind of team who were ordered to go to a shop and take their expensive cutlery because they were going to be robbed. On the way there I met a floating red thing with one eye. Similar to those particular enemies in Doom. It seemed to be an enemy in this situation but after I shot it with a couple of long nail-like crossbow bolts it seemed to be getting pleasure out of going up to a wall and pushing its bolds in and out of itself. Needless to say I shot myself with two bolts and proceeded to do the same. It was very pleasurable in a sado-masochistic kind of way. Anyway, I was ordered to go to this shop at last so I took one of the bolts out on the way there. When we got there there were some people stealing the cutlery (I think there were scissors too) so we arrested them and took the cutlery. The end.
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07-29-2002, 11:45 PM
oddling's Avatar
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My dreams are always weird. I have dreams about Dinosaurs, Oddworld *yes, seriously* Kindergarden Teachers, and Sporks. You heard me. Sporks.

1.I had this dream last year, I wright down my weirdest ones, sometimes I just remember them unwantingly: Me and my friend Kris are playing games, suddenly, me and him are in some contest with those teeny tiny fingerboard/skateboard thingies, whoever does the best tricks wins. We are doing flips with our fingers on fingerboards when suddenly they turn into Sporks *spoons with points at the end, half spoon, half fork= spork* We keep on playing and I don't seem to notice, suddenly the Spork is jammed into my palm, but the Spork never even touched it, there is no marks, no blood, I don't even know how I knew but the Spork dug deep into my hand, then Kris won the contest, I saw him about to throw a stuffed Panda at me but I woke up. Strange.

2.I had this one in Kindergarden: I'm at my friend Kenny's house. "I've actually never been there* I run across the street for some reason, then hear load stomping noises and screams. My teacher Mrs.Lester, gathers us up and we hide in a shed across the street. I have no clue whats going on still, but I somehow know it's a monster. She then says, "Don't make any noise kids, if he finds us he could just come in here and eat up." I suddenly wake up, terrified and in a cold sweat. I screamed for my mom then went back to sleep.

3.I have no clue when I had this one, think i had it when I was 8: I'm on a deserted island with the Wild Thornberry's,*you'll know them if you watch Nickleodeon. I hate them*yes the creeps with the kid who talks to animals. Anyway, we're on a desert island filled with Dinosaurs, I remember being at some camp when a Velociraptor just strolls by casualy, then i rember a big T-Rex came and ate it. Sweet. And..... thats it, I woke up.

4.I had this one last month:I have no clue where I am, all I remeber is two Sligs running in and wacking me on the head. *yes I'm telling the truth, I had a dream about Oddworld!* Then I woke up and found myself upside down hanging by my feet, you can guess what I'm in. A Tear X-Tractor. So, there is this weird Glukkon, not the Brewmaster, muttering something to a Slig. Then I see him pull the lever and before I could say anything I was zapped. Ouch. This was a very scarey dream cause in some dreams, I can feel pain, yup, scarey, this was one of them. Then I remeber falling out of it then lying on the floor and taking a nap. Next thing I know, I have 2 Sligs hovering over me and poking at me, they keep asking questions like "Is it dead?" then one of them yelled "Don't touch it!" like I was roadkill or something. I woke up and saw the Sligs, I yelled, they yelled, I yelled, they yelled, this went on for a while until I ran like heck. I climbed up on a ledge and possessed a Slig. Don't know how, I possessed him, it was pretty cool. I shot the other Sligs, then went to the bosses office, shot him, then just,...... shot everything. Except the Mudokons and some Sligs begging for mercy. Suddenly, somewhere i hear a voice. I de-possess the Slig and turn around, there was a Big Bro pointing a huge gun at me. Then he blasted me. Ouch. I woke up then and was pretty creeped out. I then watched the boring shows on PBS until they put me to sleep.

Well, you just whitnessed the demented dreams of my twisted mind, you may be perminantly frightened but I do not take fault for that. Screw the inoccent.

Oddling l:c l
Read my crappy fanfic, Instant Karma, or else!!
Spongebob is not a contreception-The Simpsons
"But why is the coffee gone?!!" Pillows of the Caribbean

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