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07-19-2002, 11:00 AM
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How did you find us?

Well, there are a lot of newer members who have joined, so I would like to ask all of you how you found the Oddworld Forums.

I found the Oddworld Forums from Oddworld.com (Oddworld Inhabitants). But i did once or twice go to the ezboard Oddworld Forums, im sure of this. But i never signed up, i didn't have the internet at the time, i was at a friends. I should have signed up. I regret it now...

But apart from that, how did you find us?

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“Also, we don't need no Jacob to gay this place up. We have officially won the award for the forum with a highest proportion of gay members whilst not being themed about poojabbing, cowboys or Kylie.” - Nate

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07-19-2002, 12:23 PM
paramiteabe's Avatar
Wolvark Semi Auto
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Happy cool

Well at the time I was visiting Oddworld.com a lot. I was sitting in my school Lybrary when I was just trying to find other sites that pretain to Oddworld. So I clicked on search and so many sites poped up. I came to this one because when I first saw this place I thought to myself I can really put my opinion out on Oddworld and people all over the place would know my views. And plus I thought it looked like everyone in here was haveing some fun. Plus at the time I alweys wanted to put topics on the internet but I just dident know exactly how and mainly I wanted to get involved with the Oddworld community. So I went ahead and filled out the register not even giveing a second thought that I would be one of the members the next day. So I said this won't work so I left it and well the next day here I am. My original name I was going to make myself was Scrab1000. But I could not use that name at the time because it wouldent let me. So I had to think of something else and that was Paramiteabe. I just thought Paramites chaseing Abe and I put them together to get Paramiteabe.

Last edited by paramiteabe; 07-19-2002 at 04:34 AM..
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07-19-2002, 12:34 PM
tybie_odd's Avatar
: Aug 2001
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Well, I had found Oddworldian on one of my Google searches. Finally I decided to check out the forums, even though I didn't usually like forums. Boy, this one sure beats the other (non-oddworld) forums out there!
"Stand back - I have an imagination and I'm not afraid to use it!"
"You don't have a chance if you don't take chances."
My RP cc's: Smudge | Jayne | Vince | Correl

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07-19-2002, 12:52 PM
Outlaw Mortar
: Apr 2001
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my pshychiatrist told me to join any forum
Free the beans.... and ill free your heart... free your heart and ill fry my beans!

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07-19-2002, 02:37 PM
Fazerina's Avatar
Super Stingbee
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I was in the library one day and I had still some time left from my hour on the internet. So just somewhere I got the idea I could search for a site about Oddworld. I just randomly tried oddworld.com and it did exist.

We got our own net for last christmas and I'm not sure if it was that evening, or 25th when I went to try it out and visited oddworld.com again. I found to Oddchat and there were two peeps. Rachel must have still visited oddchat back then, because there were Dragadon, and some other regular (from the way they talked...), who's name I can't remember. Anyway, I can't remeber which one of them it was, but the other one told me to come here, and so I did.

I was just talking about this with Erik yesterday...Weird.
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07-19-2002, 02:41 PM
salty pretzils's Avatar
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I'd just got the internet when Molluck (the user) Gave me the address. I am veeeeeery grateful to her...
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07-19-2002, 03:23 PM
quetzalcoatl's Avatar
: Jul 2002
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I heard of oddworld forums by my friend dark_xinos, he told me about a "fantastic" site. first I didn't belive him because I always have bad feelings about forums. but this one I really like and I think like dark_xinos, this site is fantastic.
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07-19-2002, 04:08 PM
sligster's Avatar
Outlaw Shooter
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Oddworld.com Plain and simple.
"Attention staff. You are expected to die on your job. You're loyalty is appreciated." - Sekto
Albert Einstein never learned how to drive a car.

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07-19-2002, 07:17 PM
dark_xinos's Avatar
Grubb Fisherman
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I was viseting Oddchat, and there was Beckah and Fazerina.
(I thought it was otherwhise but Faz corrected me yesterday)

And they were talking about the forums. And I asked "What forums?". They were chocked to hear that I, haddent heard of the forums, and I told them that I had come here via Oddworld.com. Then I signed on, and after a while peaple came on to the chat, and asked: "Are you xinos as in Dark_Xinos?"
And I thought that my username had finaly gotten known through out the web, and I was the new cybernet ruler...silly old me.

It just sayd whom was the newest member. Oh dear. Xinos gets shut down again...
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07-19-2002, 10:14 PM
Sl'askia's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
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Found it through Oddworld-Web...which I found using a search engine. It was back when I was still very much into Oddworld...

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07-20-2002, 12:24 AM
oddling's Avatar
Clakker Relic Miner
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Long ago, in a galaxy far far away, I was on the internet! At the time I had finished all my games so I went through the old game rack and found Abe's Oddysee. I had tried to beat it when I was 6 years old, so now that I was 8 I decided to take a shot at it. Immediatly i fell in love again and thats how Generation Odd was created. So I tell my cousin, now she's an Oddworld freik too, met a kid asked if he had it, now we're best friends, so anyways It old lots of peopls and so now everyone was crazy about it. I decided to take a chance and see if there was an Oddworld.com. There was! So I was browsing through Oddworld.com when in the Dear Alf section I noticed that there was some shtuff I hadn't seen yet so I clicked on it. The first thing I went to was the old Ez board. If thats what that infrograph thing or whatever was. Well it looked interesting so I wanted to sign up. Said i was friggen too young so i saw the other oddworld forum. I clicked on it and found myself in a place that seemed a hell of a lot nicer. Cause when you go to a forum and the first post you see is called 'Munch suxs' you don't exactly feel welcome. So I saw some question that everyone was racking their brains out at and somehow I knew the answer. I wanted to post what it was but it said I had to register, so I registerd and now I finaly found my true calling in life! Staying up till 2:30 watching Comedy Centeral and going on the forums!

Oddling l:c l
Read my crappy fanfic, Instant Karma, or else!!
Spongebob is not a contreception-The Simpsons
"But why is the coffee gone?!!" Pillows of the Caribbean

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07-20-2002, 12:39 AM
Edo's Avatar
: Jul 2002
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I actually don't remember. This is very sad, because its been less than a week since I signed up. I need more sleep.
Magog on the March-News You Can't Abuse! Do Do Doo *Be Jealous* Do Donoo neer ner *My Hero, My Hero* "That Confidence! It's like he has an aura about him!" "Pshe! He should learn how to dress." I hate McDonald's and they hate me. Well they would, If they had ever heard of me. I will teach them to fear the name Edo! Drop me a line at edotheotakuking@hotmail.com Yo! If you're still reading this, you pass the attention span test. Don't you feel proud! Well, you should be. Most people can't pay attention for more than ten seconds. If you're still reading this, you get a full scholarship at the MacKinney Attention Span Community College. That's how attentive you are. I will reward your attentiveness by giving you my blessing and this link: www.engrish.com Thank you for your cooperation!

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