for the rest ask Oddsville or TheKhanzumer
Hello? I left for four days to visit the Lake District, I haven't completely disappeared.
Lorne had always had Sam in Vykkers Labs. We all know that MO had a massive re-write, which is why we did not see her there. They also changed the storyline enough to make it clear that she was not in Vykkers Labs.
See, the Shaman tells Munch that Vykkers Labs has, recently, been stockpiling Labor Eggs to sell to the highest bidders. There is no designated Labor Egg Storage in Vykkers Labs, because the level of that name in Munch's Oddysee takes place inside the Interns' employee lounge.
And I don't think that Abe being born at RuptureFarms is significant enough to suggest that Sam was ever stationed there - most likely some OWI worker had to come up with something that most likely wouldn't conflict with Lorne's ideas.
We've also discussed the Vykkers Labs/FeeCo Depot train conundrum before. The best excuse we could come up with was that the train leads to the Vykkers Labs groundbase, but the obvious reason it's there, production-wise, is that at that stage Vykkers Labs wasn't designed to be flying, but OWI wanted to give us a little taste of continuity. Ha, how we laugh at that thought now.