guys, it all makes sense now! Bill gates drugged abe and all of the mudokons wen he drugged lorne into putting munch on xbox n putting him in a state of consiasness that would make him want to limit the sea rex to movies. u see, the big US-Iraq thing that had to do with Husane, all happened during the same time as Gate's climb to fortune! he would give husane the money to bye as many nukes and taxi cab air fresheners as he wanted if he would find a chemical that could make people do stupid things. well, as we all know, husane poisined his own people... in search of the answer... n the whole crises ended not too long before oddworld inhabitants was formed. gates saw the potential for greatness n would create his final masterpiece of destruction... on the OW Inhabitants. it was a genius plot to force more people to buy microsoft products. (similar forms of the chemical were used to make microsoft the strongest coorperation in the world). well, windows 95 was out, everyone forget where to find Iraq on a map, and oddworld inhabitants was enbarking into an unknown world of oddness...all seemed kosher for Gates to come to power. many years later, gates found that the inhabitants had correctly fullfilled his plans(n they didnt even know it!) but wait!? the mane mudokons werent the way that gates wanted them... he wanted them to look high, high like they were using the new brain warping fragrance: JORDAN. thats right, microsoft is a coorperation n jordan's line of colone was the perfect place for gates to place his zombie spray(jordan was happy to hav werk after that whole space jam thing). with the mudokons to secretly market the scent, gates was on a roll! but wait! the gabbits were being eaten by stronger forces that werked much the way that microsoft did(cunning,fast, brutal). "they must be destroyed!!!" roared gates. one more thing was left: the rats...they look almost as dorky as gates himself! gates werked his majic on them too. now, all thats left is for all of us, a dog, n a hippy with a gote to track gates in our new 60's van through an abandoned theme park. in the end, we unmask the wierdo. "Jinkees! Why its old mister gates! but why did u do it?" we will all say. "i did it to get back at steve jobbs, the creator of macintosh's apple computers for beating me at tetris! n i would have gotten away with it too, if it werent for you medaling kids!" gates will say. in the end, the day is saved, we boycott micheal jordan, microsoft is destroyed, a munch's oddysee directors cut is made with everything we wanted, n we all learn an important lesson
o, n if this by ne chance not true... n, one of u OI finds this... I luv u guys, i luv the new character designs, yer decisions for the "box" r fine with me (i didnt preorder), n never trust a man that sounds like kermit the frog(bill gates)
that reminds me. duz ne one know why the muppet show was mysteriously cancelled...