2. Whistling is the Mudokons' native language, like an African "click-language" (doubt that too, because we never saw whistling amongst the natives of MO).
My bets on this one, although, if you don't mind, I'd like to alter it a tad. I think that Mudokons did once communicate mostly through whistling, like Gabbits communicate with each other by whistles and clicks. But as the Mudokons began to co-exist with the Glukkons, a single language was developed - the language we hear when we play the games.
That explains why Gabbits are so poor at speaking the common tongue, because they've remained relatively isolated from the Mudokons and industrial races. It doesn't interfere with MO, either. Note that the only Mudokons we've heard whistle are the deeply-religious inhabitants of Monsaic Lines.