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08-21-2018, 12:37 PM
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Oddworld Animal & Location

this is a bit random, but what is your favourite Oddworld animal and location?

a location can be somewhere like Paramonia, Rupture Farms, New Yolk City etc. when i say 'animal' i mean something non-sentient, so try not to include stuff like sligs, gluks, muds etc. don't forget you can include creatures we haven't seen in-game yet like sea rexes and meetles or whatever.

my favourite animal is the paramite because i like how they can work together, plus it's pretty cute how they click at each other, but my favourite location would be Scrabania. it's so fucking picturesque, and there's an element of mystery to the place that makes it feel sort of deserted but still dangerous. like you never know who or what you might find out there.

i would honestly like to holiday in Scrabania, so long as i could hang around an area that isn't covered in mines, sligs or bees. fuckin bees. a close second would be the Free-Fire Zone though. that area is very pretty and atmospheric. the music for both areas is great too.
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08-21-2018, 04:19 PM
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My favourite location is the stockyards/free-fire zone, without a shadow of a doubt - it's the most distinctive moment of all of the games, as far as I'm concerned. The way the pollution dissipates into a clear blue as you move further from the factory is beautiful, and the music is a great accompaniment.

That said, I also like Bonewerks - the daunting vastness of the mill, and the piles of bone-dust. You can just smell the walls' plaster mixing with the residue of bones, lingering in the air. Great artwork, evocative of so many vivid sensations (and the sound of ground up bones rolling down chutes and the clanging machinery in the soundtrack is a great touch).

The paramites were my favourite animals. As you say, I love the dynamic, and I like their craftiness (the way they lead you to the pack to savage you). It makes their puzzles a bit more interesting than the scrab puzzles, which were basically just a matter of finding the levers and wells, planning your route, then running like fuck.
A man walks into a zoo. There's nothing there but one dog. It was a shih-tzu.

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08-22-2018, 02:38 AM
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yeah i've got to agree about Bonewerks. i love how massive they made the place feel. like you said, brilliant artwork.
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08-22-2018, 05:16 AM
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My favourite animal has to be the scrab, there's just nothing quite like them. I loved how elegant and graceful they are in the first two games, not to mention the sheer alieness of their design. It was genuinely unnerving trying to time my runs through the temple in AO, watching them trot through the shadows. The sounds of their screeching and crying was absolutely perfect, and I lament that OWI has never recaptured the original nature of the noises they made.

Favourite place has to be Paramonia, I love every single thing about the design and the atmosphere of Paramonia. The petrified husk of the temple in the distance growing ever closer, the abandoned, overrun, primal feeling of clambering amongst the pines, rising up above the canopy towards the end of the level, the whole thing was perfect.

Honourable mentions: FeeCo. Depot and Monsaic Lines.
Oh yeah, fair point. Maybe he was just tortured until he lost consciousness.

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08-22-2018, 06:25 AM
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The sounds of their screeching and crying was absolutely perfect, and I lament that OWI has never recaptured the original nature of the noises they made.
Yeah, the howl was so visceral and raw, and that doesn't seem to have been replicated since. Tragic really, it's real signature of the old Oddworld.

Re. Paramonia, I loved the little windmill in the background too. Lots of details like that in pretty much all the wilderness scenes.
A man walks into a zoo. There's nothing there but one dog. It was a shih-tzu.

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08-22-2018, 05:18 PM
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Both really tough questions, there are so many I'd wanna choose. I really like sligs and scrabs in terms of their designs and the way they functioned in the first two games (sligs were interesting and scrabs scared the shit out of me). But I think. I'm gonna go with pre-MO glukkons. Their designs were so interesting and I always loved the difference in clothing among the main glukkons in AO and AE, like the different cigarettes/cigars each one would smoke (or a pipe in Dripik's case). And the suits they wore. Plus their roles in the story of course. Loved that they appeared in-game in AE, I remember the first time I got to each of them I'd get hyped.

For areas, I wanna mention a few first like Stockyards, Slig Barracks, FeeCo Depot (especially recently), Monsaic Lines...all great. I think I might have to go with Scrabania for the same reasons MA said. Though honestly FeeCo Depot is right behind it.
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08-23-2018, 06:42 AM
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My favourite animal has to be the scrab, there's just nothing quite like them. I loved how elegant and graceful they are in the first two games, not to mention the sheer alieness of their design. It was genuinely unnerving trying to time my runs through the temple in AO, watching them trot through the shadows. The sounds of their screeching and crying was absolutely perfect, and I lament that OWI has never recaptured the original nature of the noises they made.
Yeah, the howl was so visceral and raw, and that doesn't seem to have been replicated since. Tragic really, it's real signature of the old Oddworld.
I really like sligs and scrabs in terms of their designs and the way they functioned in the first two games (sligs were interesting and scrabs scared the shit out of me).
scrabs scared the shit out of me too. i remember when i first met them in the stockyards, unable to really see what they were but being savaged all the same. definitely an aggressive Oddworld symbol.

and their mouths are weird. reminds me of some flying dinosaur or something. i'd like to see a graphic video of one eating just so i could see whether they actually chew their food or pick and swallow it like a bird.

But I think. I'm gonna go with pre-MO glukkons. Their designs were so interesting and I always loved the difference in clothing among the main glukkons in AO and AE, like the different cigarettes/cigars each one would smoke (or a pipe in Dripik's case). And the suits they wore. Plus their roles in the story of course. Loved that they appeared in-game in AE, I remember the first time I got to each of them I'd get hyped.
i remember Brewmaster was one of my favourite gluks because in his portrait he smoked a cigarette instead of a cigar. i have no idea why i just liked that for some reason. Dripik was probably my favourite to possess, just because of all the sligs you can order around.
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09-05-2018, 09:05 AM
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MA you're back?!
And with a profile picture befitting of your stature. Well acceptance is always the first step on the road to recovery, and you my friend appear to be well on your way.

Say gent's, while my EVP Glukkon is away on extended leave/insurance scandal, I've been digging around for any oddworld lore to busy myself with, and I found this, it's not too bad check it out:

The past is a different country.

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09-05-2018, 12:03 PM
MA's Avatar
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MA you're back?!
And with a profile picture befitting of your stature. Well acceptance is always the first step on the road to recovery, and you my friend appear to be well on your way.
acceptance? recovery? lol are you saying i'm an alcoholic?

anyway good to see you

Last edited by MA; 09-05-2018 at 12:48 PM..
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09-05-2018, 04:01 PM
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lol are you saying i'm an alcoholic?
He is, but who isn't anyway

I'd say that my favorite animals are paramites, but I honestly like Ratz too.

I like their design and somehow they're the ones that I'd like to adopt, maybe because they're probably one of the few friendly animals from Oddworld. I just like their odd design; their green glowing eyes and greyish bodies with a skinny leg are particulars that can represent their somekind of depravation for those live in the shadows and in dark places. Idk I just like them!

As for the locations well it's not a easy one, but I guess my favorite can be the Soulstorm Brewery.

Going in this place felt exactly like the last frontier of the game. Entering in it was like "This is it. This is the source of all the problems happened in this game", and you could've notice this feeling from the fast music that kept giving you fast chills on your holy mission and from the very industrial ambient with muds getting electrified, both elements made this stage a great location.
And seeing the art from Soulstorm, well, I just got some really good chills which made me really hyped for this upcoming game.

I liked a lot how the Brewery looked like in these banners, but what really grabbed my attention in these artworks is the Necrum Burial Grounds which looks even greater than the original one from Exoddus! It really looks like a place where broken bones also break old souls of the death, which makes the place more frightening (as it should have been) and more spiritual-related, so this place might get into my favorite list as well. Heck, I even love how the Glukkon in charge of the place looks like, and all this stuff just makes me happy. I really hope that these locations in Soulstorm will look like the ones seen in the artworks in the final game.
v- My other places -v

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09-05-2018, 06:32 PM
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I liked a lot how the Brewery looked like in these banners, but what really grabbed my attention in these artworks is the Necrum Burial Grounds which looks even greater than the original one from Exoddus! It really looks like a place where broken bones also break old souls of the death, which makes the place more frightening (as it should have been) and more spiritual-related, so this place might get into my favorite list as well. Heck, I even love how the Glukkon in charge of the place looks like, and all this stuff just makes me happy. I really hope that these locations in Soulstorm will look like the ones seen in the artworks in the final game.
yeah i really like the appearance of the new Soulstorm Brewery too. it looks massive. there's acres of workyards surrounding the main factory, which is just as big.
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09-05-2018, 09:52 PM
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i might just orgasm to death if we actually get to explore the factory outskirts in the game
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09-05-2018, 10:45 PM
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As for the locations well it's not a easy one, but I guess my favorite can be the Soulstorm Brewery.

Going in this place felt exactly like the last frontier of the game. Entering in it was like "This is it. This is the source of all the problems happened in this game", and you could've notice this feeling from the fast music that kept giving you fast chills on your holy mission and from the very industrial ambient with muds getting electrified, both elements made this stage a great location.
Oh, I disliked that severly! Felt like a generic hub section after a generic hub section. And there were three of them, one after another! What were they thinking? Just screamed artificial padding. This was just plain lazy.
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09-06-2018, 08:46 AM
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v- My other places -v

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09-06-2018, 10:34 AM
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Oh, I disliked that severly! Felt like a generic hub section after a generic hub section. And there were three of them, one after another! What were they thinking? Just screamed artificial padding. This was just plain lazy.
Yeah, crazy stuff. 3 generic hub sections one after another towards the end of the game? Thank God there's nothing like that in Oddysee...

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09-06-2018, 10:50 AM
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Yeah, crazy stuff. 3 generic hub sections one after another towards the end of the game? Thank God there's nothing like that in Oddysee...
I mean, Oddysee had some hubs near the end, but it didn't feel like doing the same thing multiple times
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09-06-2018, 10:53 AM
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If we don't count sapient animals, then my favorite are Scrabs, when I first played the games, they were genuinely unnerving and controlling them in AE is a lot of fun. (If we do count them, then of course Sligs, their design is just amazing.)

For my favorite place, it has to be Paramonia, that place is gorgeous. I could imagine going for a trip in those lush forests and humble native buildings.
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