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08-03-2018, 09:13 AM
Stitchlips25's Avatar
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Drunk Munch GBA

What do ya think of it?

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08-03-2018, 09:32 AM
Nepsotic's Avatar
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Nobody has played it
all Meechmunchie did by trying to troll me was distract from the fact you all have no regard for Hetro or their rights at all, none.
- EVP_Glukkon/Oxide

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08-03-2018, 09:38 AM
Stitchlips25's Avatar
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Nobody has played it
I have

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08-03-2018, 10:16 AM
Connell's Avatar
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It's my 2nd favourite video game about a weird alien that probably had mass copies buried in a landfill.
In Odd We Trust.

Last edited by Connell; 08-04-2018 at 01:13 AM..
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08-03-2018, 08:43 PM
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Yeah, Munch's Oddysee GBA is genuinely the only Oddworld game that I've never played. I don't see it being much better than the original and well, the bar is set pretty low.

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08-04-2018, 04:02 AM
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I actually played it repeatedly when I was little. I'd only played original MO on my friend's Xbox because I didn't own one for a long time, so GBA was the only way I could play it. If I remember correctly, I think I managed to save everyone.

If I remember, it wasn't great; it was a bit clunky and drab. I managed to enjoy it somehow, though...
A man walks into a zoo. There's nothing there but one dog. It was a shih-tzu.

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08-04-2018, 06:36 AM
Alf Shall Rise's Avatar
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I played through about half of it once and stopped, and then started over years later and actually finished it. Though to be honest I can barely remember anything about it aside from what it looked like. I also remember it being MO but worse which is a pretty tough feat to pull off.

Doesn't it end with Abe and Munch going to Ma'spa?
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08-04-2018, 10:45 AM
SoulStorm64's Avatar
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It was alright, for a oddworld GBA Game back then it scratched a itch for portable oddworld until the psp came out and being able to play abes oddysee and Exoddus on the go.

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08-04-2018, 10:50 PM
Stitchlips25's Avatar
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It was alright, for a oddworld GBA Game back then it scratched a itch for portable oddworld until the psp came out and being able to play abes oddysee and Exoddus on the go.
My PSP Died so I'm fucked until I get a Vita

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08-05-2018, 03:09 PM
Nepsotic's Avatar
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Why would you buy a Vita? Collector's item?
all Meechmunchie did by trying to troll me was distract from the fact you all have no regard for Hetro or their rights at all, none.
- EVP_Glukkon/Oxide

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08-05-2018, 07:59 PM
DWeedMan's Avatar
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It's my 2nd favourite video game about a weird alien that probably had mass copies buried in a landfill.
Is no. 1 MO on Xbox?

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08-05-2018, 11:14 PM
Stitchlips25's Avatar
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Why would you buy a Vita? Collector's item?

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08-06-2018, 02:41 PM
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I played it when I was a kid, then again when I was about 14; I stopped playing when the Oddworld MMOSG was launched though, because that wiped the floor with MO GBA.

Picked it up again recently though - I liked it as a kid and it's still enjoyable enough now; doesn't do much by way of world-building or story, but it's an alright GBA title.

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08-14-2018, 04:27 PM
Yokai's Avatar
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Why would you buy a Vita? Collector's item?
The Vita's not too bad; just don't expect to play the original Crash Bandicoot trilogy on it.
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08-14-2018, 11:58 PM
Stitchlips25's Avatar
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The Vita's not too bad; just don't expect to play the original Crash Bandicoot trilogy on it.

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08-17-2018, 12:21 PM
Nepsotic's Avatar
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The Vita's not too bad; just don't expect to play the original Crash Bandicoot trilogy on it.
Or to get any support from the developers or Sony.
all Meechmunchie did by trying to troll me was distract from the fact you all have no regard for Hetro or their rights at all, none.
- EVP_Glukkon/Oxide

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08-17-2018, 01:42 PM
Stitchlips25's Avatar
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Or to get any support from the developers or Sony.
it's quite horrible how the vita was treated

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08-18-2018, 04:59 PM
Phoetux's Avatar
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I once had a Vita and I gotta say I got bored with it for the lack of games. We didn't have much interesting titles unlike we did with the old PSP, and it was pretty sad.
I got so tired of it that I decided to swap it for a new 3ds xl, which has better games to offer. Nintendo is expensive sure, but it's probably the only company I'd buy consoles from.
v- My other places -v

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