It's been a while since I did Oddworld art, I had to move away from home because of school so that kept me busy. But I recently re-played New 'n' Tasty so I was in mood for some oddworld art.
Some sketches on what I imagined Squeek looking like, based on the hints we have of him. Originally I thought of a slug or snail kind of creature, but decided on something else when I read a quote from somewhere from Lorne Lanning that the story behind Squeek is sort of like bunnies being experimented on and trying to make their fur softer. So I thought of this bunny/rabbit creature that has had his ears and tail cut off and replaced with something else.
I think they are too cute, and thought that that might be their self-defense. Being cute. Of course, this would not work on scrabs, paramites, slogs, vykkerns and interns. Tho there was speak about a creature that Squeek would attach to a foe's head to take control of them, but I haven't thought of what they look like or how my designed Squeek would use them.
I also imagined him being mute, only making squeky sounds and using gestures and some kind of hand signals to communicate.
There's more fanart to come!