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07-21-2017, 01:10 PM
Cecil's Avatar
: Jul 2017
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Cecil  (11)
Reclaiming my art! (HUGE sketchdump!)

So, seeing how someone decided to steal my art and claim it as theirs, I suppose the best thing to do is to upload all my oddworld art here so there'll be no reason for anyone else to reupload it in the future.

Now, keep in mind. I'm an oddTumblr peasant, so I'm not fully accurate with canon in both design and lore at all, most of these are from my roleplay character. So you'll see some "workers with breasts" come by. (I do have a perfect headcanon about breasts, but I will leave that for another day.) some will look weird without the context, and some even still have their askbox messages on them.

And who knows. Maybe this will bring our two communities closer together, because I'm convinced that not everyone here is a troll. Wouldn't that be great?

So, without further ado, enjoy! (Sorry for the post being a million miles long)

My best work to date: Cecil getting back at his former boss.

Gif of Cecil facepalming (how relevant, lol)

Abe and Shrykull

Abe preparing for some kind of shamanic ceremony with Bigface

Cecil meditating at a paramite shrine

Ask I got that gave Cecil's design his braids

Cecil as a ghost-thingie (Drawing for a pallet meme)

Cecil and his son, Ray (Also for a pallet meme)

Cecil getting hassled by other slaves

Cecil begging his boss for death after major calamity

Doodle of Cecil and Alf running through a rainstorm

Redesign for a friend's character and her son, Ray (Cecil's wife, Jeanine)

Redesign for a friend's character, Bruno

Images that went with a story regarding the gas power plant Cecil worked at
(Gore warning for third image)

Pointless doodle with Cecil as "dickbutt" (Injoke with tumblr friends)

Chibi doodle of a friend's character, Dirk

Avatar portrait of Cecil and Ray

Design drawing of a god-character called Quizozo (Aztec for "they draw blood for him)

Cecil dolled up in drag...

Designs for the tumblr village's bathhouse, treehouses and outhouses

Design of Cecil's tattoo of a stingbee

Cecil working. (He's a carpenter/mechanic)

Collaboration between me and my friend TRS of Cecil and her character, Sei. (they did the sketch, I did the ink and colour)

Design of my Native Glukkon character "Sargos"

Design of my mudokon mutant character "Peggy"

Design of a friend's mutant character "Roses" (Created in tandem with Peggy)

Doodle for ask, asking if Cecil would consider upgrading his prosthetic

Sketch doodle of my friend's character "Fuzzle Queen"

Sketch doodle of Cecil failing with a yoyo

Silly pun-based doodle of friend's character "Kita" in a turkey suit (since they were on holiday in Turkey at the time)

Drawings celebrating my character's one year anniversary by drawing every month's highlight.

Sketch doodle of Cecil putting Ray to bed

Designsheet frontal for Cecil (Nude, new outfit, and non-oddworld based outfit friend designed for me)

Lineart of Cecil, his wife Jeanine and their newborn child, Ray

Design drawing of mudling Ray

Label for bew-based bottle "Bone Ale" (Credit for the skull goes to Tincup on Deviantart)

Cecil and Jeanine, right after their egg is laid (nude breasts alert)

Sad black and white drawing of Cecil in the rain

Ancient mudomo figurine

For some unexplained reason, Cecil was very popular among female characters for a while, and it led to this, lol...

Cecil's pet Stingbee, Buzzbuzz

Gif of a slapfight between Cecil and his then arch nemesis Alaut (Animation rotoscoped from "Don't Starve)

Cecil and Jeanine kissing

Cecil saving a friend from an aggressive paramite

Drawing of a friend's character in Lingerie (Meant to be absurd, not erotic)

Dead ghost-cecil after a scrab-attack

Dead Cecil meeting a spirit in purgatory

My one and only attempt to try to mimic the original style, lmao. (Not my wheelhouse, I'll stick with my own style)

Someone sneaking a kiss from Cecil while he's sleeping..

Peggy smooching Alf unexpectedly (was part of a story)

And that's most of what I've ever done. Now no troll has any reason to upload any of my art ever again. Hope you all like it, though.

Last edited by Cecil; 07-22-2017 at 01:14 PM.. : Had to resize every picture/ spotted typo's
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07-22-2017, 10:57 AM
Phoetux's Avatar
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Great art Cecil! Its strange to see mudokons with actual reproductive organs but your OC΄s story seems interesting. Nice work indeed, even naming your character with your own name is weird.
also cecil best trap OH and the dickbutt. THE DICKBUTT damn that's amazing ahah
v- My other places -v

Last edited by Phoetux; 07-22-2017 at 11:16 AM.. : FORGOT THE DICKBUTT
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07-22-2017, 12:46 PM
Yokai's Avatar
Sniper Wasp
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Great art Cecil! Its strange to see mudokons with actual reproductive organs but your OC΄s story seems interesting. Nice work indeed, even naming your character with your own name is weird.
also cecil best trap OH and the dickbutt. THE DICKBUTT damn that's amazing ahah
Awesome art

Last edited by Yokai; 07-22-2017 at 05:32 PM..
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07-22-2017, 01:11 PM
Cecil's Avatar
: Jul 2017
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Cecil  (11)

Great art Cecil! Its strange to see mudokons with actual reproductive organs but your OC΄s story seems interesting. Nice work indeed, even naming your character with your own name is weird.
also cecil best trap OH and the dickbutt. THE DICKBUTT damn that's amazing ahah
Thank you so much! I'm glad you like it all~
I chose to make him a full on male so I could open up more possibilities in regards to storytelling with relationships and more expressive behaviors and such. And that plan has mostly paid off. The drawing was mostly to map out his scars and skin pattern.

And, no, Cecil isn't my actual name. I put that one on here, to easily signal to the troll that I was who I was, and it's not like I can change it now. My actual name is Jake. (Common name, so no problem in me sharing that one) The name 'Cecil' actually came from watching a Simpsons rerun while coming up with something, lol. I suck with names.

Haha, the dickbutt. That one came from a shitpost-fueled skype conversation. I still love it.
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07-22-2017, 02:52 PM
Phoetux's Avatar
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Cecil isn't my actual name. I put that one on here, to easily signal to the troll that I was who I was, and it's not like I can change it now. My actual name is Jake. (Common name, so no problem in me sharing that one) The name 'Cecil' actually came from watching a Simpsons rerun while coming up with something, lol. I suck with names.
Oh I see. Well you can actually request an admin to change your name if you want.

Haha, the dickbutt. That one came from a shitpost-fueled skype conversation. I still love it.
I can feel the dank meme power in that dickbutt.
No wait that sounds bad-
v- My other places -v

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07-22-2017, 03:31 PM
Vyrien's Avatar
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I too draw genderless OCs with unnecessary cocks, this is Barbara


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07-22-2017, 03:36 PM
Nepsotic's Avatar
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I too draw genderless OCs with unnecessary cocks, this is Barbara

I'd love to see more but it should probably be in its own thread.
all Meechmunchie did by trying to troll me was distract from the fact you all have no regard for Hetro or their rights at all, none.
- EVP_Glukkon/Oxide

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07-22-2017, 03:43 PM
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This isn't the Oddworld characters with massive cocks thread? Okay sorry.

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07-22-2017, 06:48 PM
FennecFyre's Avatar
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Oh hey, you're one of the bigshots over on OddTumblr : o Fancy seeing one of ya'll here. I tried out an ask blog myself, but I didn't really work out, both due to a lack of time and Tumblr's dashboard throwing a hissy fit whenever I tried to upload a sketch. And yeah, I'm one of those people who can't stand mud workers with boobs and all that canon-breaking good stuff, so that probably impacted it too xD Regardless, you've got some awesome art.

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07-22-2017, 07:46 PM
Gunnr's Avatar
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A bit on the risque side in some pics than usually posted- yes and not all cannon in design but your style is AMAZING and OC designs are unique and gives individuality to them which i find difficult to do with mudokons.

What did you use to draw them if i may ask? =)
[FONT="Verdana"]I live in a desert and I drink brew, guess that means that I'm a mud too

Last edited by Gunnr; 07-22-2017 at 11:01 PM..
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07-23-2017, 03:46 PM
Spurgumir's Avatar
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Spurgumir  (13)

Apart from some random stuff at oddtumblr, you are some bunch with quite astounishing talent I have to say. =)
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07-24-2017, 12:01 PM
Cecil's Avatar
: Jul 2017
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Cecil  (11)

Oh hey, you're one of the bigshots over on OddTumblr : o Fancy seeing one of ya'll here.
Bigshot? I wouldn't call me that ^^' But, yeah, I was kinda made to get one here after trolling happened, but it's cool.

I tried out an ask blog myself, but I didn't really work out, both due to a lack of time and Tumblr's dashboard throwing a hissy fit whenever I tried to upload a sketch.
Even now it's not optimal. Tumblr is as stable as an elephant on one foot.

And yeah, I'm one of those people who can't stand mud workers with boobs and all that canon-breaking good stuff, so that probably impacted it too xD
Yeah, there's not much canon lore to work with on roleplay level, so we fill in a lot of the blanks ourselves, and I can definitely imagine that's not everyone's cup of tea. But I assure you that the stuff we essentially make up is supported by the universe's logic and canon information. For example. Our justification for the female muds is that they don't grow to Sam's proportions unless they're in the right condition and expand as they lay more eggs. Kind of in the same way a bee larva will grow into a worker unless it's exposed to specific environmental changes and diet.
And the breasts is something that's seen on an old model sculpture of Sam. and in a piece of concept art, she's seen cradling a tiny mudling in the same way a nursing mother would. Mudokons are descendant from avians, but much like earth's platypus and Echidna they lay eggs and lactate, so the idea of this species being mammalian egg-layers isn't as far-fetched as one might think. (I could write an entire thesis based on the fan-theories of mudokon biology, lmao.)

Regardless, you've got some awesome art.
Thank you! =D
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07-24-2017, 12:16 PM
Cecil's Avatar
: Jul 2017
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Cecil  (11)

A bit on the risque side in some pics than usually posted-
Maybe, but it's nudity for the sake of anatomy, so I guess it's okay. ^^

yes and not all cannon in design but your style is AMAZING and OC designs are unique and gives individuality to them which i find difficult to do with mudokons.
Thank you! ;o; I just love designing them.

What did you use to draw them if i may ask? =)
Well, I draw in Illustrator and color in photoshop. I can't afford a tablet, so I taught myself to draw with a laptop's touchpad.
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07-24-2017, 12:24 PM
Cecil's Avatar
: Jul 2017
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Cecil  (11)

Apart from some random stuff at oddtumblr, you are some bunch with quite astounishing talent I have to say. =)
Thank you! And, while I don't want to toot my own horn, I have to say that a lot of my ot friends are crazy good artists. If it wasn't from watching them, and making myself draw for my blog as often as I do/did, I probably wouldn't be at this level.
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07-24-2017, 01:59 PM
Phoetux's Avatar
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I can't afford a tablet, so I taught myself to draw with a laptop's touchpad.
For real? That's impressive. Also Jake don't make double posts, just put everything together in only one next time.
v- My other places -v

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07-29-2017, 08:13 AM
Vyrien's Avatar
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Here's Timothy

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