So, seeing how someone decided to steal my art and claim it as theirs, I suppose the best thing to do is to upload
all my oddworld art here so there'll be no reason for anyone else to reupload it in the future.
Now, keep in mind. I'm an oddTumblr peasant, so I'm not fully accurate with canon in both design and lore at all, most of these are from my roleplay character. So you'll see some "workers with breasts" come by.
(I do have a perfect headcanon about breasts, but I will leave that for another day.) some will look weird without the context, and some even still have their askbox messages on them.
And who knows. Maybe this will bring our two communities closer together, because I'm convinced that not everyone here is a troll. Wouldn't that be great?
So, without further ado, enjoy! (Sorry for the post being a million miles long)
My best work to date: Cecil getting back at his former boss.
Gif of Cecil facepalming (how relevant, lol)
Abe and Shrykull
Abe preparing for some kind of shamanic ceremony with Bigface
Cecil meditating at a paramite shrine
Ask I got that gave Cecil's design his braids
Cecil as a ghost-thingie (Drawing for a pallet meme)
Cecil and his son, Ray (Also for a pallet meme)
Cecil getting hassled by other slaves
Cecil begging his boss for death after major calamity
Doodle of Cecil and Alf running through a rainstorm
Redesign for a friend's character and her son, Ray (Cecil's wife, Jeanine)
Redesign for a friend's character, Bruno
Images that went with a story regarding the gas power plant Cecil worked at
(Gore warning for third image)

Pointless doodle with Cecil as "dickbutt" (Injoke with tumblr friends)
Chibi doodle of a friend's character, Dirk
Avatar portrait of Cecil and Ray
Design drawing of a god-character called Quizozo (Aztec for "they draw blood for him)
Cecil dolled up in drag...
Designs for the tumblr village's bathhouse, treehouses and outhouses
Design of Cecil's tattoo of a stingbee
Cecil working. (He's a carpenter/mechanic)
Collaboration between me and my friend TRS of Cecil and her character, Sei. (they did the sketch, I did the ink and colour)
Design of my Native Glukkon character "Sargos"
Design of my mudokon mutant character "Peggy"
Design of a friend's mutant character "Roses" (Created in tandem with Peggy)
Doodle for ask, asking if Cecil would consider upgrading his prosthetic
Sketch doodle of my friend's character "Fuzzle Queen"
Sketch doodle of Cecil failing with a yoyo
Silly pun-based doodle of friend's character "Kita" in a turkey suit (since they were on holiday in Turkey at the time)
Drawings celebrating my character's one year anniversary by drawing every month's highlight.
Sketch doodle of Cecil putting Ray to bed
Designsheet frontal for Cecil (Nude, new outfit, and non-oddworld based outfit friend designed for me)
Lineart of Cecil, his wife Jeanine and their newborn child, Ray
Design drawing of mudling Ray
Label for bew-based bottle "Bone Ale" (Credit for the skull goes to Tincup on Deviantart)
Cecil and Jeanine, right after their egg is laid (nude breasts alert)
Sad black and white drawing of Cecil in the rain
Ancient mudomo figurine
For some unexplained reason, Cecil was very popular among female characters for a while, and it led to this, lol...
Cecil's pet Stingbee, Buzzbuzz
Gif of a slapfight between Cecil and his then arch nemesis Alaut (Animation rotoscoped from "Don't Starve)
Cecil and Jeanine kissing
Cecil saving a friend from an aggressive paramite
Drawing of a friend's character in Lingerie (Meant to be absurd, not erotic)
Dead ghost-cecil after a scrab-attack
Dead Cecil meeting a spirit in purgatory
My one and only attempt to try to mimic the original style, lmao. (Not my wheelhouse, I'll stick with my own style)
Someone sneaking a kiss from Cecil while he's sleeping..
Peggy smooching Alf unexpectedly (was part of a story)
And that's most of what I've ever done. Now no troll has any reason to upload any of my art ever again. Hope you all like it, though.