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03-16-2017, 07:05 AM
Wiese's Avatar
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I made a Dropbox, because Imgur would take me hours.
All the frames in the best quality I could get:
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03-16-2017, 07:30 AM
Varstahl's Avatar
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Varstahl  (12)

Excellent quality. BMP a bit overkill though, you might have used PNG instead
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03-16-2017, 08:14 AM
Vanilla ✜'s Avatar
Vanilla ✜
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How do we plan to relay the soon to be found answer to Oddworld Inhabitants if we can't openly show it?
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	edtweet.png
Views:	355
Size:	48.3 
ID:	14493  

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03-16-2017, 08:16 AM
Nemin's Avatar
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It was for the Whatifwetoldyoutoo page. Which was then "declassified".
Probably the only active Hungarian on OWF.

https://oddwords.hu - My essays and other Oddworld-related content.

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03-16-2017, 08:40 AM
oblivionkeeper23's Avatar
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oblivionkeeper23  (57)

This clip confirms there's a vykker outside of it.
✧・゚:* ◟ ◟(◕▼◕✿)where's the steef?(✿◕▼◕)ノノ*:・゚✧

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03-16-2017, 08:47 AM
Phoetux's Avatar
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This clip confirms there's a vykker outside of it.
Yeah we know, since everyone is looking and deciphering the secrets in it rn.
v- My other places -v

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03-16-2017, 08:49 AM
oblivionkeeper23's Avatar
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oblivionkeeper23  (57)

Yeah we know, since everyone is looking and deciphering the secrets in it rn.
Whoops. Was on the first page when I came in and didn't realize there was more
✧・゚:* ◟ ◟(◕▼◕✿)where's the steef?(✿◕▼◕)ノノ*:・゚✧

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03-16-2017, 10:38 AM
TopHattedTime's Avatar
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TopHattedTime  (68)

woooooooow these codes are sneaky as hell haha! Nicely found

Do you think the pigpen looking one is just pigpen? I'm looking at it now and some of the symbols don't look like pigpen... They actually look more like the blind language OL found. Perhaps it's a mix of both?
The biggest mystery in this ARG is where the f*ck do I keep putting my pen???

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03-16-2017, 05:32 PM
Varstahl's Avatar
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Varstahl  (12)

I honestly don't know. A few glyphs read in order with blind language, just like Gunnr found out, read much like "RGBA", which might be a hint for something to come. I need to dig into the pigpen frame better, but there's so much work (and ARGs) going on these days that I barely manage. Maybe tomorrow or over the weekend…
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03-16-2017, 10:14 PM
SligValet's Avatar
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How do we plan to relay the soon to be found answer to Oddworld Inhabitants if we can't openly show it?
What if you convert it back into another type of code language to show that we understand it, and have THEM solve it. Sounds a bit far fetched though.
Professional Lurker

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03-17-2017, 02:26 AM
tmakz's Avatar
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Happy weekend and Happy st patricks day wonder if pic 4 will be revealed?
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03-17-2017, 03:01 AM
AvengingGibbons's Avatar
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AvengingGibbons  (452)AvengingGibbons  (452)AvengingGibbons  (452)AvengingGibbons  (452)AvengingGibbons  (452)

Don't know if anyone's pointed it out, but the square sequences that show at the end of the video are 8, 2, 9 and 1 = 8291
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03-17-2017, 03:47 AM
Wiese's Avatar
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Don't know if anyone's pointed it out, but the square sequences that show at the end of the video are 8, 2, 9 and 1 = 8291
Yeah, we all know! Just read the last 3 pages of this forum...
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03-17-2017, 03:50 AM
AvengingGibbons's Avatar
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AvengingGibbons  (452)AvengingGibbons  (452)AvengingGibbons  (452)AvengingGibbons  (452)AvengingGibbons  (452)

Yeah i did like 10mins ago, thanks anyway... I tried swapping the dots for the dashes in the morse code and decyphering it but got nothing that stood out...
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03-17-2017, 05:27 AM
Varstahl's Avatar
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Guys disregard the tweet about the non sharing policy. That was expressly sent out for the video that we're analysing now, lore being that was sent by an infiltrate agent and if it was exposed too soon he would have been killed. As So1029 tweeted then:
Our operative's safety is confirmed, we've sent the latest transmission. Now they can show the world. #wewillrise
If we were to publish the findings before they gave the go ahead, they probably would have killed the agent, just like they killed Agent 98.
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03-17-2017, 05:32 AM
Nemin's Avatar
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Nemin  (219)Nemin  (219)Nemin  (219)

Huh, can you please TL;DR it for me or show me a link about what happened, with Asset98? Was the community too 'greedy'?
Probably the only active Hungarian on OWF.

https://oddwords.hu - My essays and other Oddworld-related content.

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03-17-2017, 07:32 AM
Shade_Meadows's Avatar
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Huh, can you please TL;DR it for me or show me a link about what happened, with Asset98? Was the community too 'greedy'?
Some people used... "hacks?" to enter the pages and get codes, or something like that, not the real hard way, so we... killed an poor mud
*BS* and *S'MO BS*

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03-17-2017, 07:48 AM
Nemin's Avatar
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Nemin  (219)Nemin  (219)Nemin  (219)

Hmm, that's sad. Well it could have certainly ruined the ARG, so i'm happy they stopped.
Probably the only active Hungarian on OWF.

https://oddwords.hu - My essays and other Oddworld-related content.

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03-17-2017, 11:11 AM
Varstahl's Avatar
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Varstahl  (12)

Afair it was a crawling bot, trying a few combinations (like asset98/digits) but I wasn't around so I'm not too sure. But that seems to be the way things went, considering the tweets that followed. It is to date unknown wether that was scripted or intentional after seeing the bots, although the bot theory seems fit given this tweet by So1029:
We can't reach Asset 98 but we do still have his clear transmissions. Prove you're worthy. Show us that you're able. Send us the grid. You found the grid, the letters and the numbers. Tell us how they fit together. Prove you're no longer slaves to the machines.
I caught up with the ARG shortly after that, so I'm not 100% sure.

On a side note, I'm off the work since Monday, deep inspection of the frame stills will ensue. And I might even apply a couple new tricks learnt while doing the Intel ARG. Still don't know if they'll be useful.
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03-17-2017, 01:32 PM
Varstahl's Avatar
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Varstahl  (12)

Did some extrapolation of data with new stuff I learnt from the Intel ARG, most of it is kind of readable. Left both the original and the improved version, the entirety of the images I processed (for better or worse ) are here.

Click for larger version

Click for larger version

Click for larger version

Not too sure on both the morse and the glyphs… some seem artifacts although some are clearly there. In the pigpens I dotted what I wasn't sure of.
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03-17-2017, 04:31 PM
Wiese's Avatar
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Wiese  (11)

Awesome! Really nice work Varstahl!
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03-17-2017, 04:50 PM
Varstahl's Avatar
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Varstahl  (12)

Still can't figure any of it out. But while watching the morse frame in its context I started wondering, "what if the Q are not supposed to be there?". If you split the morse at the double dash, most of the word make some sort of sense. Possibly confirmation bias, I'll post it one of the many iterations:
--. -.. .--. -- .- --- .--- / -- .- -.- / -- .- -.-. / -. .. -.-. -.- .--. --.- .--. / -.. --- / -- .- -.- --- / --- - -
I'm really, really terrible at morse, maybe someone more expert could figure something out. Just a thought.

Anyway I'm still going through every frame, wish I could make sense of some of it though.

PS: tried running them through Atbash too, nothing relevant I fear. We may have to spear head the mudokan substitution first since it's the most visible message and probably the one meant to be found first. I'm seriously out of ideas though, where the big'guns at? :P

Last edited by Varstahl; 03-17-2017 at 05:36 PM..
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03-17-2017, 05:48 PM
OrangeLightning's Avatar
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Nice! Wiese and Varstahl, those high quality and cleaned up versions of the codes help so much!

I decided to have a crack at the Morse code one just since that's the clearest of the three, and I DID have something work--- aaaand not work at the same time lol It works for half of it. So right now I'm trying to figure out if the fact that it works for half of it is a fluke or if the reason it doesn't work for the later half is because either there was some information lost in the video formatting or if it requires a different code (which I don't know why it would but who knows).

I started with the 'GDPQOJ QK QCO BCKPQP DO QKO OTT' and went at it like a substitution cipher, looking for common patterns and frequent letter repeats (starting by assuming 'QCO' is 'THE' and 'QK' is 'TO'), and actually got a cohesive sentence for the first part:

Which would make the known alphabet this:
..GHI....L.. NO......EST
And my assumed alphabet something like this:
I put 'D' under 'I' just because it didn't fit in the possible pattern. Other than 'O'-E and wherever 'D' fits in everything is shifted just a few letters down, which I took as a good sign.

However, using that letter substitution the last part translates to
Which... is pretty much nonsense lol. The 'W' is assuming the pattern is uninterrupted from Q-T though, so it may actually be a different letter. Heck, it could even be D which would make it 'IE TOE EDD' xD

So I don't know! If it's a fluke it's a fluke that fits in with previous message really really well and if it's not then the last part may have just been obscured or there could be meaning there that we don't know of yet. I did think it was kind of weird that the last bit of Morse code on there is spread out so much, so maybe there are just some bits that are missing?

Either way I figured I post my findings
The flintlocks ain't gonna light themselves!

Last edited by OrangeLightning; 03-17-2017 at 05:51 PM..
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03-17-2017, 09:19 PM
Gunnr's Avatar
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Didn't have too much time but took a crack at the pigeon+whatever other decoded letter :\
I didn't get too far as quite a few of the symbols look similar(used that master cipher) and thus gave me multiple answers. Still not sure on the glyphs that were too faded and I know there are still other similar glyphs not noted in my chart(below) i had to stop and was getting kinda ridiculous for the short time I had on it. I mean look at it

Note: I Color coded the "answers" to their corresponding glyph set...hoo. -_-

Glyph trip https://imgur.com/gallery/N2o4P

Wip, later
[FONT="Verdana"]I live in a desert and I drink brew, guess that means that I'm a mud too

Last edited by Gunnr; 03-17-2017 at 09:21 PM..
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03-18-2017, 04:09 AM
Wiese's Avatar
: Mar 2017
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Wiese  (11)

So this part looks very promising, since this phrase appeared in some other code before!
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03-18-2017, 04:19 AM
Silver angel's Avatar
Silver angel
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I have feeling that last word in 'DO QKO OTT' can be "ODD" because it has two same letters.
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03-18-2017, 04:57 AM
: Jan 2017
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Vince  (13)

I always miss so much of these.

One thing I did notice though, is that the Alf's Escape DLC is being sold for 73% off.
As we all know, SEVENTYTHREE was an unsolved clue obtained from a T9 decipher back from Image 2, if I recall correctly.
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03-18-2017, 05:22 AM
Varstahl's Avatar
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Varstahl  (12)

Nice! Wiese and Varstahl, those high quality and cleaned up versions of the codes help so much!

What I noticed is that the second part when reversing dot/dash makes some bit of sense. For example, OTT reversed in morse is SEE. At this point I'll go out on a limb and declare that part a "DO YOU SEE?". How to get that though… But it would make sense, as even that is a reference.

But I'm more worried about the "Listen to the ghosts". It seems clear that there actually IS something in the audio track we didn't quite get. I'll try to get back to it, maybe download a better version of the audio, we'll see. I did again but I think they're just referring to the white noise. Either that or I'm unable to extrapolate/isolate properly.

Last edited by Varstahl; 03-18-2017 at 06:14 AM..
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03-18-2017, 06:26 AM
AvengingGibbons's Avatar
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I did again but I think they're just referring to the white noise. Either that or I'm unable to extrapolate/isolate properly.
What video/audio are you referring to? can u send a link?
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03-18-2017, 06:42 AM
Varstahl's Avatar
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The video we're trying to take stuff out of.
I got its m4a AAC audio with youtube-dl.
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