I wonder who is looking at the prisioner/patient/testsubject...
i mean, it CAN'T be a mudokon... must be the ones conducting the experiment, but those eyes are NOT Glukkons (they have glowy eyes)
Intern? If not I have zero ideas on who/what else those eyes belong to 0.0

If we are seeing Vykkers, it would make sense that a few Interns would be around too,right?
Also I'm not if this poor mud is being driven insane from the brew or experiencing an insane widthdraw from lack there of? 8€
Time to examine the deets of this pic
Edit:Oh i see that lables. On the upper right: "Sample 10 Beverage: SSB/ 004 Subject unstable"
Lable to the left: "specimen 011011 BI"
So it seems the numbers on their chests are for mudokons selected to be a test subject for SSB