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02-08-2017, 05:11 AM
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ColdAlliance90  (10)

I wonder if the Mud in the picture was his poor friend he lost..I was a bit worried that it was Ed honestly. But it's nice to see that at least he's okay.
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02-08-2017, 05:12 AM
OrangeLightning's Avatar
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Well, I'm speechless... Harsh stuff.
Ed lost a friend...
"...he never came back. I could hear him screaming all night... helpless. they took him... he was my friend. how did they know?"
Was just about to post this! Ed's not dead!
But that poor other Mud...
That's so grim...
The flintlocks ain't gonna light themselves!

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02-08-2017, 05:36 AM
AlexanderG's Avatar
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Mad POOR Mudokon

@oddworldInc You've given us enough for us to get to work cleaning up the image, we'll have something by tomorrow. Don't stop looking for the truth! https://t.co/tyG1qTvCeD

This picture show us "they" are taking TEARS from mudokon again, But in a more cruel way...
As they do in Exoddus 18 years ago...
Waiting for Tomorrow... oddworldInc Will clean the picture!
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02-08-2017, 05:43 AM
Silver angel's Avatar
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I wonder was death of poor unnamed Mud planned in ARG, or we accidentally killed someone. Feel myself very guilty, though I wasn't here when everything happened. Like it's Bad Ending that cannot be altered.
Picture is creepy. Some thoughts of craniotrypesis came to me suddenly. O.o Do not know why.
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02-08-2017, 06:09 AM
GlitterPanther's Avatar
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I be here trying to solve it and everyones just like

"Useless comment"
"Useless comment"
Useless comment"

The so I thought, maybe the /\ apply to the letters beside them, this allowed me to get TWO seemingly correct prefic to each strain of numbers and letters, apart from one I could only figure out one, but you know what? In the past the pictures have had two letter codes at the end!
Maybe this is a sign the strings ate backwars eg backcracking?!? Maybe place the // at the end of rows and work backwards?

I dunno, its 4AM and I cant think anymore

Sorry if im a little angry
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02-08-2017, 06:19 AM
TopHattedTime's Avatar
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So they posted this image:

This is some creepy sh*t...

Do they still want us to try figuring out the grid puzzle? We have the key and the answer, but not the actual solution :')
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02-08-2017, 06:19 AM
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dawlthy  (39)

I notice the number 8291 is appearing again, both in the filenames of one of the files, and also in the source code for the grid page where you can see the grid image is set to be 82.91% of the page width
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02-08-2017, 06:23 AM
Michael's Avatar
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Nice work decoding the image! Look forward to seeing the cleaned up version tomorrow

A quick thought on Ed for those wondering if he's in any of the images we find- seems to me that Ed could be named after his slave number, that the last two characters would be ED? (like the BB, BG etc we've seen throughout the ARG)

Perhaps the first letter 'B' could indicate a class/group of worker, B for those destined to be blinded for example, E for... those who keep their eyes? Maybe? Pure speculation!

Lastly, on the image with the text NEED MORE HELP, the infinity symbol and two crosses stood out to me as a depiction of Abe, two eyes and stitch lips! Not had much time to go over this thread so apologies if this has already been mentioned.
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02-08-2017, 06:30 AM
STM's Avatar
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Does anyone think "they" might be testing a tear extractor on this mud? There's a lot of eye related imagery throughout this section of the ARG.
Oh yeah, fair point. Maybe he was just tortured until he lost consciousness.

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02-08-2017, 06:31 AM
Pohatta's Avatar
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I be here trying to solve it and everyones just like

"Useless comment"
"Useless comment"
Useless comment"

The so I thought, maybe the /\ apply to the letters beside them, this allowed me to get TWO seemingly correct prefic to each strain of numbers and letters, apart from one I could only figure out one, but you know what? In the past the pictures have had two letter codes at the end!
Maybe this is a sign the strings ate backwars eg backcracking?!? Maybe place the // at the end of rows and work backwards?

I dunno, its 4AM and I cant think anymore

Sorry if im a little angry
Go to bed. -Useless comment-
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02-08-2017, 06:37 AM
TopHattedTime's Avatar
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02-08-2017, 06:45 AM
GlitterPanther's Avatar
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GlitterPanther  (57)

Xav, can we have seperate thread for the grid and image discussion now? Please....
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02-08-2017, 07:41 AM
JayDee's Avatar
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So they posted this image:

This is some creepy sh*t...
I think the binary on the monitor may line up to this tweet sent by Ed a while ago. It translates to "Can you hear me"


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02-08-2017, 07:45 AM
Phoetux's Avatar
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The binary code says:
"Can you hear me"

e: Im a idiot. Xavier pls delet this post
v- My other places -v

Last edited by Phoetux; 02-08-2017 at 07:48 AM..
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02-08-2017, 07:50 AM
Oddipus's Avatar
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Hi you all. It's been a long time since I visited the forums. And what a topic has this become! 20 pages of crazy oddworldness.

I'm not good with cyphers or photoshop, but I love puzles. I hope Soulstorm will turn out to be less difficult than this ARG. Just trying to follow what's happening is a challenge.

Anyway, I think applying True and false on the letter and number string is the start. Like vince mentioned around page 9.

I know It's a rather useless comment, but know that there are extra brains out there trying to help.

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02-08-2017, 08:07 AM
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Oh damn. You joined in 2001! Welcome back!

crazy oddworldness

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02-08-2017, 10:18 AM
Nicky Ali's Avatar
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Well, I'm speechless... Harsh stuff.
Ed lost a friend...
"...he never came back. I could hear him screaming all night... helpless. they took him... he was my friend. how did they know?"
Wow, this stuff is getting grim

A moment of silence for Ed's friend...

http://www.twitter.com/ZUB0DII - Follow me!

Last edited by Nicky Ali; 02-08-2017 at 10:21 AM..
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02-08-2017, 10:26 AM
OWI_Alex's Avatar
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Wow, this stuff is getting grim

A moment of silence for Ed's friend...
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02-08-2017, 10:56 AM
Scrabaniac's Avatar
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Not sure if anyone has pointed out the syringe/needle in the bottom right corner... It seems to have 3 finger holes. As Vykkers have 3 fingers, do you reckon we will see them in Soulstorm?
[Type your signature here]

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02-08-2017, 11:06 AM
acedude's Avatar
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The details on this new image is nice. The jar in the upper left has the octogi symbol
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02-08-2017, 11:10 AM
HOMINIX's Avatar
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By the way was it ever confirmed if that was officially the Magog Cartel logo?
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	Magog_Cartel_Logo.JPG
Views:	224
Size:	30.4 
ID:	14441  

Last edited by HOMINIX; 02-08-2017 at 11:13 AM..
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02-08-2017, 11:21 AM
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Not sure if anyone has pointed out the syringe/needle in the bottom right corner... It seems to have 3 finger holes. As Vykkers have 3 fingers, do you reckon we will see them in Soulstorm?
That would be a nice way to better link Soulstorm with Munch’s story in the future.

By the way was it ever confirmed if that was officially the Magog Cartel logo?
The Magog Cartel has never been mentioned by name in the games (except for a reference via ‘Magog on the March News’), but it’s been named as the logo in concept art I believe.

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02-08-2017, 11:23 AM
GlitterPanther's Avatar
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Do we need to solve the grid or not?
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02-08-2017, 11:33 AM
OWI_Alex's Avatar
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Do we need to solve the grid or not?

Need to? I think the final clear images are behind the solving of the grid puzzle.
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02-08-2017, 11:47 AM
GlitterPanther's Avatar
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Need to? I think the final clear images are behind the solving of the grid puzzle.
you replied!

What I meant was, do we need to solve it now that everyone is stiching the Images together, cause im still working on it

But I dont want to waste time on it if you guys dont care anymore...

Cause it actually costs me alot in data to get on here

Iv spent $40 in the past two weeks trying to solve stuff XD

Last edited by GlitterPanther; 02-08-2017 at 11:50 AM..
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02-08-2017, 11:54 AM
Nicky Ali's Avatar
Nicky Ali
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Like it's Bad Ending that cannot be altered.
This makes me wonder if this is a subtle teaser for what Soulstorm's Quarma system may be like. Like, maybe if loads of Mudokons die in-game and then you load a previous quik-save, the game will still remember that you let them die previously and uses this to mess with you a bit? Kind of like Undertale, if any of you have played that.

I dunno, maybe I'm just getting ahead of myself here haha.

So they posted this image:

This is some creepy sh*t...

I'm guessing that symbol is meant to be Abe, right?

http://www.twitter.com/ZUB0DII - Follow me!

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02-08-2017, 12:08 PM
TheManFromMudos's Avatar
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Not sure if anyone has pointed out the syringe/needle in the bottom right corner... It seems to have 3 finger holes. As Vykkers have 3 fingers, do you reckon we will see them in Soulstorm?
It would be pretty interesting to see some Vykker involvement at Soulstorm Brewery, perhaps they are the ones behind the technology of the Tear Xtractors...

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02-08-2017, 12:46 PM
Silver angel's Avatar
Silver angel
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This makes me wonder if this is a subtle teaser for what Soulstorm's Quarma system may be like. Like, maybe if loads of Mudokons die in-game and then you load a previous quik-save, the game will still remember that you let them die previously and uses this to mess with you a bit? Kind of like Undertale, if any of you have played that.
This will be too brutal. In Undertale players can choose
whether they want to go to a bad ending or not. It will be on their conscience. In Oddworld games you can just
accidentally skip some Mudokons because didn't even knew secret level was hidden in certain place.
Especially this will mean you never get good ending after that.
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02-08-2017, 01:00 PM
OWI_Pete's Avatar
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This will be too brutal.
Dude, you guys used a script to find some photographs and it got someone painfully killed, do you really think anything is off limits at this stage?
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02-08-2017, 01:03 PM
GlitterPanther's Avatar
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GlitterPanther  (57)

Dude, you guys used a script to find some photographs and it got someone painfully killed, do you really think anything is off limits at this stage?
Dont lump us all.in with that person, some of us were trying to actually play the game
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