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01-26-2017, 07:59 AM
TopHattedTime's Avatar
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Love this new HD image from OWI! And yeah, that glukkon is definite intimidating. Don't know if it's Mullock though, maybe a similar model as they already had a modern cutscene Mullock model available to modify. I would imagine Mullock would be the type to always have a cigar in his mouth and I can't see one on him. It may be a Feeco or Soulstorm Executive overseeing new workers.

On another note, with these Mudokon worker IDs, I notice all the letters in each ID are lower than F so maybe not binary, but hexadecimal which would make more sense for how many workers across Oddworld there would possibly be. The range of a six digit binary number is 64 where as a eight digit hexdecimal range is 4294967296.


010101BB = 16843195
110110BC = 285282492
100000BE = 268435646
010100B0 = 16842928

Don't know if I'm onto something here but it definitely makes more sense an ID system...

So I feel like I'm grasping at straws here, but putting those numbers into an "alphanumerical" decrypter gave me this. Note the "results" part on the left - finally a use for those arrows?

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01-26-2017, 08:03 AM
GlitterPanther's Avatar
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So I feel like I'm grasping at straws here, but putting those numbers into an "alphanumerical" decrypter gave me this. Note the "results" part on the left - finally a use for those arrows?

You could be onto sonething, maybe the arrows tell us what way to cipher the numbers and letters

Also, I may be wrong, but, what if, the number, refer to letters, and then we keen to go to a keyboard and get the symbols from the letters and then decode them?

For example


Also, would any if this, or the numbers, mean anything in computer code?

Last edited by GlitterPanther; 01-26-2017 at 08:20 AM..
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01-26-2017, 08:43 AM
PenguinX45654's Avatar
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You could be onto sonething, maybe the arrows tell us what way to cipher the numbers and letters

Also, I may be wrong, but, what if, the number, refer to letters, and then we keen to go to a keyboard and get the symbols from the letters and then decode them?

For example


Also, would any if this, or the numbers, mean anything in computer code?
Now that's really interesting! Really like that idea with the arrows, GlitterPanther and TopHattedTime! I think that might be more plausible to the ARG than the hex idea I had as I was hoping to see some common number differences. There might be some there as I'm not as savvy as some on this forum with finding unique number patterns (like that one a week ago with the digits)

One question though, those decryption method work with diagonal arrows as there look like there were some on that image. Maybe for a diagonal you decrypt twice? For example: diagonal top-right would have you shift up then right?
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01-26-2017, 08:49 AM
mattb150's Avatar
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At work for another 2 hours, when I arrive home I intend to do some processing on the released image to:

a) Isolate the "hidden" strings more clearly
b) See if anything else stands out postprocess

I've wondered about hexadecimal as well. Perhaps we're intended to first translate hexadecimal to alphanumerical (ie ASCI) and then do some additional decoding from there. The fact that an anagram of the letters can yield "alphanumerical" together with the fact that decoding hex -> ASCI would essentially mean you've taken the given input and transformed it from hex -> alphanumerical has certainly got me thinking... hex would be confined to 0-9 A-F, so patterns which correlate with possibly being hex should definitely be noted, as should those which could not possibly be hex.

Last edited by mattb150; 01-26-2017 at 08:52 AM..
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01-26-2017, 08:57 AM
GlitterPanther's Avatar
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Okay, new idea, T9 cipher

2384 = Beth
3738 = Fern
9455 = Will

Onto something?

Also found

59 37 42 74 26 25 25 86

Which if we take them as lat and long the first four result in a spot in the ocean off Greenland

And I tried putting them together as foura numbers then translating, the results where well... look

↑↓ ↑↓

And just so people knows abes code is

153, reverse 351

Last edited by GlitterPanther; 01-26-2017 at 09:36 AM..
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01-26-2017, 09:41 AM
GlitterPanther's Avatar
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Everyone keep an eye out if




Appear XP
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01-26-2017, 09:51 AM
Gunnr's Avatar
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Just one quick note, this image is actually the result of some of the other teams currently working with us on Soulstorm - Cyrus McWilliams, formerly of Blur, and Fat Kraken Studios in England which is a group of key personnel that worked on New 'n' Tasty too.

Whaaat, so awesome! Best team

Okay, new idea, T9 cipher

2384 = Beth
3738 = Fern
9455 = Will

Onto something?

I think so! =)
[FONT="Verdana"]I live in a desert and I drink brew, guess that means that I'm a mud too

Last edited by Gunnr; 01-26-2017 at 09:53 AM..
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01-26-2017, 09:55 AM
GlitterPanther's Avatar
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GlitterPanther  (57)

Whaaat, so awesome! Best team

Okay, new idea, T9 cipher

2384 = Beth
3738 = Fern
9455 = Will

Onto something?

I think so! =)

Thanks!, it quite hilarious cause the other numbers spell rude things! Thats why I didnt post them XD
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01-26-2017, 10:46 AM
GlitterPanther's Avatar
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Incase no one noticed they updated the Soul Storm page

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01-26-2017, 10:59 AM
mattb150's Avatar
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Text isolation attempt, the one in the center is really quite hard to get any clearer, tried a lot of different methods. However I'm pretty sure its 100000BD. I'm going to move on to looking for anomalies other than text now, like isolating the reflection in the middle mud's eye. I'll update this post as I go.

Click image for larger version

Name:	Complete_1_Iso.jpg
Views:	172
Size:	448.4 
ID:	14411

Last edited by mattb150; 01-26-2017 at 11:45 AM..
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01-26-2017, 11:39 AM
GlitterPanther's Avatar
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GlitterPanther  (57)

So iv been doing some ciphering of the numbers the most I got is

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01-26-2017, 02:12 PM
GlitterPanther's Avatar
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GlitterPanther  (57)

I think in gonna give up decoding, nothings really working
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01-26-2017, 02:30 PM
: Jan 2017
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Vince  (13)

Agreed, the only thing I can add is that I'm pretty sure the Moduken on the far right is no. 110110BC.

Just to confirm that these are all their ID numbers or whatever.

As for translations, I'm not sure if it's a code.
Has anyone tried adding .io on the end?
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01-26-2017, 05:22 PM
JayDee's Avatar
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I don't disagree yet these people seem reasonable. I mean, some ex-employees of JAW (like Matt Glanville) are now working on Soulstorm. Like I said: wait and see.
It all comes down to budget which Soulstorm seems to have somewhat - if not considerably - more than NnT had. Abe's Exoddus was always my favourite out of the two main 2D titles and I'm more than happy to see Abe's Oddysee/New N Tasty used as a stepping stone to push the Oddworld franchise further and back into the spotlight. With the the potential Soulstorm has only further pushing Oddworld back into relevancy and towards newer and fully original content.

Lonre can put as many metaphors about capitalism in his games as he wants, but the bottom line is: Video games cost money.

Edit: To keep this on topic. The picture released today looks pretty great and going to investigated the "ALPHA NUMERICALLY" further.

Last edited by JayDee; 01-26-2017 at 05:27 PM..
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01-26-2017, 06:06 PM
GlitterPanther's Avatar
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GlitterPanther  (57)


Edit: To keep this on topic. The picture released today looks pretty great and going to investigated the "ALPHA NUMERICALLY" further.
Thank you, iv been working alone
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01-26-2017, 10:39 PM
Nate's Avatar
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I know the latest pic has been uploaded on both Twitter and Facebook, as well as the Oddworld website. Has anyone confirmed that they are in fact the same picture? They might be using Steganography to hide information in the pics.
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

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01-27-2017, 12:12 AM
Xavier's Avatar
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ADMIN EDIT: In an attempt to separate the speculations on the content of the photo leaked by the clandestine organization known as "Spirit of 1029" and the rest of their codes I'm splitting the original discussion in two separate threads.

Please feel free to speculate over the content in the following thread:

SPIRITOF1029 - The first image leaks

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01-27-2017, 10:49 AM
Shade_Meadows's Avatar
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Well then, while we wait for the next clue (or hint)
we need to discuss the Pic, so good thing you did a thread just for that!
=) now we speculate and wait!
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01-27-2017, 11:24 AM
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seniormeatbox  (47)

As happy as I am that this is still going strong, I gotta say I'm out. It just doesn't feel as unique now that absolutely everybody is in on it.
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01-27-2017, 11:28 AM
kjjcarpenter's Avatar
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Well, that's awfully pompous.
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01-27-2017, 12:39 PM
Jaster's Avatar
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As happy as I am that this is still going strong, I gotta say I'm out. It just doesn't feel as unique now that absolutely everybody is in on it.
So you're not going to play Soulstorm?... because they're going to sell millions of copies of that game (?).

Sorry xD.

I don't want to appear impacient, but do we know something about a next clue or something?
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01-27-2017, 04:32 PM
: Jan 2017
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Vince  (13)

I've shoved the four codes through every translator I can find that's even remotely similar.


I got nothing.
Other than one site saying all of the numbers alone made the word 'moo'.
But I feel as if that's not right.

I tried adding them as parts of the 1029.io website, with the repository and without, all of which just ends in the 404 symbol.

I tried translating just the numbers into binary, only (00)110110 gets a result -- of '6'. The rest produce nothing. Also, binary requires 8 digits, not 6 so by default it adds on 00 at the start.

I tried translating them from binary to decimal, you end up with 21, 54, 32, and 20 respectively. Tried using all of those in some form with the 1029.io url -- nothing. Tried making them their own .io urls but still nothing.

I messed around with the image a little to see if there was anything we were missing, and I can't find anything (then again, I'm awful at image editing).

I'm out of ideas.

The only information I have gained is that they all possess the 'B' in the same location, and that there are 4 codes/IDs for only 3 mudokens in the image.
Hardly information, but seriously, I have absolutely nothing at all.

Last edited by Vince; 01-27-2017 at 04:58 PM.. : Added a bunch more methods that I have tried.
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01-28-2017, 04:54 AM
Xavier's Avatar
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Looks like the guys at Game Detectives are looking into the ARG as well


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01-28-2017, 05:07 AM
Manco's Avatar
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I see some familiar graphics in that page, we must have some people pulling double duty in this thread…

twitter (stream of thoughts)
steam (games i never play)

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01-28-2017, 05:17 AM
mattb150's Avatar
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The hype train has plenty of space

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01-28-2017, 06:45 AM
SligValet's Avatar
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Wild thought to support the flashback with Molluck theory of the photo - in the crumbled up version of the photo, we never saw the Glukkon because his entire face is crossed out and torn through the paper - either to hide it and make us wondering, or it could signify him being dead. Thus it could infact be Molluck in some sort of flashback sequence
Professional Lurker

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01-28-2017, 08:32 AM
: Jan 2017
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Vince  (13)

Wild thought to support the flashback with Molluck theory of the photo - in the crumbled up version of the photo, we never saw the Glukkon because his entire face is crossed out and torn through the paper - either to hide it and make us wondering, or it could signify him being dead. Thus it could infact be Molluck in some sort of flashback sequence
Please feel free to speculate over the content in the following thread:

SPIRITOF1029 - The first image leaks
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01-28-2017, 01:08 PM
Shade_Meadows's Avatar
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Well... you guys think it will be a image after a period of time? (a image a month for example) if so, do you think after the 5th image we get a release date? (or at least a trailer?)
It does seem Oddworld is building up for something
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01-28-2017, 02:53 PM
Connell's Avatar
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Back in the earlier stages of the ARG one of clues lead us to some morse code that said "I CAN HELP YOU KNOW THE DATE". That never came to anything, so perhaps we will get a release date at the end of it. I imagine on Monday they will give us the first clues toward the 2nd picture, with a similar time frame for the reveal as the 1st picture.
In Odd We Trust.

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01-29-2017, 04:26 PM
Oddsville's Avatar
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Whenever I enter the binary I can read and in the order I believe it goes it converts to "we".
I believe it goes: 010101BB, 110110BC, 010100BD, and 100000BE (I believe, the last ones hard to read).

And its good to be back Xav, always checked in on this place. Glad somethings out in the community again to get us working together.
..I managed to take out the tiger with a can of mace; but the shop owner and his son, that's a different story all together...I had to beat them to death with their own shoes...


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