So my idea was to use the hex codes (because this has many Oddworld references included). Then, following the path of the solution of the last puzzle, take the first value from each triangle that you pass by. So, for example, following the path and stopping at the 121212 triangle gets the value #aface1. I stopped there because of the limitation on Hex values, and I'm unsure what to do after that. I hope this at least helps a bit ^^;
Hmm now that is an interesting lead. It's plausible considering the face is the next big reveal coming up. #AFace1 doesn't return anything on Twitter as a hashtag, and I can't find any URL's on the Soulstorm site, but this might be good. Perhaps Ed's "use the first" Tweet also meant use the first letter of each.
EDIT: It says
ABEFACE1 from top to bottom. I edited my photo from yesterday to include the Hex codes. Can't believe how close I was, I just didn't look for that pattern, well done Spide, now it's just a question of what the last digit is? Perhaps the hex code of the red circles?
EDIT: I think it has something to do with the "1029" triangles on the right and their pattern. I believe this would make it
ABEFACE15. But if that is right, what do we do with it? Also, down the left hand side and bottom row of the picture it says "15ABEDEAD" in HEX code. Strange!
Triple edit: THEY KNOW.
The top banter continues afterward.