Darkhoodness actually made the RF factory in Minecraft. A lot of us helped him on the server and even remade the AO intro in it. 
Oh, right, right, my bad.
The old OWF server was awesome; definitely the best gaming experience I've ever had. I have so many great memories of the things we built and adventures we shared.
Resurrection of the Minecraft server is possibly the one thing that would really bring me back into OWF.
It made me wish my old PC could handle Minecraft, just so I could join in all the fun.
That scrab is really cool; you did a really good job designing it!
But now you have to recreate it entirely in survival. 
Thanks. That would be something, ha. If I had the equipment to film it all, I would just have to do that, but alas, no such tools are in my reach.
Anywho, enough with my boring chit-chat.
My next post will be of Scrab number 2 being built and/or finished, I promise.