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10-27-2015, 12:11 AM
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Playing Heroes of Might & Magic IV. It's an amazing game. I don't understand people who don't like it.
I gave it a go a couple of years ago. After playing LOADS of HOMM2 and 3, some of the changes in 4 just didn't feel right to me. That being said, I honestly couldn't tell now what these changes were (it was ages ago - I remember the building system was different, with branching options and whatnot).

I've played some HOMM5 recently. It's more similar to 2 and 3, but I kinda miss the little narrative windows that came up for even the most mundane actions, like picking up a pile of wood. It made the game feel like a proper story.

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10-27-2015, 01:56 AM
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The major changes from previous Heroes games are:
-Switch in battle perspective, the battles are more diagonal instead of horizontal
-Instead of hex grid there is some strange sort of very small grid, which basically works similar to hexes
-You can move heroes in battle, they can attack and defend, die, be ressurected in cities for no charge.
-You can put some guards to protect your mines
-Monsters spawn everyday in a very slow rate, instead of spawning on Monday in high rates
-You can move monsters on world map without hero, but then they're mostly useless - the only real use seems to act as reinforcements for hero

Sometimes it feels like a step up in Heroes games, sometimes it feels like a step in other direction. It's still better than HoMMV which is a step back from HoMMIII in most ways
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11-07-2015, 04:54 PM
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Sonic Lost World turned up on Steam out of the blue, and you know what? I’m enjoying it more than I thought I would. The negative reception from the original Wii-U release and the move away from Generations-style gameplay gave me the impression it was a train wreck of a game, but it’s actually a fun platformer. The level design is geared much more heavily towards platforming and Sonic’s speed and moves have been altered to the point where you can compare directly to Mario Galaxy (or so I’ve heard, as I’ve never played a Mario game for more than two minutes).

It’s not perfect by any means — there are a few too many gimmicks, some of the controls feel a little sticky for my liking, and the porting effort is barebones enough to upset PC gaming purists — but it’s polished, it’s bright and colorful, the soundtrack is nice and bouncy and the story is lighthearted with no guns or profanity or destroyed futures or murders. It’s not as crazy-fast-fun as Colors or Generations, but it’s a solid platforming game in its own right in my opinion.

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11-11-2015, 11:07 AM
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MOD EDIT: The argument that this thread provoked was split off to here.

It hurts me to admit it, but Fallout 3 proved to be a better game than Fallout 4.

And Fallout 3 is a boring, repetitive, uncreative, imbalanced, ugly, gosh-darn-8-year-old stupid, stiff, buggy mess.

But I bought Roundabout. It's an amazing game. I love it. It's about going round and about. Playing it while listening to that:

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11-12-2015, 10:47 PM
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Ahhh good old OWF. Gotta love these ridiculous banters.

In other news, I've been playing a lot of GTA V because it's an easy game to get lost in and I hate my life so it's nice to get lost. I die a lot because I keep enjoying how pretty the game is. Seriously, this game is gorgeous beyond words, the textures are great, the lighting blows my mind, and the water. Ooooooh the water. The water may be the best I have ever seen in a real time render ever. I spend a lot of time looking at this game and just enjoying it visually. Also, Russian WWII tank:

My fave tank chassis for some reason is just in a junkyard in this game.

Xorlidyr: The tidal waves clean our sins.

My Steam: spiderqueen ;Oddio is the best pun

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11-21-2015, 08:54 AM
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But I bought Roundabout. It's an amazing game. I love it. It's about going round and about. Playing it while listening to that:

Hah, I love that song!

For me it's MGSV, Fallout 4, Hearthstone, Killzone Mercenary and H1Z1.

I stream games and art now!

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11-29-2015, 10:53 AM
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After getting pretty bored with Fallout 4 I went back to New Vegas and holy crap it might be my new favourite game.
steam me hard

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11-29-2015, 10:55 AM
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I've just bought all the DLC for New Vegas since I somehow missed them. I've heard many good things so I'm looking forward to it.

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11-29-2015, 11:10 AM
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They're all really good. Hard to say which one is my favourite, but Dead Money, despite having some infuriating survival-horror themed gameplay mechanics, definitely brought a few tears to my eyes (and a LOT of money to my pockets). It's also creepy as fuck, but then there's Old World Blues' light-hearted sci-fi satire to pick you back up after.

I'd start with Honest Hearts, though, depending on your level, etc. It's the easiest by a fairly large margin, still was pretty tough for me at level 16 though. A good challenge, and Joshua Graham was such an interesting character.
steam me hard

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11-30-2015, 03:09 PM
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I've been playing Dying Light with my brother lately. It's kind of fun but I can't stand all of the fetch quests in it. Really boring shit. I'm not sure if I'd be bothering with it if I wasn't playing with my brother, because multiplayer it what actually makes it fun. That, and running around at night when it's really dangerous.

Aside from that I've also been playing Undertale. I gave into the hype and finally bought it a couple of weeks ago. I'm going through it slowly right now, but so far, not bad. It's got some pretty funny moments and the boss fights are actually pretty damn fun and challenging, and I haven't even gotten to some of the 'harder' fights according to what I've heard. Soundtrack is amazing too, of course.
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12-02-2015, 02:14 AM
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I finished Undertale like two days ago and I'm obsessed. I can't stop browsing /r/undertale and I have like 3 songs from that game stuck in my head. The music is amazing, the story is great, and it made me cry not once, but twice.

Seriously, if this game isn't GOTY material, I don't know what game is.
yvif hzhzn

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12-02-2015, 04:35 AM
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I felt like that till I got that so called "Best ending". It was lame as fuck. Normal ending ftw.
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12-02-2015, 04:48 AM
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I've been meaning to check out Undertale. I've heard only good things.

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12-02-2015, 09:20 AM
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yvif hzhzn

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12-02-2015, 11:01 AM
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I've been meaning to check out Undertale. I've heard only good things.
It's a great game, you'll like it.
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12-03-2015, 01:19 PM
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So I got the neutral ending last night, and I don't really get something: Is it possible to actually lose against Flowey in that last fight? Because I was constantly at the end of my health bar and still taking hits.
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12-03-2015, 10:58 PM
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Yeah, it is. I mean, it didn't happen to me but apparently a lot of people died at that fight. But the fight doesn't reset if you die. Flowey crashes your game and when you start it up again he loads the last save.
yvif hzhzn

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12-04-2015, 12:13 AM
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it was actually fun to watch. I died a few times fighting to him. You can't die after summoning all hearts tho, or it's really hard
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12-04-2015, 06:09 AM
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I've recently started playing Mount and Blade: With Fire and Sword. It's a pretty neat game, although a little outdated.
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12-04-2015, 05:18 PM
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I just binged all 5 episodes of Tales from the Borderlands. having never played a borderlands game I absolutely loved the fuck out of it. Its my GOTY. Its so, so good. Id say its the best thing TellTale has ever made.

I want to get the handsome jack collection just so I can experience more of the world.
PSN: Shade667-
Youtube: TheUltimateShade667
Patience is a virtue.

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12-05-2015, 01:33 AM
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Started to Replay Rayman Revolution (or Rayman 2 to many of you).

I can't believe how well that game has held up, Even on PS2 it looks good.

Twitter | Discord: Crashpunk#0025

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12-05-2015, 03:02 AM
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Does Rayman 2 for PS2 have the PC variant of last boss (Free flight) or the PSX variant (corridor with spike evasion)?
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12-05-2015, 04:17 AM
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It has the stupid goddamn motherfucking missile flying fucker ballsack ending. I have literally never been able to beat Razorbeard because of that.

Also I've never though Rayman 2 was that great. It's good for sure, and the it's enjoyable to play, but I just don't think the gameplay is that interesting. Rayman 3 gets much less fanfare despite being an overall better game - the big thing it loses out on is pacing. I'm saying this as someone who was 3 when Rayman 2 came out though, and in context I can appreciate that it was pretty huge.

It's not even that it's aged badly though. It's such a well executed platformer that the gameplay is still solid as hell.
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12-05-2015, 04:29 AM
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Both variants have missle flying. The gameplay mechanics are different tho.
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12-05-2015, 06:07 AM
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It has the Corridor with spikes on that fucking flying missile. Worst part of the game by far.

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12-05-2015, 07:07 AM
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If that helps you, corridor version is actually easier to control. PC version is insane
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12-09-2015, 06:14 AM
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Rayman 3 gets much less fanfare despite being an overall better game - the big thing it loses out on is pacing.
*MeechMunchie is summoned from the grave by the phrase "Rayman 3"*

High five.

*Crumbles to ash*

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12-09-2015, 06:44 AM
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I've started playing GTA Online again because my best friend bought the game. I'm having hella fun.

My character looks like the whitest girl ever.

yvif hzhzn

Last edited by FrustratedAssassin; 12-09-2015 at 06:48 AM..
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12-09-2015, 07:52 AM
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It has the stupid goddamn motherfucking missile flying fucker ballsack ending. I have literally never been able to beat Razorbeard because of that.

Also I've never though Rayman 2 was that great. It's good for sure, and the it's enjoyable to play, but I just don't think the gameplay is that interesting. Rayman 3 gets much less fanfare despite being an overall better game - the big thing it loses out on is pacing. I'm saying this as someone who was 3 when Rayman 2 came out though, and in context I can appreciate that it was pretty huge.

It's not even that it's aged badly though. It's such a well executed platformer that the gameplay is still solid as hell.
Rayman 2 is still darker than Nn't.
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12-09-2015, 09:35 AM
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*MeechMunchie is summoned from the grave by the phrase "Rayman 3"*

High five.

*Crumbles to ash*
That's how we know MM has blocked me and can't see my posts.

Rayman 2 is still darker than Nn't.
That's a truth bomb.
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