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11-15-2015, 02:46 AM
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Legendary enemies are also an addition I like. They're super strong but have some amazing loot if you kill them. Reminds me a lot of Borderlands.

Just last night I fought a Legendary Super Mutant who had a mini-gun which does an additional 50 radiation damage. So much time was spend trying to kill him without having a fuck ton of rads. I now have the mini-gun and it's bloody broken.

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11-15-2015, 05:09 AM
FrustratedAssassin's Avatar
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Legendary enemies are also an addition I like. They're super strong but have some amazing loot if you kill them. Reminds me a lot of Borderlands.

Just last night I fought a Legendary Super Mutant who had a mini-gun which does an additional 50 radiation damage. So much time was spend trying to kill him without having a fuck ton of rads. I now have the mini-gun and it's bloody broken.
So far I'm level 20-something and all the "Legendary" loot I've found was crap, except a pretty OP leather armor I'm using. Poisoner's Leather Chestpiece I think it's called?

But yeah, legendary enemies are fun. First time I encountered one I was super low level and I had just discovered the diner trader. Luckily I had my power armor with me at the time, but I still died a few times because I was out of cores.
yvif hzhzn

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11-16-2015, 12:38 AM
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From some of the gameplay videos I’ve seen things which look like separate armor for different body parts (a la Morrowind), is that the case?
Yes, you have three different "layers" for the head, and five for chest and limbs. You can also modify these separate armor pieces, which is pretty great. The only problem I have is that it's kinda hard to tell on the transfer screen what pieces of clothing can armor be applied to. I try to outfit my settlers as much as possible, but some clothing are not applicable with armor. Long Johns, Raider and Road Leathers are fully compatible with them, for instance; Dresses can only take Arm and Head layers; and there are things like Hooded Rags which simply won't take any armor on.

So yes, I've also played a lot of FO4 in the past week. I've heard a lot of flak about it, and some of it I agree with. There are stupid glitches, as usual (just like in the previous games). I miss the depth of the old dialogue system (the only thing that seems to factor in extra dialogue options now is Charisma - in 3 and NV pretty much every Attribute or Skill could possibly open up a new option). Controls are sometimes irksome.

Yet I still enjoy the game. It still has that enjoyment of exploration that I liked in the previous game. One time, I was looking for places that might have a lot of junk (improving settlements quickly became the game for me - whether this is a good or a bad thing is debateable, but I get something out of it at least). I stumbled into a ruined school building, and after some investigation I found a set of bars on the ground level. I found that weird for a school, so I opened the door, and further down the hallway I found a Vault which was as fun to explore as it usually is in Fallout games. They each tell a story in a way that doesn't solely rely on text - the setting gives you hints and lets you figure out what actually went down in the respective Vault.

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11-18-2015, 05:58 AM
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Fuck armour. I'm always naked. Who needs protection when you take out legendary enemies in one hit from your super sledge?
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11-18-2015, 07:12 AM
Mac Sirloin's Avatar
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Oh, fuck Fallout.

This game looks like a really dumb Fallout 3, which itself was a blundering, hideous misinterpretation of Fallout 1 and 2. I'm so sick of hearing people talk about Star Wars and Fallout.

Fallout has followed this insidious trajectory of dumbing-down that I, as someone who has never completed one of these games, completely understand. It just looks about as complex and deep as Megaman X. Ooh, later in the game you get a robot costume? Hot damn, I can't wait to not be able to carry that!

I like the aesthetic, but the execution just feels like people are missing the real meat of this sardonic world. All the constant relating back to these cryptic, ominous factions takes away from being a stranger in a wasteland and foists so many roles upon you anyway. It's dripping with irony, but my god these games are so ugly. These infernal, monstrous, completely synthetic looking people just teeter on the edge of survival in the wasteland and they complain. These games are about complaining at their core. Your inventory complains when it's full, your jellied spine complains for rad-away and these pointless souls beg for your help.

It's sickening. It gives me a headache. Fallout is Mel Gibson vomiting up syringes on a .22 rifle in a 50's diner that uses a 6th grade chemistry quiz as a placemat. I am so sick of hearing about this lame-ass series and the fact that it's not the neckbeard fodder I thought it was, the fact that a zillion people have purchased this and are shitting their pants about it makes absolutely no sense to me.
I see you jockin' me.

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11-18-2015, 07:55 AM
FrustratedAssassin's Avatar
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So your entire critisicm of the game boils down to "it must be objectively horrible because I don't like the graphics"?

It's (ostentibly) an RPG, of course people are going to complain to you. If they didn't, you'd have no quests. The game would just throw you without an aim into the world. However fun that might seem like, it gets boring quickly.

Oh, and the Power Armor, which is not a new thing to the series BTW, it just works decently now, doesn't weigh you down because it's not an inventory item, it's more or less a vehicle you get into and out of.

The game is flawed as fuck, and there are valid complaints to be had. It's just that your complaints are more based around the fact that you simply don't like this type of game.
yvif hzhzn

Last edited by FrustratedAssassin; 11-18-2015 at 07:58 AM..
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11-18-2015, 08:56 AM
Varrok's Avatar
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Oh, fuck Fallout.

This game looks like a really dumb Fallout 3, which itself was a blundering, hideous misinterpretation of Fallout 1 and 2. I'm so sick of hearing people talk about Star Wars and Fallout.

Fallout has followed this insidious trajectory of dumbing-down that I, as someone who has never completed one of these games, completely understand. It just looks about as complex and deep as Megaman X. Ooh, later in the game you get a robot costume? Hot damn, I can't wait to not be able to carry that!

I like the aesthetic, but the execution just feels like people are missing the real meat of this sardonic world. All the constant relating back to these cryptic, ominous factions takes away from being a stranger in a wasteland and foists so many roles upon you anyway. It's dripping with irony, but my god these games are so ugly. These infernal, monstrous, completely synthetic looking people just teeter on the edge of survival in the wasteland and they complain. These games are about complaining at their core. Your inventory complains when it's full, your jellied spine complains for rad-away and these pointless souls beg for your help.

It's sickening. It gives me a headache. Fallout is Mel Gibson vomiting up syringes on a .22 rifle in a 50's diner that uses a 6th grade chemistry quiz as a placemat. I am so sick of hearing about this lame-ass series and the fact that it's not the neckbeard fodder I thought it was, the fact that a zillion people have purchased this and are shitting their pants about it makes absolutely no sense to me.
As I live and breathe... a sane person. Here on OWF?

My review is still coming up, but I've literally been watching a Star Wars movie a day instead of playing the game and therefore didn't gather enough material yet. My apologies for the unintended irony.
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11-18-2015, 09:40 AM
Mac Sirloin's Avatar
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So your entire critisicm of the game boils down to "it must be objectively horrible because I don't like the graphics"?

It's (ostentibly) an RPG, of course people are going to complain to you. If they didn't, you'd have no quests. The game would just throw you without an aim into the world. However fun that might seem like, it gets boring quickly.

Oh, and the Power Armor, which is not a new thing to the series BTW, it just works decently now, doesn't weigh you down because it's not an inventory item, it's more or less a vehicle you get into and out of.

The game is flawed as fuck, and there are valid complaints to be had. It's just that your complaints are more based around the fact that you simply don't like this type of game.
No, captain patronizing, I don't dislike the game because the graphics are bad or because I dislike 'this type of game' (I play retard-grade first person shooters all the time, so I should love Fallout 4). I dislike the game because everything I've seen looks like a seriously dumbed down re imagining of a world that already lacked anything new to offer.

The old fallout games, the really old ones, required a much more cerebral approach. I'm not saying the turn based, point and click style should have remained, but taking that glacially paced turn system and then making a sequel whose gunplay is deliberately and publicly modelled after that of Destiny (which is just the gunplay from COD with more lasers) is just such a step backwards. It's like people are praising this game for simply communicating the themes and design of the world in an easy way that suits their sugared-up attention spans.

Call me elitist if you like, this particular opinion of mind is extremely elitist, but if Bethesda is going to design and market something based on an almost 20 year-old property, they should try to do something new with it. Instead, the highlights of the game seem to be:
-Robot costume
-Bazaar made out of junk
-Vault boy motifs shoved everywhere
-Super mutants (orcs)
-beaten up old houses
-some weird looking cars
-classical jazz/bepop music crammed in everywhereier

All of which were highlights of Fallout 3, which at least had the decency to slow the pace down a little and offer you some dirty old buildings to sift through. This honestly looks like a mod of Fallout 3 to me. The awkward, seemingly last-minute iron-sights on the guns, the slightly brighter and more colorful pallette, it's just the same derivative crap FO3 was but the distinction here is that FO3 found its legs in the insane modding community, Fallout 4 doesn't have that same entitlement. It's a big, fat console release that everyone is talking about but it just seems to be because they were too young or too dumb to have the exact same experience in Fallout 3, eight years ago.

It's funny you label it an RPG, because by all counts it should be, but it's not. You're not taking on the role of something distinct or effective within the narrative. You're just another vault dweller, wandering into the wasteland and engaging in activity that is really beyond your ability or understanding. What is so special about this post-apocalyptic world if anyone with a laser gun and a vault suit can turn out to be a superhero? I mean, what possible motivation does your character have to get wrapped up in a bunch of political bullshit when that is what getting out of the vault freed them of in the first place?

It's derivative, tired crap and the only reason people act like it isn't is because they were too impatient for the already dumbed-down Fallout 3.

Look, don't take my opinion too seriously. I haven't played the game and I don't want to, but the crazy hype that surrounds it just completely baffles me. It's like they have this really neat world to work with and they just do the same old crap because that's all people recognize, or maybe all they want. That is disappointing to me, because I think you could do more with the wasteland than tell an ostensibly identical story 4 times.
I see you jockin' me.

Last edited by Mac Sirloin; 11-18-2015 at 09:46 AM..
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11-18-2015, 09:45 AM
Varrok's Avatar
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Fallout 3 was more like an RPG, as it featured more than four dialogue choices at a time (which in F4 always follow "yes/no/neutral/question" scheme, never anything beside that) and karma system. In F4 you can't even kill good NPCs. They're invincible.

Quote unquote "Role playing". The role of a stupid mindless consumer with little to no standards
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11-18-2015, 04:48 PM
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Hurry up with your shitting review, Varrok. I feel like a dick defending you before when you haven't actually made the points I know you're going to make yet.
all Meechmunchie did by trying to troll me was distract from the fact you all have no regard for Hetro or their rights at all, none.
- EVP_Glukkon/Oxide

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11-19-2015, 12:48 AM
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No, captain patronizing, I don't dislike the game because the graphics are bad or because I dislike 'this type of game' (I play retard-grade first person shooters all the time, so I should love Fallout 4). I dislike the game because everything I've seen looks like a seriously dumbed down re imagining of a world that already lacked anything new to offer.

The old fallout games, the really old ones, required a much more cerebral approach. I'm not saying the turn based, point and click style should have remained, but taking that glacially paced turn system and then making a sequel whose gunplay is deliberately and publicly modelled after that of Destiny (which is just the gunplay from COD with more lasers) is just such a step backwards. It's like people are praising this game for simply communicating the themes and design of the world in an easy way that suits their sugared-up attention spans.

Call me elitist if you like, this particular opinion of mind is extremely elitist, but if Bethesda is going to design and market something based on an almost 20 year-old property, they should try to do something new with it. Instead, the highlights of the game seem to be:
-Robot costume
-Bazaar made out of junk
-Vault boy motifs shoved everywhere
-Super mutants (orcs)
-beaten up old houses
-some weird looking cars
-classical jazz/bepop music crammed in everywhereier

All of which were highlights of Fallout 3, which at least had the decency to slow the pace down a little and offer you some dirty old buildings to sift through. This honestly looks like a mod of Fallout 3 to me. The awkward, seemingly last-minute iron-sights on the guns, the slightly brighter and more colorful pallette, it's just the same derivative crap FO3 was but the distinction here is that FO3 found its legs in the insane modding community, Fallout 4 doesn't have that same entitlement. It's a big, fat console release that everyone is talking about but it just seems to be because they were too young or too dumb to have the exact same experience in Fallout 3, eight years ago.

It's funny you label it an RPG, because by all counts it should be, but it's not. You're not taking on the role of something distinct or effective within the narrative. You're just another vault dweller, wandering into the wasteland and engaging in activity that is really beyond your ability or understanding. What is so special about this post-apocalyptic world if anyone with a laser gun and a vault suit can turn out to be a superhero? I mean, what possible motivation does your character have to get wrapped up in a bunch of political bullshit when that is what getting out of the vault freed them of in the first place?

It's derivative, tired crap and the only reason people act like it isn't is because they were too impatient for the already dumbed-down Fallout 3.

Look, don't take my opinion too seriously. I haven't played the game and I don't want to, but the crazy hype that surrounds it just completely baffles me. It's like they have this really neat world to work with and they just do the same old crap because that's all people recognize, or maybe all they want. That is disappointing to me, because I think you could do more with the wasteland than tell an ostensibly identical story 4 times.
I said ostensibly an RPG. Which is exactly what you're saying. It tries to pass as an RPG but it's more of an FPS with roleplay elements. Which is fine IMO. Maybe it shouldn't have been Fallout 4. Maybe it should've been a spin-off. That's a point I agree with, but I still like the game because I have fun playing it.

The iron sights are pretty well implemented, and they were even a highlight of Fallout New Vegas. The gunplay is great (and I can't believe you're actually defending the horrible gunplay in Fallout 3) and it makes the player less reliant on VATS.

Fallout 4 will have pretty much the same modding community, because most of it is actually an evolution of the Oblivion modding community, as they switched from Oblivion, to Fallout 3, to Skyrim, and now to Fallout 4. Fallout 3 was equally horribly ported from consoles.

I don't think the game is a dumbed-down Fallout 3. Fallout 3 was very fucking dumb. And it was still a fun game. The dialogue, although still written badly and implemented horribly, is still better than the even worse writing in Fallout 3 and I feel like the new perk levelling system is pretty good too. For an FPS with RPG elements.

And the hype? I don't understand it either. People were expecting this amazing game for some reason, completely ignoring Bethesda's track record. I was hyped too, but I had realistic expectations. I knew it was going to be a good game - not amazing, just good - with a shit engine and shit writing, so I adapted and had fun with it.

I'm more interested by what Obsidian is going to do with the engine to be honest. Both them and Bethesda said they wanted another collaboration, so hopefully they're going to make another New Vegas-level game and everybody will be happy.
yvif hzhzn

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11-19-2015, 01:27 AM
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So after playing it for 40 hours, I still love the game. By the way, I still retain what I say. In terms of enjoyment, I like this game more than 3 and NV. But I agree it's the most less like an RPG Fallout game. And nothing has so far compared to the world and story of New Vegas.

Regardless of that, I'm enjoying it the same way I enjoyed other Bethesda games. I love just wondering the world, finding little bits of story whether it be on a terminal or being told by how skeletons are positioned ect.

However, my biggest issue with it is the performance. It drops frames for literally no reason. My PC isn't the most powerful granted. But I've had to turn it down to medium quality just to get 60. And I don't think this is a problem on my end. Even great set-ups have reported bad frames. It's the way it's optimized.

Also the texture sizes are huge, which reduces frames. Lucky a mod are already available making the textures smaller, which increases frames yet keeps the game's art in tact. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/978/?

Fallout 3 was more like an RPG, as it featured more than four dialogue choices at a time (which in F4 always follow "yes/no/neutral/question" scheme, never anything beside that) and karma system. In F4 you can't even kill good NPCs. They're invincible.

Quote unquote "Role playing". The role of a stupid mindless consumer with little to no standards
I've got to agree with you. I'm also not a huge fan of the 4 dialogue choices, It's too limited. And you don't even know what your going to say. With saying that, Download this. It shows what your going to say before you say it. A much improvement. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/1235/?

And the hype? I don't understand it either. People were expecting this amazing game for some reason, completely ignoring Bethesda's track record. I was hyped too, but I had realistic expectations. I knew it was going to be a good game - not amazing, just good - with a shit engine and shit writing, so I adapted and had fun with it.

I'm more interested by what Obsidian is going to do with the engine to be honest. Both them and Bethesda said they wanted another collaboration, so hopefully they're going to make another New Vegas-level game and everybody will be happy.
Completely agree with you about the hype. I knew it was going to be buggy, I knew it was going to be very similar to Fallout 3 and I also knew people were going to be disappointed with it.

I think at this point. They need a new engine before a new Obsidian game. half of the problems with the game are down to it's old as fuck engine. New Vegas 2 with a brand new engine? where do I sign?

But until then. Mods will fix almost everything and give me a reason to keep playing for longer. Just like Skyrim.

Twitter | Discord: Crashpunk#0025

Last edited by Crashpunk; 11-19-2015 at 01:46 AM..
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11-19-2015, 01:37 AM
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You quoted me as Manco
yvif hzhzn

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11-19-2015, 01:45 AM
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Fixed it. Sorry. I wasn't paying attention.

Twitter | Discord: Crashpunk#0025

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11-19-2015, 02:39 AM
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I've got to agree with you. I'm also not a huge fan of the 4 dialogue choices, It's too limited. And you don't even know what your going to say. With saying that, Download this. It shows what your going to say before you say it. A much improvement. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/1235/?
I've heard about it, but unfortunately that can't change my mind about the game, because:
1) it's not made by Bethesda, and it's not a part of the original game
2) correct me if I'm wrong, but from what I understand it doesn't change the core aspect of the dialogues, these are basically the same choices as before, it's just that you see a full dialogue choice before selecting it (which is an improvement considering how vague and misleading the descriptions were)
3) it's just one aspect of the game, and the game has tons of other problems.
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11-19-2015, 03:18 AM
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One thing I like about Fallout is the environment, but it doesn't really have an atmosphere to it. For all the issues Skyrim had, (many of which are present in F4) it had one hell of an atmosphere.

Skyrim had the same, personality-lacking, fake ass characters, but I could forgive it because the immersion was there 100% when I wasn't talking to them. That game had an excellent tone. Fallout 4 doesn't distract me from it's shitty cardboard people, and that's part of why it fails for me.
all Meechmunchie did by trying to troll me was distract from the fact you all have no regard for Hetro or their rights at all, none.
- EVP_Glukkon/Oxide

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11-19-2015, 03:54 AM
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I've heard about it, but unfortunately that can't change my mind about the game, because:
1) it's not made by Bethesda, and it's not a part of the original game
2) correct me if I'm wrong, but from what I understand it doesn't change the core aspect of the dialogues, these are basically the same choices as before, it's just that you see a full dialogue choice before selecting it (which is an improvement considering how vague and misleading the descriptions were)
3) it's just one aspect of the game, and the game has tons of other problems.
Oh I'm not saying scratch that criticism because of a mod. If anything, it's makes it more apparent. Installing a mod to fix something is a problem.

And yes it doesn't change anything, it just shows you what you can say.

Twitter | Discord: Crashpunk#0025

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11-19-2015, 03:58 AM
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That's fair enough
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11-19-2015, 10:50 AM
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Eh. I dunno. I recognize the game is obviously flawed, yet I can't stop playing it and wanting to keep playing it. Sure, the writing is pretty crap, it's difficult to care about pretty much any of the characters, hell, it's barely even an RPG, but still. I love adventuring, exploring, crafting new weapons/armor, and just being a general badass. Oh, and it's got some nice weather effects, which do wonders when it comes to getting me engrossed. At least on the Xbox version.

More than anything though I think the combat is really tight and the gunplay addictive and genuinely challenging.

It's just a fun game. Nothing more, and I agree that the hype is overblown and disgusting. Thankful I stayed as far away as I could from all that.

One last thing I gotta give a shout-out to is the classical music station, not because I'll claim to be some kind of pretentious classical buff (FAR from it), I just think the music generally goes hilariously well with my wasteland misadventures, be it gunning down ghouls from atop an old car, or running away from mini-nuke brandishing suicidal super mutants. Probably just my stupid sense of humour though.
steam me hard

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11-19-2015, 11:32 AM
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I haven't had much time with the game, can someone tell me if the weapon crafting system if just as useless as it was in Skyrim? Don't get me wrong, it was fun and I maxed out my smithing to 100, but it was totally pointless considering you can beat the game without advancing pretty much any skills.
all Meechmunchie did by trying to troll me was distract from the fact you all have no regard for Hetro or their rights at all, none.
- EVP_Glukkon/Oxide

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11-19-2015, 12:51 PM
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No it's much more expanded. You can craft and upgrade different parts of a weapon such as the barrel, grip, scope, muzzle. You need the materials you scavenge from junk in order to create the mod. You may also need certain perks.

It's not just a stat change either, They change the look of the weapon. The interface tells you which part of the weapon will be changed. Even if you don't have the resources for that mod, you can still preview it by hovering over it.

I like it. It's neat and quite additive. Much like the house building. My only issue is I'm always running out of materials.

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11-20-2015, 01:42 PM
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There are giant daddy long legs.

Oh good.

Jolly fucking good.
Oh yeah, fair point. Maybe he was just tortured until he lost consciousness.

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11-21-2015, 08:43 AM
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I didn't see any spiders of any kind in the game? Where do they even appear?

Or did you mean the Bloodbugs?
yvif hzhzn

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11-21-2015, 08:51 AM
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In England, daddy long legs are crane flies. I know they're modelled on mosquitos but still.

I agree with Varrok and Mac that Fallout 4 is kinda underwhelming but I'm an Interplayfag so...
Oh yeah, fair point. Maybe he was just tortured until he lost consciousness.

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11-21-2015, 08:52 AM
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I've played it for a while now and it's my favourite of the series so far. I think there are some things that could potentially make fans of 3/NV dislike it but to me it does all make sense. More of my opinions here if you're interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_x7b06-DHU

I stream games and art now!

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11-21-2015, 11:45 AM
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I agree with Varrok and Mac that Fallout 4 is kinda underwhelming but I'm an Interplayfag so...
To be fair, Interplay was pretty much running Fallout into the ground and the decision to sell the IP was actually a great one. Black Isle, the division that did Fallout 1 and 2 became Obsidian and inXile and Interplay became shit.

Fallout Tactics was mediocre, and Fallout BoS was shit. Van Buren basically became New Vegas, with some of the more ridiculous elements removed.
yvif hzhzn

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11-21-2015, 11:51 AM
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Van Buren was an isometric turn-based/realtime RPG. You can't put an equality sign between that and open-world FPS with RPG elements that is New Vegas.

Last edited by Varrok; 11-21-2015 at 11:58 AM..
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11-21-2015, 12:38 PM
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That and the core story of Van Buren was gutted from New Vegas, replaced with a more trivial: sumwun needs 2 control the Strip. Also Legion is here.

Interplay--for whatever they've become--created the series, and by Interplayfag I mean that I don't think you can top the first two games.
Oh yeah, fair point. Maybe he was just tortured until he lost consciousness.

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11-21-2015, 12:43 PM
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I've never played the original Fallout games or the older top down isometric games. I've heard the stories are fantastic but the gameplay is very difficult and perhaps off putting.

Which game do you think I should play if any?

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11-21-2015, 12:55 PM
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The gameplay is fantastic, the story and atmosphere are superb. But it's not a casual-friendly FPS. This is turn based RPG.

I'd recommending starting with Fallout 1, eventually with a mod for extended commands for companions (you can't interact with them much in F1)
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