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11-11-2015, 11:07 AM
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Fallout 4 (you're all wankers)

MOD EDIT: This thread and all the posts down to FrustratedAssassin's were split off from What Are You Playing Right Now here.

It hurts me to admit it, but Fallout 3 proved to be a better game than Fallout 4.

And Fallout 3 is a boring, repetitive, uncreative, imbalanced, ugly, gosh-darn-8-year-old stupid, stiff, buggy mess.

But I bought Roundabout. It's an amazing game. I love it. It's about going round and about. Playing it while listening to that:

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11-11-2015, 05:02 PM
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As an RPG fallout 4 is simplified. It looks like a hell of a lot of fun though. It brings some cool new features to the table, and generally tidies up the gunplay (once you turn off the default acceleration and 0.5x mouse scaling on the Y axis in a .ini file lolololololol).

It's a sale pick up for me, but what I've seen looks better than FO3 by a mile. It's NV that outshines it.
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11-11-2015, 11:57 PM
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It hurts me to admit it, but Fallout 3 proved to be a better game than Fallout 4.
What's your reasoning? Because I played a lot of Fallout 3 and 4 just completely blows it out of the water. Same for New Vegas to. And I bloody adore New Vegas. (although I don't think any Fallout game could top the location of NV, it was just too good.)

Fallout 4 feels like an heavily improved Fallout 3 with some really awesome new mechanics as well as improving older ones. And that's what I wanted, I think that's what everyone was expecting. I can't imagine going back and playing 3 now. I just can't.

The gun-play and melee systems are so much better. It always felt awkward to shoot anything in 3 or NV and I always felt myself really relying on VATs to help way to often. But in 4, I rarely use VATS because I can actually aim in the game.

One of the best things they changed in 4 was to try and minimize pause screens. I always disliked how bringing up VATs and when your looting a body paused the game. It broke the action. Now you just simply hover over the body to see all their stuff. The Pip-Boy does work the same, and can be a little annoying navigate. But just the 3 and NV, you can make favourite items for quick selecting

Other things I like is giving the protagonist voice acting was a really good decision. I'm already invested in the story, and while I agree having no voice for the main character does make you think up of your own story and character, you can just do what you want and speak to whoever you like, so your not bound to the main quest just like any other Bethesda game.
So I just think adding a voice makes the character. Well. A character.

And the last things off the top of my head which I like are:

Dog meat is amazing. I'm not a dog owner, so I can't relate, but this is the best example I've seen of a dog in a video game. There are little things like the way he runs off and sounds which just add to that. Love the little guy! :3

Power Amour feels like I'm playing a Mech Warrior game. The way you move, make really loud footsteps and cause general havoc is great, The HUD also really makes you think your in a Mech.

The graphics are great. What was the big hissy fit over it again? People need to realize games aren't just about graphics. Sure there not the best I've seen, but what I will say is holy fuck the lighting in Fallout 4 is beautiful, the god rays are so niiiiiice

And finally, The building aspect and scavenging for scrap is addictive as hell. I've found myself building in sanctuary a lot more then I thought I would. So I can imagine that's what is going to make me keep coming back ontop of side-questing.

So yeah I'm really enjoying Fallout 4. It's extremely fun and It's the improvement I wanted to the Fallout games.

Twitter | Discord: Crashpunk#0025

Last edited by Crashpunk; 11-12-2015 at 12:06 AM..
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11-12-2015, 02:20 AM
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Oh, my naive friend, I probably WILL make an in depth analysis of how much this game sucks.
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11-12-2015, 02:31 AM
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You know what the game is Varrok? Fun. Fuck you for being a condescending prick to someone genuinely enjoying the game. Take your bitterness No Mutants Allowed you sad fuck.
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11-12-2015, 02:40 AM
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Fuck Bethesda for making cheap, effortless sequel, and fuck you for not caring whether your experience is being dumbed down to teen-targetted modern cinema level.
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11-12-2015, 08:48 AM
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Oh just fuck right off.

You can keep your "in-depth analysis". Nobody wants to hear your opinions if your going to be a judgemental cunt.

Twitter | Discord: Crashpunk#0025

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11-12-2015, 09:27 AM
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Fuck Bethesda for making cheap, effortless sequel, and fuck you for not caring whether your experience is being dumbed down to teen-targetted modern cinema level.
hey I found Varrok’s Metacritic alts

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11-12-2015, 09:41 AM
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I understand and agree with some of the criticisms about it being dumbed down. And there are a few features I would of liked to be put back into 4. But I just hate it when people judge you for liking something. It's your opinion. I'd happy discuss there thoughts if they weren't being a prick about it.

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11-12-2015, 09:59 AM
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I haven't posted a single Metacritic review in my life
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11-12-2015, 10:01 AM
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It hurts me to admit it, but Fallout 3 proved to be a better game than Fallout 4.
Yeah no.

You're so very clearly just trying to kick against something that is immensely popular it hurts just trying to see you do it. Fallout 4 is a major improvement over Fallout 3 in just about every single way and it deserves every bit of praise it is getting.
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11-12-2015, 10:07 AM
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Oh, Havoc.

Never change
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11-12-2015, 10:53 AM
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Oh, Varrok.

Please change

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11-12-2015, 11:06 AM
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Oh shit, somebody has an unpopular opinion. It's obviously not because he has legitimate criticisms, no. It's because it's popular and anybody who doesn't agree with the general consensus is clearly just doing it to be a hipster.

I've not even played F4 but this "debate" if it can even be called that is just fucking pathetic. If this game is so easy to defend then actually fucking defend it instead of using character assassinations and ad hominems all the fucking time.
You can keep your "in-depth analysis". Nobody wants to hear your opinions if your going to be a judgemental cunt.
Do you know what a review is?
all Meechmunchie did by trying to troll me was distract from the fact you all have no regard for Hetro or their rights at all, none.
- EVP_Glukkon/Oxide

Last edited by Nepsotic; 11-12-2015 at 11:22 AM..
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11-12-2015, 11:54 AM
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Do you know what a review is?
Generally positive?

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11-12-2015, 11:56 AM
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Which obviously means that if anything differs from "general positivity" it's just disagreement for disagreement's sake, right?
all Meechmunchie did by trying to troll me was distract from the fact you all have no regard for Hetro or their rights at all, none.
- EVP_Glukkon/Oxide

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11-12-2015, 11:59 AM
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By Manco's standards when most people say something, they're right.
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11-12-2015, 12:00 PM
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Which obviously means that if anything differs from "general positivity" it's just disagreement for disagreement's sake, right?
Well I mean I was making a dumb joke but really if you wanna get all hot ‘n’ bothered about the only person who’s bothered backing up their opinion of Fallout 4 in this thread is Crashpunk. So the people disagreeing for disagreements’ sake is, well, everyone else in the thread.

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11-12-2015, 12:03 PM
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Because the fact that I was actually writing a thorough review, carefully noting the things they did right and wrong, counts for nothing and isn't really even worth mentioning.

Great job as labeling me (and other people) as people who disagree for the sake of disagreeing.

Also, CP was the only person who said he didn't even care about me backing up my opinions, he prefers to be in his safe bubble instead.

I mean, if my rumblings, rational or not, are gonna spoil the fun of the game, you should question whether the game was actually fun to begin with.
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11-12-2015, 12:07 PM
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~safe spaaaacee~
all Meechmunchie did by trying to troll me was distract from the fact you all have no regard for Hetro or their rights at all, none.
- EVP_Glukkon/Oxide

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11-12-2015, 12:10 PM
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Because the fact that I was actually writing a thorough review, carefully noting the things they did right and wrong, counts for nothing and isn't really even worth mentioning.

Great job as labeling me (and other people) as people who disagree for the sake of disagreeing.

Also, CP was the only person who said he didn't even care about me backing up my opinions, he prefers to be in his safe bubble instead.

I mean, if my rumblings, rational or not, are gonna spoil the fun of the game, you should question whether the game was actually fun to begin with.
Let’s reiterate.

You started by mentioning how you thought F4 was worse than F3. Phylum stated he liked it, Crashpunk asked you why you disliked it and then posted a summary of why he liked it.

Your next post immediately descended to calling Crashpunk naïve for his opinion and boasting about how you’re gonna go write your own analysis of how much this game apparently blows.

Do you see why everyone is calling you a dick? Maybe? Because it sure wasn’t because you disliked the game.

hint: it’s because you’re being a holier-than-thou prick about your opinion

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11-12-2015, 12:19 PM
Crashpunk's Avatar
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Oh shit, somebody has an unpopular opinion. It's obviously not because he has legitimate criticisms, no. It's because it's popular and anybody who doesn't agree with the general consensus is clearly just doing it to be a hipster.

I've not even played F4 but this "debate" if it can even be called that is just fucking pathetic. If this game is so easy to defend then actually fucking defend it instead of using character assassinations and ad hominems all the fucking time.
Ugh please. Stop this "hipster" bollocks.

Varrok didn't give legitimate criticisms. He called me naive for liking the game without any reasons, said it was "cheap, effortless sequel" without any examples on why it is, and then insulted anyone who doesn't agree with him.

And your defending him? Are you fucking serious dude?

I gave my opinions, thoughts and feelings. Yes they sound like something a payed reviewer would say. But how else are you going to fucking say it? I can't write an essay on why Fallout 4 is good.

I want a discussion. Not a "ur opinon sucks, i hate you"

Also, CP was the only person who said he didn't even care about me backing up my opinions, he prefers to be in his safe bubble instead.

I mean, if my rumblings, rational or not, are gonna spoil the fun of the game, you should question whether the game was actually fun to begin with.
I would care. If you didn't insult my opinion beforehand for no reason. Don't turn this on me.

And this whole piece of crap of a thread isn't going to ruin my enjoyment of the game. I know you'd love that but it won't. All it does is question how some people act on the internet.

Twitter | Discord: Crashpunk#0025

Last edited by Crashpunk; 11-12-2015 at 12:28 PM..
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11-12-2015, 01:26 PM
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One of the best things they changed in 4 was to try and minimize pause screens. I always disliked how bringing up VATs and when your looting a body paused the game. It broke the action. Now you just simply hover over the body to see all their stuff. The Pip-Boy does work the same, and can be a little annoying navigate. But just the 3 and NV, you can make favourite items for quick selecting.
Agreed, to be honest it always annoyed me as well that in Fallout 3/NV it took you to another screen to loot a body. In some ways I can understand it but it does break immersion and generally wastes your time. In 4 (from what I saw on videos) you can just loot items really quickly, from a sub menu that appears over the corpse. They've definitely streamlined and so far it seems like it's a more balanced and better game for it.

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11-12-2015, 04:10 PM
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Please read Crashpunk's post carefully and note that it isn't a review, just his personal opinion of the game. Look at how frequently he says "I like". He's allowed to like it just as much as anyone else is allowed to write long winded pointless critical essays on why it's the worst game ever.

But Varrok and Nepsotic continue to miss the point. The point is don't be a fucking prick for no reason.
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11-13-2015, 12:25 AM
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Please read Crashpunk's post carefully and note that it isn't a review, just his personal opinion of the game. Look at how frequently he says "I like". He's allowed to like it just as much as anyone else is allowed to write long winded pointless critical essays on why it's the worst game ever.

But Varrok and Nepsotic continue to miss the point. The point is don't be a fucking prick for no reason.
You were the first person who told somebody to go fuck themselves because he said a game sucks. Saying a game sucks is not being a prick. Saying somebody's naive is not being a prick either.
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11-13-2015, 01:26 AM
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My post was 100% about you being condescending and nothing to do with you disliking the game. I get why people wouldn't like the changes. It's been enough to put me off buying it until a good sale.

I'd still disagree that's it's an awful game though.
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11-13-2015, 02:25 AM
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Fallout 4 has been out for a few days and it's already taken over my life which is a problem because I have to do a lot of stuff and it came out at the worst possible moment.

The game is hella fun and despite the performance issues and the horrible UI I like it. A solid 8/10. Miles ahead of Fallout 3, gameplay-wise, I just wish there was more variety in the quests. New Vegas kicks both their asses. And not only their asses, but the originals' asses too and I can't wait for the Obsidian Fallout 4-based game.

Edit: oh look there's a Fallout 4 circlejerk right above
yvif hzhzn

Last edited by FrustratedAssassin; 11-13-2015 at 02:52 AM..
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11-14-2015, 05:16 PM
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The only minor things I've found myself being irked about are the infinite 'random' quests which were apparently ported from Skyrim, and the weird restriction on custom button layout which was handled fairly lazy. The engine has a quirk every now and again but nothing even remotely close to game breaking (by any definition). As for the graphics, this game could have had the same graphics as Fallout 3 and I still wouldn't care as long as it played as smoothly as it does. But as it is, I think it looks great either way.

Lore wise there are a few things that have been retconned that are somewhat of a shame, but you can only work with 25 year old lore for so long before it needs to be freshened up and tweaked. Now, the protagonist having a clearly defined backstory... is not something I personally care about but I can see how it would put off people who really like the role playing aspect.
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11-14-2015, 08:05 PM
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From some of the gameplay videos I’ve seen things which look like separate armor for different body parts (a la Morrowind), is that the case?

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11-14-2015, 11:57 PM
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From some of the gameplay videos I’ve seen things which look like separate armor for different body parts (a la Morrowind), is that the case?
Yeah, in fact it's one of the most welcome additions to the game this time around. Many, many different armor pieces with many possible modifications... I spend an embarrassingly large amount of time in this game playing post-nuclear war dress up.
steam me hard

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