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06-17-2015, 02:00 AM
RoryF's Avatar
aka OddMan360
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The DOOM thing definitely looked more like an engine showoff or whatever to me than actually proper gameplay, the guy was taking his time to look at every little bit of lovely decoration it seemed.

I hope they do something about that melee and the chainsaw though, those long animations should stay in Gears of War, I'd rather be able to chainsaw bastards at rocket speed than have to stand there for a millenium whilst getting shot up the arse.

The super-shotgun was looking good though, they definitely did a good job of that. But those weapon sounds were shocking, the plasma rifle sounded like someone shuffling on a carpet.
>> oddmatics.co.uk <<
there's stuff there, totally cool stuff, really!

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07-05-2015, 02:28 AM
AlexFili's Avatar
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The most underwhelming Nintendo E3 of all time. And it started off so strong as well. Star Fox looks bloody cool. As does Mario Maker. But that was it.
Yeah they basically don't put a lot of effort into E3 anymore. They prefer to do things at their own pace. Until they release a new console I think their main focus are on the Nintendo Direct livestreams which I think fans are enjoying immensely.

I stream games and art now!

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07-07-2015, 07:55 AM
xXxrenhoekxXx's Avatar
Bola Blast
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Yeah they basically don't put a lot of effort into E3 anymore. They prefer to do things at their own pace. Until they release a new console I think their main focus are on the Nintendo Direct livestreams which I think fans are enjoying immensely.
Something tells me if they did make a new console (not that it's happening any time soon) they're probably not going to go back to actual conferences since from what I notice they tend to try to do things that other companies don't.

also I'm really confused why they didn't really talk about the NX outside of "it's happening sometime" we hardly know (as far as I'm aware) anything about it but this is meant to be a new market for them to delve into.
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