Hi, I’m a long time Abe player but 1st time poster. I absolutely love new n tasty and glad they’re doing exodus as well. I haven’t played exodus for a long time and don’t intend to till the remake, (it’s so tempting, it’s on my ps3 and ready to go but I’d rather wait for twice ze flavour) so my wants are based more from what I didn't like from new n tasty.
1st off I got my ps4 in November and didn't even think about new n tasty till it was free on ps+ (I did watch an E3 trailer but for some reason it just wasn't on my radar) but if there was a demo (just like the original demo) I would have played it to death then brought game.
2nd leaderboards are great but you do need a separate 100% category for each level (where it’s applicable)
3rd I went through phases with new n tasty, my 1st playthrough was on easy I got 87% and took 7 1/2 hours (its been about 4/5 years since playing the original and I was enjoying it) then I looked at the trophy's and started doing the 100% runs. I’d go on youtube to try to find the secret places but it seemed that 2 youtubers in particular had a monopoly on new n tasty and where I wanted a quick 3min vid just to point out the locations, id have to sit through these guys full "speed"(lol) runs just to find that 1 secret location I couldn't remember. Any way half way through normal something snapped in me and I started going as fast as I could, not saving anyone. You see the thing I love Abe for is its 4/5 games in 1 and the trophy's seem to force you to play 1 way and as much as I love the 100% way I also love the any% way just as much. The trophy hunter in me wanted to do 100% for each difficulty but the gamer in me just wanted to play Abe and have fun. My main point is you need more of a balance in trophies for each game style, I don’t know what exactly maybe a any% speedrun trophy.
So to sum up, there’s got to be a demo (pre launch ideally), more leaderboards (maybe a daily/weekly in game shout out to new No1s) and have trophies balanced, it’s a catch 22 I know with 100% trophies, maybe it’s the number of difficulties or have a set for any% with a time limit as well.
Sorry for the long post and ramblings, I just hope someone understands the points I’m trying to make.