This was my exact sentiment. That's as long as MKX doesn't get banned here.
I expect it won't. Hopefully we will still have the R18+ rating by then. I'm pretty sure they'd tame it down if it was higher than an R18+ rating. It was just for MK9 they didn't want to make it so tame that it achieved an MA15+ rating, I think.
Downloaded already, now to wait for it to unlock.
Are you on the Australian (Europe) store? Because I can't find NnT for pre-order. I thought it was only the American store that had it.
I didn't personally purchase it, but for some reason, my dad bought one out of the blue. But now that there's one in the house, I'm definitely buying NnT for it as soon as possible.
Isn't it great when Dads buy awesome things out of the blue