This issue has me so riled it I think it deserves it's own topic.
Many of you have already heard about the dissapointing news that OWI has decided to put
Sobe dispensers in Munch's Oddysee. I am strongly opposed to this. This kind of advertising ruins the experience of Oddworld by bringing a real world company into a fictional setting, a jarring contrast which would ruin a gamer's immersion in the gameworld.
It is also unfair to us consumers, because we can't choose not to look at the advertising if it's a part of the gameplay. It would be a different story if the advertising was found in the game manual or on the game box, because then we could choose to skip it or ignore it.
I propose we make our opinions known on this issue. If enough fans voice their dissaproval of this advertising method OWI may be motivated to change their tactics. Use this post as a petition, if you show support for my position, post a message of agreement.
Also, we should email OWI with our opinions so that they are aware that this is NOT COOL. Here is the email address of Alf wit... subject line ( Tell him what you think and why you think it. If anyone else has email addresses of other OWI employees, please post them so we can spread the message around.
We have to let Oddworld know that this is not an acceptable way to advertise. There are plenty of other options that are less damaging to the gameworld and our playing experiences.
[ October 01, 2001: Message edited by: enversi ]