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10-01-2001, 03:49 PM
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Official site upload

hey nice pics and info

euh, I don't can read so much englich... does Sobe are in the game???
Hopely not ! ! !

[ October 01, 2001: Message edited by: Xavier ]

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10-01-2001, 04:44 PM
: Jun 2001
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enversi  (10)

Go read the recent "Dear Alf". You'll find this disheartening piece of info:

Q: I couldn't help noticing that in a recent batch of screenshots, we see a SoBe beverage dispenser, complete with stylized text and SoBe logo! Don't tell me that anti-corporate Oddworld has stooped to product placement!

Alf: Oddworld ain't anti-corporate, first of all. Oddworld's a business, and just like any other, to make our product, we rely on people buying them and then we use that money to pay the scrubs in the pens to crank out code and art and design. Oddworld's opposed to certain corporate practices, though... Environmental destruction, apathy towards better health, animal experimentation, the likes. As it turns out, the folks at SoBe are also a business that relies upon consumer dollars to provide them with a product they want, and they also have similar beliefs to our own.

I don't care if Sobe is run by Lorne's brother! I don't want to see it in Oddworld !! I f you want to advertise for it on the cd cover, on the game box, or anywhere else... fine. But not IN the game. That's just lame, it breaks the third-wall so that every time you see a Sobe logo you'll think, "Oh right, Oddworld isn't real, this is just a game." This decision is DUMB, motivated by profit, at the expense of the fans. I am very disappointed, both in the fact that that Oddworld has ruined their gameworld like this, and the fact that that they ruined Oddworld for me.

I think something should be done to get the fans opinion out about this issue. A petition, an e-mail campaign, something. I really feel that this ruins the idea and experience of Oddworld. I won't be buying an Oddworld game with a Sobe logo in it, it's as simple as that.

I doubt there's enough time to change the game at this point, so Munch's Oddysee is pretty much screwed. I for one will not be advertised to in a product I PAID for. It's not fair to me the consumer. Do I require OWI to see ads for my friends everytime I play a game?

Smarten up Oddworld! You don't need to spoil your universe to make money! It cheapens the message and spirit of Oddworld, and it's not something I will continue to support.

I hope someone at OWI gets the message that we are not cool with this.

[ October 01, 2001: Message edited by: enversi ]

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10-01-2001, 04:54 PM
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Maybe I expected too much from the October update. Their wasn't much too see off their 'tons off new info'. Or do I just have to be satisfied and wait what the rest off this month will bring?

enversi: I think your right. But I'm not gonna react as extreme as you. I really would dislike it if SoBe would make it in the final game, but that won't hold me from buying it.

Their were a few very nice new screenshots however.

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10-01-2001, 05:36 PM
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1 I say it again: SoBe is totaly unknow in Europe, So it's STUPID to do a advertising in a game If you CAN'T buy it, it's not logic.

2 Oddworld Inhgabitants have money enough: Microsoft (the biggest money maker) "sponosorise" the game because they need it for her XBox.

3 Oddworld brake herself her own spirit of the game with puting a "reel" vendo in the game.

I Say it, I say it and I say it again: WE DON'T WOULD SOBE IN ODDWORLD UNIVERSE

enversi=> I think your right

[ October 01, 2001: Message edited by: Xavier ]

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10-01-2001, 06:50 PM
Spark Stunk
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Elum  (12)

ehem. Let me see how I can put this nicely :


sorry, we all have different opinions.

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10-02-2001, 04:31 PM
Outlaw Cutter
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freakyLA  (11)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Xavier:
[B]1 I say it again: SoBe is totaly unknow in Europe, So it's STUPID to do a advertising in a game If you CAN'T buy it, it's not logic.


That´s a very good point. But I also think that it ruins the whole oddworld. like guys said before.

Lorne´s brother runs Sobe? Cool! I didn´t know he had a brother.

HEY Elum! Nice to see you Where have you been that long?
http://oddworld.nflboards.com/misc/o...s/freakyla.jpg Nur tote Fische schwimmen mit dem Strom

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10-02-2001, 05:00 PM
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The part about Lorne's brother was a joke, FreakyLA

About the SoBe subject, if OWI decided to put SoBe vendos in the game, im sure they are there for a pourpose. After all, they have the right to do whatever they want with the game. I saw the same war happening when OWI decided to develop to the XBOX, instead of PS2, but today I belive almost every one is copnvinced that it was the right decision.
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