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06-05-2014, 02:09 PM
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Does anybody reckon this music suit's it better? Hahahaha!
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06-05-2014, 02:11 PM
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Just a thought.. Why don't we ever see any Paramonia footage? I mean there have been like .5 second clips, but the most attention is on Scrabania. I hope thats not because they worked harder on Scrabania..
Not sure. Paramonia's my favourite part in the game.
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06-05-2014, 02:14 PM
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Same here, I think that Paramites are more terrifying than Scrabs, because of the whole spider/hand look going on.. Plus i loved all the critter sounds too
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06-05-2014, 02:18 PM
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Also did someone actually say a woman singing has no place in a 'masculine' game such as a Oddworld? Wow.
I'm hoping that it was just very poorly worded and Connell meant something different.
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06-05-2014, 02:19 PM
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Maybe it's because they can show off the lighting engine better with the whole Scrabanian Sunrise.

Also, why has this only just happened, do we really scare off that many people?

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06-05-2014, 02:20 PM
sam250's Avatar
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Symmetrical, decorated — what pansy glukkon commissioned this new building? The beauty of the original is in the theme of utility over aesthetics, a dismissal of personality. Look at the endless rows of repeating machinery that conceal any hint of individuality, exposed without consideration of looks or comfort, walls that don't even cover most of the factory, no pretense or flamboyancy. It looks good, and striking, but that intention of the human designers is invisible, hidden in the theme of the personalities of the Glukkon designers.

PS: The logo still sucks. If Oddworld's entire showing at E3 was the reveal of a new logo I would be happy as larry. Please surprise us, JAW, some of us care about graphic design.
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06-05-2014, 02:43 PM
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I'm hoping that it was just very poorly worded and Connell meant something different.
Of course, I am by no means sexist. Far from it. If anything, it was a criticism of Oddworld's lack of prominent or strong female leads. It came across to me as genuinely strange to hear in a world full grumbling Glukkons and the likes. I also don't particularly like the song. Those two facts close together impeded my point somewhat I think.
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06-05-2014, 02:47 PM
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The new look for RF took me by surprise. I didn't expect it to be a 1 on 1 replica with new graphics, but this is on the other end of the scale. Rupture Farms originally felt like a place with bad hygiene, bad maintenance, bad working conditions and generally felt like the place could fall apart at any moment.

The new one looks much more futuristic, not only from the outside but also the inside which includes holo screens and what not. It makes sense from a lore point of view. If I remember the lore correctly the Vykers pretty much design and build everything the Glukkons then exploit and operate. So it makes sense for everything to be cleaner and sleeker, but it does do away with a large part of the iconic atmosphere of the rusty meat processing plant. Kind of a shame, but that's also the 'bitter vet fan syndrome' speaking, of course.

What I do have a serious gripe with is the new trailer and the ridiculous music they used for it. It doesn't fit the game, it doesn't fit the setting, it doesn't fit Oddworld in any way, shape or form. This music is already out of place in the trailer, but this is also going to be in the credits? Are you joking? Here we have an entire game of epic re-done original scores that have a typical Oddworld vibe and we have to conclude the game with some out of place symphonic metal music? For the love of god please no. The ending credits should be in the same style as the rest of the game, they are an extension and a gentle release of a cool story (at least for me). Not some piece of music jammed in there to please a fan or something.
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06-05-2014, 02:53 PM
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I have to admit, having this music in the credits is a bit strange and out of character.. Then again i'm glad they chose a song like this rather than something like 'Get lucky', 'Happy' or 'Starships'.. LOL could you imagine? I think i'd kill myself.. Or at least never play video games again!
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06-05-2014, 02:54 PM
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Holo screens were indeed planned for the original game, though they were likely taken out due to technological factors or something.

I'm happy to see something fresh, the new Rupturefarms looks fine to me (especially having noticed the colouration from orange, to green, to blue as you get higher - Nice one JAW) but even I find the music a tad unsetlling.

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06-05-2014, 02:58 PM
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Raymond Swanland
Obviously. I mean come on, it's his palette and dynamics.
You could guess it by looking at the clouds alone.

I don't mind the song for the trailer, I just really hope it will not be included in the game.

I love the design of the new RuptureFarms and at the same time I'm a bit sad they decided to change it. I mean this new version is 100% oddworld and looks awesome. Some part of me just wishes it didn't had to replace the old RuptureFarms.

Can someone get to work uploading these pictures to TOGG?
I'm currently in a place where on average 4 out of 5 of these images I'm unable to view due to various restrictions and whatnot, and I won't even be able to see the new trailer due to the Youtube filters.
Done, enjoy


PS: The logo still sucks. If Oddworld's entire showing at E3 was the reveal of a new logo I would be happy as larry. Please surprise us, JAW, some of us care about graphic design.
They are not going to change the logo anymore, it would be utterly stupid to do so in such a late stage of the marketing of the game. Changing it now would just be confusing and going against what a logo is used for: brand recognition.

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06-05-2014, 03:07 PM
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The music is there because it relates to how Just Add Water and Oddworld Inhabitants are treating the development of New 'n' Tasty. It's not just about the old game, it's about the story of its recreation. That love the developers have for this project is just as important to New 'n' Tasty as the old game was as its inspiration (for lack of a better word), so in that respect, the music fits.

I will admit, though, that with the music the trailer seemed almost like a parody of videogame trailers. I still don't mind. Everything else is amazing, including the new design of RuptureFarms, though I can see why it would have cause for discussion!

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06-05-2014, 03:08 PM
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DrewCameron  (47)
New RF

I've come round to the new Rupture Farms based on the fact it probably makes more sense, lighting wise. How you can see the Zulags from the outside now...Good thinking Raymond & JAW.

It's real tough to see things change but the new RF is a success within the new look of the game.

One thing that works really well is the ghost scrabs in the new cut scene! Great!

The music has to go.
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06-05-2014, 03:12 PM
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I love how many people are making commands as if they are in charge of the creation of this game. JAW clearly value the opinions of fans but you are not a developer, thus have no control over what is/isn't put in the game.
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06-05-2014, 03:15 PM
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DrewCameron  (47)

Better just have no input at all then.
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06-05-2014, 04:13 PM
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Woo hoo! Opinion time!

The main thing I feel jaw is trying to do, is to reach out to the new players as well as the old. More so with the updated graphics so it's more readable and easier to understand.

The new design still looks good, but like aged wine, we all still have a place in our hearts for the original. As for the music, as Lorne said, they want some of the fans to participate in making the game. Which is all good to a certain extent but having it as the credit music, it's meant to show off that love was put into this game. However bloodhound gangs song "Bad touch" portrays love too, yet does not fit at all. It's nice they are reaching out to the new fans as well as the old, I mean, how many suggestions have we made and they've listened.

Anyway, the look is nice and updated, the trailer is fantastic and put together well, the cinematic shots are incredible and the music...I'm not 100% on. Does her band even come to the oddworld forums? Lol.

Regardless, the fact this gem of a game is being made and from their own pockets/hearts, You gotta have respect for their decisions.

That bad ending scene. That looks dark as fuck. 4 words: amazing!

Edit: what's the drunk Mudokon head in my post mean lol?
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06-05-2014, 04:23 PM
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It's just an icon you can choose when posting a reply.
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06-05-2014, 04:32 PM
sam250's Avatar
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the new Rupturefarms looks fine to me (especially having noticed the colouration from orange, to green, to blue as you get higher - Nice one JAW)
Are you crazy, the colour scheme is what I find ugliest. Bright blue into bright green into bright orange — bleh!
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06-05-2014, 04:44 PM
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I love the new native structures and ghost scrabs.

Why isn't everyone talking about ghost scrabs?!
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

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06-05-2014, 04:55 PM
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I love the new native structures and ghost scrabs.

Why isn't everyone talking about ghost scrabs?!
Too spooky D:

But freaking awesome!

Edit: @Nate, do you run and host this site?
I eat bees.

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06-05-2014, 04:56 PM
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Run, yes sortof. Host, no.
But that sort of question should be sent via PMs.
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

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06-05-2014, 05:13 PM
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Run, yes sortof. Host, no.
But that sort of question should be sent via PMs.
Ah, my bad. Just wanted to pass thanks for moderating everything and keeping this place up
I eat bees.

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06-05-2014, 05:37 PM
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ohai transistor

I like the new/old RuptureFarms. It's good to see a little more of the original flavour coming in.

Speaking of which, have any of you considered that maybe, rather than the gritty vision of Oddworld being pomped up/ruined for a post-Avatar sci-fi audience, the original vision actually was colourful and dramatic, and that was toned down to fit in with the '90s trend for brooding gloom and violence? Because as an owner of The First Ten Years, that's what I'm inclined to think.

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06-05-2014, 05:42 PM
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I love how many people are making commands as if they are in charge of the creation of this game. JAW clearly value the opinions of fans but you are not a developer, thus have no control over what is/isn't put in the game.
I demand every animation in the game be replaced with Abe's crouching animation.

Make it happen, JAW.

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06-05-2014, 05:50 PM
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Heyy, Lulu is at 35 seconds. Lol thats awesome!
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ID:	13998  
I eat bees.

Last edited by V_O_T; 06-05-2014 at 05:55 PM..
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06-05-2014, 06:47 PM
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Speaking of which, have any of you considered that maybe, rather than the gritty vision of Oddworld being pomped up/ruined for a post-Avatar sci-fi audience, the original vision was colourful and dramatic, and that was toned down to fit in with the '90s trend for brooding gloom and violence? Because as an owner of The First Ten Years, that's what I'm inclined to think.

Also the darker grittier tone could have had to do with palleting restrictions of PS1 hardware/files needing to be more compressed.

Noone seems to realise that Lorne has a totally different vision to the taste left in people's mouths by AO. This RF is what Oddworld is really about. Look at MO and SW, then look back at this.

I like it. I think it makes sense, compared to the rest of the universe and in the context of nature vs. machines. It's bold, and imposing.
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06-05-2014, 07:29 PM
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Exactly, don't get me wrong I love dark and gritty but, so long as they maintain this new style in the rest of the series I'm not fussed.
Oh yeah, fair point. Maybe he was just tortured until he lost consciousness.

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06-05-2014, 07:35 PM
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Ah, so you want AO to have the same style as MO?

The music is there because it relates to how Just Add Water and Oddworld Inhabitants are treating the development of New 'n' Tasty. It's not just about the old game, it's about the story of its recreation. That love the developers have for this project is just as important to New 'n' Tasty as the old game was as its inspiration (for lack of a better word), so in that respect, the music fits.
That's stupid.
all Meechmunchie did by trying to troll me was distract from the fact you all have no regard for Hetro or their rights at all, none.
- EVP_Glukkon/Oxide

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06-05-2014, 07:35 PM
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Everyone is just looking way to into this, once you actually get your digital hands on it then you should put all your judgements into the game. We all know at the end of the day you will absolutely love the game.

I know i will. because its oddddddddddddwwwooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrlllllllllllllllddddddddddddd

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06-05-2014, 07:51 PM
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Ah, so you want AO to have the same style as MO?

That's stupid.
Yeaaaah, that's what I meant. Cool story Nepsotic.

Cool story.
Oh yeah, fair point. Maybe he was just tortured until he lost consciousness.

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