This makes sense. I think Lorne talked about a reworked sound system designed to warn the player of upcoming danger, even more then in the original AO. Thinking of it I guess the choice of adding the floating "Z"s above the sleeping Sligs is also coming from this.
Are there other ways you warn the player of upcoming danger or try tovisually define safe/danger zones?
I suppose they could do it in the same way Ubisoft approached Rayman Legends, part of the game requires you to rescue creatures called teensies which allowed you to unlock more levels in the game, each level has a set number to rescue, some are really obvious to find but for others you need to explore the level and they are hidden away in secret areas, when you are near a teensie you can hear it shouting "Help me!", it doesn't tell you where they are, but you know they are there.
Jsst like finding secret areas in AO, there could be a sound cue in advance, such as hearing a Slig walking or snoring, as Xavier said, the floating Z's could be a signifier, the way I see it is that the Z's travel a certain distance, and if you make a noise within the Z's the slig will wake up.