Don't worry, you can rest assured that you don't need to include me in your target audience.
OK, Nep. Let's drop the bravado for a second.
You have opinions, and you're fairly blunt about making them known, and that's OK. It'd be nice if you could learn to read the situation and not get all grouchy about a subject when everyone else is managing to be fairly nice to each other, but maybe that'll come with time.
However, it can't have escaped your notice that you're a lot more negative about everything than most people here. Sure, we all hate things, but the things we choose to share are more likely to be things that we think people might want to, y'know, read. Things that might encourage people to look at something in a different way, or try something they wouldn't normally.
Negative opinions can provoke discussion and thought, sure, but they're more likely to just kill the mood for sharing, especially if you're going to outright call someone's opinion trash. So taking that into account, all you're really doing here by being relentlessly and exclusively negative about everything is 1) Making an already insular and bitchy place look outright hostile 2) Clogging up threads with posts that aren't actually helpful to anyone and 3) Making yourself look like a colossal weiner.
If you want a negative opinion to be worth reading, you're going to have to bring an actual argument to the table, and that means a reason for your opinion that's not directly derivative of another opinion. There's no accounting for taste, and it will always be "a matter of opinion", but you'll make your posts look a lot less like a hormonal kneejerk response if you referred to a concept outside your personal opinion of what's effective. Pretty much every one of your grumpier posts boils down to "I am right to like this because it is good, it is good because it is well-made; You are wrong to like that because it is bad, it is bad because it is poorly made". That is not an explanation. The post above is definitely a step in the right direction, though it'd probably help if you stopped phrasing everything as if you were personally offended by someone's differing outlook, too.
Now, I'm no saint, I complain about lots of things too (not to mention the half-arsed spam), and I'm certainly meaner to people than is strictly necessary. But if I can make an effort to balance that out by putting some thought and reasoning into making more engaging, well-considered posts, I don't see why you can't do the same. If you'd rather just complain about everything and have no-one call you out for it, get a Tumblr.
EDIT: Oh wow, you've already got one. You should use it more often.
Last edited by MeechMunchie; 02-17-2014 at 06:05 PM..