Can you imagine how much money JAW (or any other indie company) would lose?
I personally don't mind the idea of buying a game twice. Especially if it's by a developer or game franchise which I love. I do understand that people can't afford buying it twice, but surely then you'll just buy it on the platform you want it on.
Like I said, money makes the world go round and I understand why things are done the way they are done. But from a customer standpoint it makes no sense that you can buy a digital copy that only works on a particular platform. It's like buying a DVD and only being able to play it on a particular brand DVD player. If you want to watch it on your PC you'd have to buy another version.
Customers wouldn't accept that kind of stuff with DVD's so why is it accepted with video games? Though I'm sure that if the movie industry could get away with the above scenario they'd jump on it in a heartbeat.
In case of indie developers like JAW I also have no major problem buying the game twice, and I probably will. As long as it's reasonably priced. I just hope that, in the future, this sort of thing is slowly going to go away.