You mean the Steam <> Playstation Network connection thing that only exists for Valve games?
I believe the current framework could support any game that's designed to use it. Portal 2 just happens to be the only one using it ATM.
According to Steam's website the link allows (DLC) content to be redeemed on either system once you bought it (if I'm reading it correctly).
Access redeemed downloadable content registered in Windows or Mac, and vice-versa [PSN]
Aside from talks with Valve and Sony it probably shouldn't be too hard to implement either.
1. Install Steam on PS3/4.
2. Buy game
3. Steam checks if you own the game
4. Game gets added on Steam if verified that you have a paid copy on your PSN account.
It's sad systems like these aren't actually utilized by major AAA titles. Of course the reasons for which are obvious. Money makes the world go round after all. Still I do hope that cross platform purchases will become a thing at some point.