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01-31-2014, 09:00 PM
Many Arms of Odd
: Jan 2014
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What Kind of RTS would Hand of Odd Be Like?

While researching the Oddworld series, I learned of the multiple titles that were planned but not released yet. I remember reading about the Hand of Odd, but I only just recently discovered that it was planned to be an RTS.

Now I am all intrigued as to what kind of RTS it should be. If what I said is not clear, then let me explain. There are the traditional RTSs which are done from a bird's eye view like Dune, WarCraft, and StarCraft; there are RTSs which allowed the player to shift perspective from bird's eye to possessing one of the players like Dungeon Keeper (well, DK is the only game like that); then there is the rarer kind of RTS, which is where the player is a character in the game, and commands soldiers from a third person point of view. Sacrifice is definitely a solid example of a third person RTS, while Giants: Citizen Kabuto is a third person shooter with RTS elements.

What kind of RTS gameplay would we expect from Hand of Odd? Would have to build buildings to progress, or is building is minimal? I personally think they should borrow Sacrifice's model in RTS gameplay, with a Mudokon or a Glukkon commanding all the armies from a third person perspective. How they select troops in third person probably would be simplified from what other RTSs work, probably more in the manner of how Dungeon Keeper has units which operate mostly on their own accord.

What do the denizens of Oddworld's fan base think the game should play like?
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01-31-2014, 09:13 PM
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I am pretty sure it'd play out like a traditional RTS. Bird's eye, command troops, build buildings, etc. etc. I imagine that it would, much like starcraft, have unique units that are plot important characters who are really strong, but cause a game over when they die. Personally, I can't beleive I am saying this, but I am glad Oddworld didn't go through with this game. It really doesn't seem like Oddworld would be good place to have an RTS. Part of the experiences of an RTS, is knowing a lot about every situation you're in, and knowing or "knowing" what to do. Oddworld on the other hand, is mysterious, and makes you feel almost helpless.

Xorlidyr: The tidal waves clean our sins.

My Steam: spiderqueen ;Oddio is the best pun

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02-02-2014, 07:36 AM
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I figured it would be like Brutal Legend, only with complex AI. You control troops with Gamespeak, and do basically no micromanaging in fights that you aren't present for. It would not all be battles, managing resources and building settlements and industries is a game in and of itself. You send workers out to chop down/regrow forests, transport resources to base, and have soldiers and security forces reinforce such regions or patrol the perimeter, before gathering a platoon and send them out to raid the neighbouring encampments in a large open world. This is all done by you on the ground, either by chatting to the workforce or to your chosen Lieutenants over a papyrus/projected map. Part RTS, part SimCity, but all controlled by spoken word by your avatar(s).

Battles might be planned in advance with complex manoeuvres, with only simpler commands like "charge!" "commence phase 2" or "plan B! plan B!!!!" during actual engagements.

If you didn't know what you were doing you would pick up the game and see an RPG or action adventure. You would have to realise that sooner or later those NPCs fall under your command, and will need to be ordered to do something new.
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02-02-2014, 02:05 PM
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Yeah I always got the impression it would be more like that, rather than a traditional RTS. Much more Oddworld-y.
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02-04-2014, 12:22 PM
SpAM_CAN's Avatar
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You could do it in a Populous: The Beginning manner, lots of environmental magic and simple buildings. Could fit well, especially if the industrialists didn't have magic and instead had massive machines of death or something.
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02-05-2014, 04:04 PM
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I seem to recall reading somewhere that the game was/is supposed to blend platformer/adventure elements into the RTS genre.
Could be mistaken but strictly traditional RTS gameplay and Oddworld wouldn't mesh well together imo, then again I doubt many of us expected an FPS turn out as well as SW did so I could very well not know what I'm talking about.
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02-17-2014, 03:45 PM
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I always imagined it'd be like a mix of Brutal Legend and any The Sims and/or Sim City game. At least that's what I want it to be.

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02-19-2014, 12:07 AM
: Jan 2013
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Henchman1028  (25)

Maybe Pikmin or Little King's Story style? That would work.

Last edited by Henchman1028; 02-19-2014 at 12:09 AM..
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02-19-2014, 04:07 AM
Clannfear's Avatar
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It could (should?) be like Black and White. Just imagine growing society without "big animals" but war-machines and troopers. Sounds great enough?

Last edited by Clannfear; 02-19-2014 at 04:10 AM..
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03-01-2014, 04:45 AM
EVP_Glukkon's Avatar
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Hmmm Hand of Odd.

I picture selecting an industry of sorts, and then choosing a location for your primary factory, something close to whatever resources are required. You develop and build the industry while you destroy the surrounding environment, the strategy element is to protect your assets and personnel from aggressive wild-life and natives.

Setting slig patrol routes, considering the use of Slogs that are cheaper to maintain or do you save up for the more expensive anti-chant security systems?

Business management aspects would be included, employee management, security, I could picture a corporate board where you play a political game, trying to perhaps purchase lease of a platform at FeeCo depot to distribute goods?

It would be very funny seeing players design nightmare industrial facilities with obvious hazards, cutting costs where possible.

Last edited by EVP_Glukkon; 03-01-2014 at 07:22 PM..
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03-01-2014, 02:03 PM
Job McYossie's Avatar
Job McYossie
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That sounds more like Rupture Farms Tycoon.

Xorlidyr: The tidal waves clean our sins.

My Steam: spiderqueen ;Oddio is the best pun

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03-01-2014, 07:16 PM
EVP_Glukkon's Avatar
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That sounds more like Rupture Farms Tycoon.
This guy knows where it's at!
I will forward this to Oddworld right away.
The past is a different country.

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