I'm not going to lie, I've killed and eaten a lot of people's pets and then defecated the remains into their mailbox.
I thought I was the only one who did this.
I would think thing I've ever done is this:
I have this co-worker, really obnoxious, and really pretty much just an asshole. This guy is constantly bringing chili to work for his lunch, and leaving it in the fridge. And he farts a lot, and thinks it's hilarious. But it isn't, because he smells like rotten eggs. So one day when I was working the over night shift (which is all the time now, but not back then) I brought a piece of greasy dog shit to work, and mushed it up into his chili. I mashed it in there real good, you totally couldn't tell by looking or smelling it that there were feces of any kind in his food.
I worked the afternoon shift with him the next day, and sat calmy watching as he ate the whole bowl.
Actually, that's pretty awesome. I might do it again some time, just for fun.