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12-20-2012, 12:42 PM
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Munch HD bugs and glitches (PS3)

Hi everyone! With MOHD finally out for PS3 (I'm enjoying it a lot- the new character models are great!), I've noticed some bugs in the game that I thought were worth reporting. Perhaps they could be patched or something later on?

Firstly, the main one I have experienced is that after completing Paramite Run, the movie did not play. I could hear the audio just fine, but the screen remained black. Once the audio stopped, nothing happened. I pressed a few buttons and the 'skip movie' screen did appear, but on pressing (X) to skip, the game froze and I had to restart my console. Thank God you can load quicksaves!

Next one is minor- when completing a level, you unlock more art in the extras menu. I found that after completing several levels, and checking for new artwork, I could no longer view the art unlocked previously (as in, I couldn't cycle back to it). On rebooting the game, all the artwork was there to view.

Lastly, a funny one- in the Quarma menu, it says 'Mudokon Scrabs' not 'Mudokon Scrubs'
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12-20-2012, 12:47 PM
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Yes, there's also the graphical glitch in Dead River where patches of the ground change textures as you move over them. This disappears when you raise the water level via the Storm Circle.

With regards to the concept art, upon completion of the game I was unable to view any of it aside from the first one you unlock (Vykker Pod). Restarting the game doesn't work, nor does completing the levels again. I'm pretty stumped.

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12-20-2012, 12:55 PM
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That reminds me of another one! I found on the Mudokon Fortress level that, when looking at the ground from high up (crane view or rotating camera from the top of a hill, etc.), waves of water would be visible intersecting the ground. When you get down lower, they vanish. (NOTE: I could only see this on ground near water)
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12-20-2012, 01:11 PM
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Thanks, guys. Report all the bugs you find, and we'll do our best to fix them up.

Tomorrow is our last day before we break up for the holidays, so I hope you don't feel like you're talking to a wall. It's just that we have to go off and have our own fun for a short while.

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12-20-2012, 03:35 PM
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I'm not entirely sure what the old 'SoBe' vendos did (or what SoBe is for that matter), but I read somewhere they had been changed- are these the same as the 'Health-Up' vendos in MOHD?

If so, during the Fuel Fields level, at the beginning, we are introduced to the 'Health-Up' vendo. Pressing the story stone however brings up lots of info on the SoBe vendos, with no image or mention of the Health-Up version.

Since I didn't see any SoBe vendos in the level, I'm assuming they're no longer a part of the game?

Enjoy your holiday!
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12-20-2012, 03:55 PM
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SoBe gave you health in the US version of the game. We intentionally used the non-SoBe health ups from the European version. How the game got through testing with that mistake, I'm not sure. I mean, it's hardly a big problem, but it's the kind of inconsistency they'd usually pick up on because of how annoying it is. :P

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12-20-2012, 04:21 PM
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I'd like to report a bug

this game is very bad

that is my report
Ah, we are high school boys,
the miserable high school boys.
If we were girls, we could get popular by doing anything:
rock band, jazz band,
karate, kendo, mahjong, cyborg, synchronized swimming...
On the other hand, high school boys are
useless outside battle and sports anime.
But they're recklessly trying to make a slice-of-life anime about us.
Ah, we are high school boys,
the miserable high school boys.

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12-21-2012, 02:07 AM
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Thanks! We'll patch that right away!

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12-21-2012, 02:25 AM
marlz's Avatar
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I saw some of the footage from Tundiam360's LP he started and... well, remember the music issue I brought up after watching JAW's Munch HD stream?
I swear, I can hear the same slowdown problem in the music through what I've seen of his playthrough thus far. Now, that's not to say (as with the last time I heard it) that it wasn't due to lag caused by recording equipment - as you did say that the music, technically, has not been touched and thus shouldn't be slower in any regard - but the frame rate of the game is perfect, hence the reason I brought it up.

When MO HD hits Steam, I am going to check for myself to make sure if it's simply a lag thing or if in fact it is an actual problem, so I have recorded footage from the normal version for a comparsion video I may make. If the audio slowdown is still present, I will let you know, so I thought I'd give you a heads up that when the Steam release comes through, you may hear from me on this.

Otherwise, from what I've seen, that's the only actual problem with the game. The camera and character control is tuned much finer than before, the GameSpeak interface looks brilliant, and the models definitely look just as pretty as they did in the stream.
Looking forward to it hitting the PC in... wait, was it January? Whenever it gets to Steam, looking forward to it.
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Last edited by marlz; 12-21-2012 at 02:42 AM..
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12-21-2012, 06:17 AM
morgl015's Avatar
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I can't remember if this happened on the Xbox version but sometimes the camera can get stuck on certain scenery objects, but I found that fiddling with the camera can get it unstuck or just walking back a few paces works too.

Also the game crashed on me when entering the first Slog Hut it crashed on the black loading screen with the Abe and Munch icons.

But I must say the small tweaks to the controls, graphics (HD models look great) and replacing certain sound effects have made this game better.
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12-21-2012, 11:41 AM
GlukkonGluk's Avatar
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I've had a screen freezing at Paramite Run too. But, as a rare fan who actually LOVES MO, I would just like to say a compliment to make up for this criticism: thank you for sorting out Munch's sound effects! Much less annoying!
"What glukkons lack in legs, they make up for in fashion sense"

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12-22-2012, 04:11 AM
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ad169  (10)

I often need to click "Save Game" a second time, as nothing happens the first time.

Not a big deal at all, just thought I would mention it.
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12-22-2012, 04:59 AM
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That'll probably be because you just quicksaved or it autosaved, you need to wait for the 'saving' popup in the bottom right corner of the screen to disappear before it'll let you save.

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12-22-2012, 05:54 AM
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My game freezes every time i run through the sloghut.
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12-22-2012, 09:41 AM
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Hi all,

Just wanted to say that I've just reached the Dead River, and have experienced the same issues Vyrien mentioned with textures missing/swapping on the floor. I'm not sure the extent his was at, but mine was actually pretty bad. Wherever the floor was supposed to be grass, it was constant black/dark blue everywhere. Occasionally, when moving the camera, the floor would change to what looked like moving clouds. I took a photo but can't upload it yet, I'll try to edit this post later. The second area looked to be plain white everywhere, but I haven't played that part just yet.

I've also experienced a bug with the quicksave system. Sometimes, when I load a quicksave, the characters aren't there and I can't do anything! Reload and it's fine! This has happened to me a few times now.
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12-28-2012, 12:00 AM
Login95's Avatar
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Hello everybody
I'd like to report a bug:
For some reason in Boiler Room I get shocked when I chant, even if there are no orbs in sight.
That makes the level almost impossible to finish, because you have to posses a glukkon to progress further.
Sometimes Abe can create that chanty thingy with 1 Spooce before he has an epilepsy, but it dissipates before reaching the glukkon, so I had to blow up Munch through the wall, make him stand on a button to keep the door open, and put Abe right next to the entrance.
I don't remember doing it in Xbox version.
I think a lot of people might get stuck because of that.

(Also on "Congratulations for saving everyone screen" at the end of the game it says "Scrabs" instead of "Scrubs" like in Quarma menu mentioned by Michael)

Last edited by Login95; 12-28-2012 at 09:48 AM.. : Found some more
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12-29-2012, 11:20 AM
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I have found another couple of very minor bugs since completing the game, really nothing to worry about to be honest but I'll make a note of them anyway:

Firstly, throughout the game, I noticed some of the sound effects/audio were quite crackly and unclear.

Secondly, in the FlubCo Executive Office, the spangles on the Glukkon's suit have translucent grey squares around them, as though the alpha value is not full! Looks a bit odd since they are everywhere on the character!

Overall, I have to say that I really enjoyed the game. The more cartoon tone and lighter atmosphere notwithstanding, at the core of MO is a really solid game. Certain sections (particularly the industrial ones) were great and felt very true to Oddworld, and I particularly liked the twin stick shooter mechanics when controlling sligs! All things considered, I would love a Munch's Exoddus that builds upon the MO formula with new technology! The improvements made to the HD version are excellent.
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12-29-2012, 02:13 PM
Cloudman's Avatar
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Firstly, throughout the game, I noticed some of the sound effects/audio were quite crackly and unclear.
I've experienced this a bit too, mostly with the native Mudokons in the SpooceShrub Forest. It was pretty bad at points.

Also is Abe's fall damage sound ('UGH!') supposed to play everytime he hits an object? For instance when sliding down a the side of a hill there'd be a cascade of 'UGHUGUGHUGHHUGH', seems a bit unpolished but just a minor thing.
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01-01-2013, 04:59 AM
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Also is Abe's fall damage sound ('UGH!') supposed to play everytime he hits an object? For instance when sliding down a the side of a hill there'd be a cascade of 'UGHUGUGHUGHHUGH', seems a bit unpolished but just a minor thing.
I only heard that when he flies out of a well and lands on the floor (when he bounces a few times in quick succession). I always assumed it was intentional, I didn't hear any sounds from Abe when sliding down hills apart from the sliding sound (with decreasing pitch).

For me the most crackly sound effect was Munch's fall damage sound actually.
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01-05-2013, 04:53 PM
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Just a heads-up, I'm currently stuck inside a platform as Abe in the Meep Herder level- the platform just above the fence surrounding the Sloggie pen. Can't get unstuck. Reeeeeeeeeally hope I don't have to re-start the level...

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01-05-2013, 07:22 PM
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Just a heads-up, I'm currently stuck inside a platform as Abe in the Meep Herder level- the platform just above the fence surrounding the Sloggie pen. Can't get unstuck. Reeeeeeeeeally hope I don't have to re-start the level...
That happens even in the original version of MO. I had to start over.
I bought some powdered water, but didn't know what to add.

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01-06-2013, 01:09 AM
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Any chance you could send a screenshot? I have never had that happen, and I've played Munch an embarrassing amount.

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01-06-2013, 06:01 AM
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Sorry, no. I'm playing the PS3 version, plus I re-loaded the level and that removed Abe.

Edit: After de-posessing the glukkon of that same level, my system froze...

Edit 2: And now the newspaper videos won't play for me

Edit 4: Dead river's ground textures are all fucked up. Where there should be grass/moss/whatever that texture along the ground is that's green, the textures randomize. It's like it's fine when the Shaman is speaking, but then it goes back to randomizing when he's finished.
The only other surface I see this happening on is the little mounds of dirt around the base of the flagpoles.

Played a little further, hoping the texture thing would fix itself. Nope!

There's ten dollars I'll never see again.

Last edited by Dipstikk; 01-08-2013 at 08:53 AM..
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01-13-2013, 07:03 AM
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MsKD666  (10)

I only had a couple of minor glitches in my first play through. I noticed the crackly sound for Munch, that others have mentioned. Only once, have I done a quickload and had no characters appear. I just did a quickload again and it was fine.
3-4 freezes in the whole playthrough.
And in a couple of levels some enemies respawned.
Else where online I've seen people saying that they're having problems with the 'I Regrow Nothing' trophy being glitchy and not popping after a number of play throughs and sticking to various methods when it came to saves and things. Hence, I've avoided going for this trophy yet.
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01-15-2013, 01:48 AM
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And in a couple of levels some enemies respawned.
As a result of quickloading? Bear in mind that some enemies do actually respawn.

Well, new enemies spawn in exactly the same place.

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01-15-2013, 09:45 AM
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MsKD666  (10)

LOL. Yeah, definitely not to do with quicksaving. I know there are places with intentionally respawning enemies. This was in Reservoir Row and one of the Sloghuts, from what I remember. But having nearly completed my second play through, I think it must have been more of a case of me just missing some and them standing there quietly not moving.
Incidentally, I'm wondering on this play through though, is it possible to get the Hopping Mad trophy when going for Demonic Quarma, or does it have to be on an Angelic play through?
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01-23-2013, 02:04 PM
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Henchman1028  (25)

LOL. Yeah, definitely not to do with quicksaving. I know there are places with intentionally respawning enemies. This was in Reservoir Row and one of the Sloghuts, from what I remember. But having nearly completed my second play through, I think it must have been more of a case of me just missing some and them standing there quietly not moving.
Incidentally, I'm wondering on this play through though, is it possible to get the Hopping Mad trophy when going for Demonic Quarma, or does it have to be on an Angelic play through?
I did a Demonic Quarma playthrough without using a wheelchair, and didn't get Hopping Mad. Also, the cutscenes after Magog Motors won't play, but you can still hear the music, and they won't show up in the cutscene selection. I have also been having the same floor texture problems with Dead River as others have mentioned here.
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01-25-2013, 02:18 AM
Fred The Fuzzle's Avatar
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I started playing through Munch HD today and ran into a serious bug. I believe it's the same bug as OP reported but in Mudokon fortress. I replayed through the entire level several hours later but resulted in the same glitch.

I'm enjoying it though and getting a massive hit of nostalgia from it, thank you JAW for all the hard work you've put in.

[edit] Forgot to mention that each time leading up to the bug the Fuzzle portal sound effects were absent.
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01-25-2013, 10:45 AM
david's Avatar
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Question munch glich

Hi guys i am an oddworld fan since 97 i have abe's oddysee and abe's exoddus and now munch's oddysee on ps3 i have finished them no prob but when i played munch's oddysee again i got prob freezing! on dead river all the lvl grass keeps changing but the one's that are giving me real prob is getting I REGROW NOTTING in the last 5 days i was trying to get trophys HOPPING MAD and I REGROW NOTTING the HOPPING MAD one popped the day before yesterday but I REGROW NOTTING no show since hopping mad i have finished 5 times since i have deleted config and all the saved data still notting after finishing i was very careful on the last run through is this trophy gliched??? 100% did not regrow anything accpet the two in raisn cave! and on vykkers lab in quarma check it shows needed to save 18 but the lvl only has 17 whats up with that? ONLY HAPPENED ONCE and thx for the ADD

Last edited by david; 01-26-2013 at 09:51 AM.. : CANT GET I REGROW NOTTING
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01-26-2013, 09:54 AM
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reply to henchman 1028


Last edited by david; 01-27-2013 at 06:31 AM..
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