I think a lot of the source music from AO/AE wasn't wholly original. You hear many of these musical phrases, sound effects, and synths repeated in a lot of late 90's media. Sometimes the title of 'composer' for videogames was reserved for those who simply built a score out of pre-existing loops and snippets from other soundtracks, especially on lower budget productions.
I bought some powdered water, but didn't know what to add.
I think a lot of the source music from AO/AE wasn't wholly original. You hear many of these musical phrases, sound effects, and synths repeated in a lot of late 90's media. Sometimes the title of 'composer' for videogames was reserved for those who simply built a score out of pre-existing loops and snippets from other soundtracks, especially on lower budget productions.
Indeed, and the menu bgm has sounds that I think we have listen to them at point or another, in some TV show, movie or even game. It was one of those stock sounds that catch on, like this one:
Or thess:
Last edited by Steamer_KING; 12-11-2012 at 05:43 AM..
Yeah, I understand it's just a stock noise used for 1001 other things. The amount of times I've heard Abe's fart pop up in other creations, in fact wasn't there a thread about that a while ago? It merely made me laugh and thought it was worth mentioning.
Yeah, I understand it's just a stock noise used for 1001 other things. The amount of times I've heard Abe's fart pop up in other creations, in fact wasn't there a thread about that a while ago? It merely made me laugh and thought it was worth mentioning.
I actually think it's always nice to mention these, so nostalgia can hit us like a motherfucker.
One of my slightly pointless hobbies is to try to pick out sound effects and fonts from things I watch. You'd be shocked to hear how many times the BBC use stock Garageband Apple Loops or sound effects. I kinda nostalgia-gasm'd when they used the door sounds from Doom in Doctor Who once.
They don't use that many Apple Loops these days though, mostly the Tron Legacy soundtrack...
So is the Scrab's call an original sound then? I don't think I've ever heard anything like it before.
The howl might be. I've heard the scrabs' short barking sound in other places. Not sure what the source of the sound is, but you'd be surprised the weird sounds some animals are capable of making. So many generic "monster" sounds come from things you wouldn't expect, like elephants and pigs.
I bought some powdered water, but didn't know what to add.
Funnily enough, we can't tell you where they came from either. We tried to find the original Scrab and Paramite sounds to put in Munch HD, but if we even have them we can't find them. So we had brand new original sounds made.
Or record it from the game and enhance it in an audio editing software?
Recording it from the game would not be any better than stripping it from the files (and very possibly it would be worse). And there's no way to enhance the audio to upgrade it from 4kHz to 44kHz. It's impossible to process something and get more information than you had originally.
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.
It's not like music which you hear everywhere in the game and it's not incredibly loud... In my eyes (ears) it'd be better even to use the 4kHz lq sound instead of using sounds that might sound less like Scrabs/Paramites and more like real Earth animals (I have to point that haven't heard MO HD versions yet)
So you're saying they should compromise audio fidelity for the sake of nostalgia? Those are exactly the kind of production decisions that tank a company, my friend.
I bought some powdered water, but didn't know what to add.