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10-26-2012, 03:35 PM
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Munch HD gameplay

Hey! JAW had a live stream of MOHD running earlier today, announced through facebook. Haven't seen anyone mention it here so far! Enjoy about an hour of Munch (note: gameplay begins at 0:35:00 roughly):


It has a nice commentary from Stuart, though it's a little hard to hear over the game at times. He mentions the things that have been improved and answers some questions from fans.

They removed the boing sound from Munch, and replaced it with a more accurate 'frog flipper' sound. It's definitely better, but in my opinion perhaps a bit too loud- maybe there'll be a way to lower the FX volume?
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10-26-2012, 03:51 PM
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I already made a thread for this (kind of).


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10-26-2012, 10:55 PM
marlz's Avatar
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I saw, it was rather awesome indeed.
A lot of things seem to have been changed in a fairly favourable way.

The music was a little off, though. Something sounded horribly wrong with the tempo, all the music was playing 30% slower.

Besides that, it looks amazing. ^^
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10-27-2012, 12:28 AM
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The music was a little off, though. Something sounded horribly wrong with the tempo, all the music was playing 30% slower.
It sounded the same as always to me. Remember the music in MO is pretty slow.

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10-27-2012, 12:56 AM
Takeshi's Avatar
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I watched the stream, the game looks okay, but all this. . . making the Oddworld games HD in my opinion is just a waste, I like the old graphics, and they should be creating instead of updating.
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10-27-2012, 01:54 AM
marlz's Avatar
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@Manco True, but when you compare the stream footage to the original version, you notice, especially in Fuzzle Testing. It feels like the game is going at normal speed, but the music is running in slow motion after it.

@Takeshi The whole point of doing the remakes is so that their new products and their old products are in as close to an equal standard as possible, at least in graphics. Plus, through making the HD updates, the funds go towards making new games, funds which they presently lack.
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10-27-2012, 02:09 AM
pupbenny's Avatar
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Munch's hopping sound has been replaced, which to me is annoying because I liked that sound. In fact I find this new sound annoying. :P

EDIT: I also don't like the way it's been made more realistic but the cartoony stars, ect, are still in their. I also thought that was a bad feature as Oddworld had always been strong in realism in AO and AE and then with MO suddenly it was all cartoony with stuff like that.

Then again why am I complaining? I'll probably never get to play this game anyway. I never do with Oddworld now a days. Apart from Abe HD when it comes out.

Last edited by pupbenny; 10-27-2012 at 02:26 AM..
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10-27-2012, 02:39 AM
Fred The Fuzzle's Avatar
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Munch's hopping sound has been replaced, which to me is annoying because I liked that sound.

Looking forward to Munch HD, hopefully Stewart and the team will have it optimised straight up, not two or three updates later.
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10-27-2012, 03:05 AM
marlz's Avatar
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I think any problems you might have with the new sound are less to do with whether or not it is annoying (which it isn't really) and moreso because it's louder.
I honestly don't mind Munch's hopping sound either way, but if people were complaining about the old one, hopefully something more realistic to his flipper will work better... speaking of which, let's hope they remember to change the sounds over in the cutscenes it can be heard in, if this change is intended to be a permanent alteration.
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10-27-2012, 03:51 AM
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I think any problems you might have with the new sound are less to do with whether or not it is annoying (which it isn't really) and moreso because it's louder.
I honestly don't mind Munch's hopping sound either way, but if people were complaining about the old one, hopefully something more realistic to his flipper will work better... speaking of which, let's hope they remember to change the sounds over in the cutscenes it can be heard in, if this change is intended to be a permanent alteration.
They don't have access to the original FMV files. So no, it won't be changed.
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10-27-2012, 03:55 AM
marlz's Avatar
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Well, goodbye audio continuity then. XD
Honestly, I would've kept the hopping sound as it was because of that. *shrugs*
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10-27-2012, 04:01 AM
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Well, goodbye audio continuity then. XD
Honestly, I would've kept the hopping sound as it was because of that. *shrugs*
Nahhh. It's better this way!
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10-27-2012, 04:40 AM
Michael's Avatar
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I'm not sure if these are things that have been changed or not, but it looked to me like Abe's running was slower and much more in line with his AO/AE speed. Also the camera seemed much tighter to him. The camera always looked too far away before, so this should be much better for seeing the HD models

I think the new flipper sound for Munch is better, but I wonder if that will eventually become annoying too? In my opinion it should be quieter and less noticeable, more of a background noise than a sound effect. To contrast, I don't take any notice of Abe's footsteps because I expect to hear the soft 'thud' noise, and it blends into the general ambient noise. Munch's sound feels a tad intrusive perhaps.
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10-27-2012, 05:49 AM
Takeshi's Avatar
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@Takeshi The whole point of doing the remakes is so that their new products and their old products are in as close to an equal standard as possible, at least in graphics. Plus, through making the HD updates, the funds go towards making new games, funds which they presently lack.
I didn't really think of that, maybe it is a good idea
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10-27-2012, 06:15 AM
pupbenny's Avatar
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Looking forward to Munch HD, hopefully Stewart and the team will have it optimised straight up, not two or three updates later.

Anyway, the new sound isn't that good I think. I hope it's just a stock sound or something.

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10-27-2012, 10:16 AM
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Well, goodbye audio continuity then. XD
Honestly, I would've kept the hopping sound as it was because of that. *shrugs*
The difference is the cut-scenes are a lot shorter than gameplay and you can skip them. We'd much rather replace a gameplay noise that is almost universally reviled.

I'm not sure if these are things that have been changed or not, but it looked to me like Abe's running was slower and much more in line with his AO/AE speed.
Good spot! Yes, we slowed the overall speed down to make the game a little less hectic. Playing the feels now feels like controling the characters, not wrestling with an oiled bouncy ball. For the same reason, characters now bounce off walls a lot less, and 'jump' and 'action' have been moved to separate buttons.

You can still accidentally perform the wrong action, of course, but no more ruining your careful Mudokon positioning with an impromptu somersault.

Also the camera seemed much tighter to him. The camera always looked too far away before, so this should be much better for seeing the HD models
Wow, someone's been paying attention. We changed the camera, but I can't remember how precisely. I think it's closer and angled more horizontally.

Anyway, the new sound isn't that good I think. I hope it's just a stock sound or something.
No, it was made by our sound engineer.

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10-27-2012, 10:48 AM
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I like new sound and the fact the game is not that crazy fast anymore
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10-27-2012, 04:40 PM
marlz's Avatar
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The difference is the cut-scenes are a lot shorter than gameplay and you can skip them. We'd much rather replace a gameplay noise that is almost universally reviled.
Fair enough, thought that might have been why.

And considering my comment relating to the music slowdown wasn't answered, I'm hoping it was just a lag issue with the stream.
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10-27-2012, 11:18 PM
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I don't care if there's a continuity error between the game and the FMVs now- I am SO fucking glad they eliminate the "BOING BOING BOING BOING BOING BOING" noise. I remember getting so sick of that godawful sound that I seriously think I began hearing it in my sleep. Even if you still have to hear it in the FMVs, it's a lot better than having to hear it every time you switch to Munch in the game.

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10-28-2012, 04:19 AM
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I haven't played a build of Munch HD recently, and I wasn't listening to Stew play the game (he had headphones on), so I can't say either way. When I was testing the game the music wasn't spot on but I didn't notice it playing any slower. I'll try and have it checked next week.

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10-28-2012, 07:12 AM
pupbenny's Avatar
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No, it was made by our sound engineer.
That's bad for me. (but it doesn't really matter to someone who probably won't get to play it. :P ) But if I recall correctly, alot of people didn't like the original sound so that's probably why it was changed.

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10-28-2012, 12:58 PM
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Abe's eyes should be more bloodshot.

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10-28-2012, 01:08 PM
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Abe's character model looks fucking retarded in the gamespeak section. It's stupid trying to polish a turd and in my opinion this looks just as bad as before, I hope JAW make some serious money out of this trainwreck.
In Odd We Trust.

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10-28-2012, 04:02 PM
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Abe's character model looks fucking retarded in the gamespeak section. It's stupid trying to polish a turd and in my opinion this looks just as bad as before, I hope JAW make some serious money out of this trainwreck.
Gotta admit, I thought the Abe model in the Gamespeak section looked a little... off... somehow. Compared to the new Munch model, Abe does look quite bland and less detailed. It could well be lighting (Abe looks very matte, whereas Munch is shiny), but then again his skin texture looks blurry too.

I was under the impression the Abe model we saw previously:


...was going to be the in-game Munch HD model? The one in the Gamespeak section certainly looks different! There looks to be fewer polys, particularly the stitches, which look like they're much flatter.
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10-29-2012, 03:38 AM
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It's exactly the same model. It's been improved a hell of a lot for New 'n' Tasty by tda's own admission.

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10-29-2012, 03:54 AM
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It's exactly the same model. It's been improved a hell of a lot for New 'n' Tasty by tda's own admission.
The only model so far, that I've seen, that I've disliked is the Fuzzles character model. But that's mostly because I prefer the Stranger's Wrath design more than anything.
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10-30-2012, 03:23 PM
marlz's Avatar
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It's exactly the same model. It's been improved a hell of a lot for New 'n' Tasty by tda's own admission.
I actually kind of like the model how it is now compared to the shiny model we were shown a while back. His skin texture seems closer to what it actually is meant to be now, which I kind of like. Before, I thought he seemed a little too shiny (and wrinkly, surprisingly).
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10-30-2012, 04:16 PM
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What image are you refering to as 'now' and which as 'a while back'?

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10-30-2012, 11:13 PM
marlz's Avatar
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A while back being this one:

And the "now" one being the MO HD model, the one that Michael was saying looked a bit off. Honestly, I like it how it looks now, I thought the degree of shininess and wrinkles was a little overwhelming before on the first model, but the way it is now looks much closer to what I've come to know Abe's skin texture to be.
やった! (YATTA)
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Last edited by marlz; 10-31-2012 at 02:04 AM..
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10-31-2012, 12:07 AM
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A while back being this one:

And the "now" one being the MO HD model, the one that Michael was saying looked a bit off (and Connell was whinging about).
I resent this statement, I was merely expressing my opinion and it happened to be quite a strong one, I'm sorry if it came across as whinging. I just think anyone who isn't of the opinion that this game still looks below par needs their eyes tested. Sorry for not being a leg-humping fanboy and pretending everything they do is great.
In Odd We Trust.

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