There's a bit of ambiguity with this! Like Wil said, there are 51 entries with 'New 'n' Tasty' in some form. So the question is, do JAW collect these submissions under one 'same base idea' group, or treat them as individual?
For example, hypothetically, say that on the 5th someone suggested 'Oddventure', then on the 7th someone suggested 'Oddworld: Abe's Oddventure'. JAW decide they would like the latter.
Would the first be the winner for being the original 'Oddventure' submission, or would they forego that entry to choose the verbatim submission despite being entered later and potentially copied (and slightly reworked) from the original?
Tricky I guess. If JAW were to choose the second in my example, there could be backlash from the first entrant because he first suggested 'Oddventure'. If they chose the first, there could be outrage from the second entrant who would say they were the first (maybe only) person to submit that exact title.
With the amount of submissions, it seems like everything will fall under this question. I doubt there are any truly unique answers, (besides the joke ones!), and even then it's of course down to the one JAW like best.
I could foresee this becoming a PR nightmare if the submission times were revealed. The only thing I can think of is for JAW to pick the one they like best, and just tell everyone it was first.