I've listened to it twice. Sorry man, not doing anything for me.
Maybe some people like the whole "We're so desperate to get our message out that we didn't have time to refine this" thing, but not me. The second half was a bit better, but still; If I wanted poetry, I'd go read some poetry.
But, hey, I'm also wearing skinny jeans and playing a visual novel! Every cloud, right?
Whoah, whoah, whoah. I don't mind you not liking it. I don't even mind you not listening to it. But that was just petty. There is nothing "unrefined" about that song. That song comes from the ep "Everywhere and His Nasty Parlour Tricks" (or the rarer "Night on the Sun" ep) where they began to refine their sound, and spend more time on production. Again, there is nothing unrefined about it, and your saying that means that you either have no idea what you're talking about, or are just pettily trying to put it down.
This is difficult to explain, but I'll try. Art is not about technical proficiency. I say that even though MM are technically proficient. If music were about that it would be really fucking boring. To use the painting analogy again, what you're saying is that the only style of painting worth anything is photo realism. You're saying that style, originality, and substance are worthless. It's all about how hard it is to play. That's bullshit. I love listening to crappy four track recordings. I love it because you can hear the love that the person is pouring into what they are making. It's cleaner, and more pure than the best produced album of arpeggios ever made.
Also, you're throwing out entire genres of music. You're basically saying that punk was never good. That it was never
important. Music is the most important form of modern art. It's the most important because it's the most pervasive. You can't get away from it, and it informs, and creates entire sub cultures. Often, music that is raw or unpolished is made that way as a statement unto it's own. Our societies can only stand so much perfectly made shitty music before someone comes along, and says "Fuck this. I'm tearing it down." And thank god those people exist. Because they actually give a shit. To imply that they are lazy, or that they don't care is to ignore everything that art is about. You're argument is basically the argument of a modern day Oscar Wilde, and while he was a very interesting writer, if he had lived in the 1980's he would have worn spandex, and had huge hair.