Same here. Thing is, it is so commonplace a crime these days that nobody is actually prosecuted to the full extent of the law without their being some kind of ulterior motive. If a cop goes through the effort of collaring/detaining you for "smokin' the reefer", he's either not met his quota, has some kind of vendetta against you, or is just an authoritative asshole. I understand how in Ireland it might be different (smaller country, more traditional values, etc.), but weed tolerance in the US is pretty high. The time and expense of convicting someone to the full extent of the law for something as minute as possession is almost never worth it.
The few cops I've known personally weren't above getting blazed with their buds every now and again. Chances are, if a cop confiscates your weed, they'll let you off with a warning and just smoke it themselves.
Even I'm not entirely sure what our government thinks about grass because it seems to me that it's an outdated law that they're still enforcing just out of pure stubborness and don't want to look as though they can be swayed by public rallying. I've heard a few stories now why it's illegal but I'm not really sure which to believe although they all sound plausible.
I've never had any trouble with the police, yet, but I have been seen by a few coppers toking a dooby. I was okay though, they knew the people I'm currently living with and are big time smokers themselves. I've been told by a few people that they mostly issue "official" warnings and then pocket the weed for themselves, which I would totally do in their shoes.
And the media. By fuck, the media (BBC and all national newspaper's) annoys the shit out of me whenever there's a story to be had on it. I read through a story on the BBC website about it and you couldn't read through a simple story about some man and his views without the editor or whoever throwing in the 'medical experts have concluded that weed breeds mental disorders' argument wherever they want. Which is bullshit for the most part.
"I'm staunchly atheist, I simply don’t believe in God. But I'm still Catholic, of course. Catholicism has a much broader reach than just the religion. I'm technically Catholic, it's the box you have to tick on the census form: 'Don't believe in God, but I do still hate Rangers..'"