Originally posted by Lampion
grandis auris : big ear
abnoba grandis pes: (?) big foot
parvus aqua scolopendas: (?) water (?)
macula feras: (?) beast
capilus viburnum feras: hair (?) beast
cutis cataracta: skin (?)
what do they mean?
Thanks for your compliments. I like it how you show the people that you like their drawings/ fanfictions. Your expression is great!
I think your Mudokons look
more like Mudokons - mine are just drawn in my own ordinary style -
But that doesn't matter, the main thing is you realize that they are Mudokons and nothing else!
Well, to your question. Certainly I will translate and explain them for you.
Abnoba grandis pes : I'll just translate Abnoba because you already know what grandis pes mean. It's nothing more than forest. These Mudokons are "forest walker". They mash every animal that is smaller than their feet!
Parvus aqua Scolopendas : Pravus means very small and Scolopendras means foot. Joined, these words mean “small water-foot”
Macula Feras : There is also an English word for Macula; Maculation. Macula feras is just Latin for “Spotted-animal”
Capillus viburnum feras : Viburnum means snow, because those species live in the arctic.
Cutis cataracta : Cataracta (there is also an English word; cataract) – means waterfall. Actually I wanted to call them “cutis aqua”, but this name was too simple for this species.
I hope this answer your questions.
Originally posted by Dark Hood
Wow! I am impressed! Great work, Claud. ![Grin](images/smilies/d_grin.gif)
Hey, can I post the details for my species of Biros mudokon on here? You don't have to say yes if you don't want to. ![Wink](images/smilies/d_wink.gif)
- DH
Of course you can post Blue here! It would be great! Go ahead, mate
Originally posted by Huge_Bro_Slig
your work is really good i was wondering if i could put your work on myt site (fanpics) please thanxs
No, it’s better you put the link of my website to yours. I wouldn’t like to see my pics of an other page.
Here are the next three species :
Ignis Cutis
Race : fire skin
Category : mammal
Characteristics : Ignis cutis have small bags on their skin these are filled with poison. One touch and these bags burst and set a vitriolic substance on the enemy. The enemy get blebs and can't move away; They are paralysed. The body color is very noticeable.
Body height : 160 cm
weight : unknown
Propagation : Mostly in deserts
Food : carnivore
social structure :They are loner
Sexual maturity 11 - 42 years
Pairing time The all year
Life span till 58 years
Continuance 900 0000 years ago
Picture of an Ignis Cutis
Ignis Cutis ( arbor)
Race : fire skin
Category : unknown
Characteristics : Ignis cutis arbors are smaller than their conspecifics, the Ignis cutis'. They are utter flexible. Their skin is only on the back "untouchable".
Body height : 60 cm
weight : 11 kg
Propagation : In forest or fields
Food : insectivore
social structure : They are the first time of their life loner, but there are mostly couples or packs.
Sexual maturity 3 - 10 years
Pairing time The all year
Life span 14 years
Continuance Like the Ignis cutis 900 0000 years ago
Picture of an Ignis Cutis
Tigris Cutis
Race : Tiger skin
Category : mammals
Characteristics : Tigris Cutis look very similar to Tiger. They have the same muster.
Body height : till 200 cm
weight : till 80 kg
Propagation : They live in damply forests.
Food : omnivore
social structure : Little T.C. live their all life in a big family. Only the males are loner.
Sexual maturity unknown
Pairing time 19 - 54 years
Life span till 80 years
Continuance about 1000 0000 years ago
Picture of a Tigris cutis ( young)