What? You made something that coated your hand in liquid soap? Im impressed. I did an expirement,it turns out the human calf bone can only hold 52,000 pieces of macaronni before it caves in. And it takes 57 bites corn-on-the-cob style to chew through a pencil. And you should learn the secrets behind those chopping people in half tricks before you ask an audiance member to volunteer, I ruined a perfectly good shirt........ Yes, I do lots of expirements, wanna be my next test subject?
EDIT: O yes, the terms of agreement-
I will not hold David reponsible for any mishaps during the expirement, I will not be afraid to be shown dying (oops, I mean doing the expirement) on public TV, and if I die I will volunteer my organs to David for further expirements. Further more, if I live through, I promise to live the rest of my life as a monk, being forced to sleep with a 867 Lb chunky chippmunk. If any dismemberment occurs, rabid dogs fall in love with, extra tenticles etc are grown, or the rabid dogs attempt rape to me, all medical bills are help accountalbe by insurance and myself, and a new tetanus shot will need to be taken no matter what, as a side-effect of most expirements is rusty teeth. And once more, just for delight, David will not be help responsible for anything.
(sign your name)
And PS, you get no pay......(you probably would never get to collect, anyhow)
Last edited by Majic; 03-11-2002 at 07:05 PM..