OKAY, FOLKERONIES! Exams are over and I've got time to do
things now!
Firstly: Blame Splat. I said I'd do anything I was asked, and he asked for something massive.
It took so long, with so many massive breaks between shifts, that I was unable to keep the style consistent, because I'd been improving my 'proper' art skills inbetween. Anyway, here it is. The scale is smaller than people seemed to want; I only noticed that when I was 2/3rds of the way in and I couldn't be arsed to change it. Anyway, here it is.
If people want to keep adding to it or colour it or whatever, fine. If people would rather start a new one, that's also fine.
I just need two consecutive suggestions to end it. (That's a new rule. I wish I could edit the OP... If I redo it, could you paste the new version in, Splat?) If it
does end, I'll draw a 'proper' hand-drawn version and scan it in to act as a nice bookend (i.e. to stop people asking me to go back to it).
Also, the image of that first circle we strarted with has vanished from ImageShack.

It's a story with no beginning!
And Dipstikk, I fixed the nose.