I like munch more. I like abe for his orginallity and all, but he's just way too much of a pansy. Well, that aint it. It's that he's knows that he's a pansy. Munch is cooler because he lives in denile and thinks he's actually capable of doing whatever he wants, no matter what it takes. He's alot pushier. "Get me those eggs, Abe, you hear me!?" Sorry if that was a bit of a spoiler, but i had to demonstrate what i was talking about. And i like munch cause he's got a cute, alien ass. That's right, i admit that i would rather see his three-finned booty any day over abe's loin clothed caboose. I mean, think about it, most of MO is from behind so who would YOU rather see?
"We want the funk. You can't stop the funk."
-George Clinton/Ghandi