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11-11-2011, 10:34 AM
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I'm now up to the part where I just met the Greybeards. I managed to avoid the frost troll in the mountain path the first time, but now I can't go the same way to avoid it and the troll is so hard, argh.

I also had a hard time defeating some random hired thugs that came up to me and tried to kill me. Three versus one and they all had steel armour. Fucking unfair. Anyways, at least I managed to kick their asses using a combo of the electricity spell (Sparks) and my trustworthy Ancient Nord Sword!
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11-11-2011, 03:14 PM
Disgruntled Intern's Avatar
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Decided against the midnight release last night because the midnight launch for Reach was horrible. And it was cold last night. Figured I'd be able to swoop right into Gamestop today, make my trades and pick it up, no problem.


Waited in line for over an hour. Totally worth it though. Other than the first quest, I've done nothing other than explore, loot, and just...Gawk at everything. The favorites menu took me a few minutes to get used to and appreciate, but holy fuck, this game is just...Fantastic.

Buy my T-shirts. People will like you more and I will hate you less.

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11-11-2011, 03:25 PM
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I second that.
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11-11-2011, 03:28 PM
Ridg3's Avatar
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Just finished the opening mission there now and reached Riverwood, and all I can say is that the game looks so darn pretty. But, more than that, the combat system is totally fantastic... it actually feels like you're swinging a sword and the archery in it. The Archery. The arrows actually fly straight and not a big curve like in Oblivion. I shed a tear whenever I seen it.
"I'm staunchly atheist, I simply don’t believe in God. But I'm still Catholic, of course. Catholicism has a much broader reach than just the religion. I'm technically Catholic, it's the box you have to tick on the census form: 'Don't believe in God, but I do still hate Rangers..'"

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11-11-2011, 03:32 PM
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In Riverwood there was a kid who wanted to fight me.
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11-11-2011, 08:29 PM
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I'm loving the finishing moves. The music is epic and the graphics are just amazing. well worth the wait.

EDIT: Also, I killed a chicken and the entire village attacked me. Twas kind of funny. So... don't mess with peoples farm animals.

Last edited by mr.odd; 11-11-2011 at 08:36 PM..
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11-11-2011, 09:34 PM
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Yes I did the same when I was leaving Riverwood. I just laughed and gracefully fled through the forest under attack by the flying arrows of the angry mob chasing me accompanied by 3 wolves.
One of which I killed and made it do a little dance.

Embedding Facebook videos is a pain :/
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11-11-2011, 10:50 PM
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Don't mess with the fucking giants. I just today tried to kill a few of them and failed miserably. Here's the reason:

Also, it's not a bug as the video title claims, it's supposed to be in the game.
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11-11-2011, 11:03 PM
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Well I'm fucked.
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11-12-2011, 02:15 AM
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Me and my boyfriend got Skyrim yesterday! I've only played it until Riverwood because I want to savour everything. By god it's beautiful.

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11-12-2011, 02:28 AM
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Apart from the lizard boobs, I guess this looks pretty nice. Very good reviews, too. I'm probably buying a new computer—at last—tomorrow, and I might try to get hold of some extra money for this. Yay!
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11-12-2011, 11:36 AM
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I went down to a friend's today to play it.

I got to the place where the Greybeards are; some of the shouts are amazing. I like the lightning-fast movement from A to B.

I agree with Dynamithix that ice trolls are cunts. One of them killed me pretty quick.

The dragons are quite something. Prancing about a mountain and it was watching me, I thought it was a statue til it took flight and shot it's frosty-ass breath at me.
its a sex injury: im missing my left ear. dont ask.

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11-12-2011, 10:03 PM
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Okay, here something that is pissing me off. I'm doing the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller and i'm at the end where you give the greybeards the horn and learn the final shout phrase. well... after i gave the guy the horn he just stands there after telling me to follow him. I tried reloading, talking to all of the other greybeards, waiting, and nothing. He just stands there and they won't tell me the phrase. Anybody else having this problem?
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11-12-2011, 11:31 PM
Dynamithix's Avatar
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Strange. It worked for me, he talked to me for a while and then said "Follow me" and went to the middle of the building and the ritual started. Try again for a few times maybe?
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11-12-2011, 11:37 PM
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Worked for me as well. I'd say go back to your most recent save and try again.
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11-13-2011, 02:15 AM
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Holy shit, I found some place in the very far east mountains where there was a temple of some sort and there was an orb in there so I tried to take it and it locked me into a cage and the orb started spinning around me making a horrible screeching sound and then I fell a really long drop to some water area and when I tried to get out of there a bunch of strange blueish creatures attacked me and poisoned me! I think they were called 'Falmer'. Fuck, I'm glad it autosaved at the door, I'm going to have to go there some time again when I have better armour.
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11-13-2011, 07:59 AM
Mac Sirloin's Avatar
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I've had an odd experience with Skyrim.

On friday, two of my friends were kicked out of the house they were going to play Skyrim at because their mother found a bong. Turns out they were stuck in town with nowhere to go. I was supposed to be going somewhere at this point, but invited them over to sit and play it under the guidelines that they don't drink or eat anything while I was out.

I had a crappy time going out, and came back to find them still a-playin. And they kept playing through Saturday, and now it's noon on Sunday and I've told them they have an hour to get the fuck out.

The game itself is wonderful, very engrossing. While I was cooking dinner for everyone on Friday, they were just fighting the Dragon that gives you your first shout ability. I was commenting on this, but my comment was cut off by the simmering food behind me.

A few hours later they were speaking to some Gaybeards about some sort of magical pelvic thrust that launches you twelve feet forward. Might have been another shout. I was busy doing a safety course on the internet to find myself a job, but it seemed pretty cool.

Then they tried to fight a giant, and died.

Then they tried to fight a mammoth, and died.

Then they tried to fight their own horse, and died.

Then (or possibly before, time is kinda melding together into one cheeto-odoured weekend at this point) they went to do some mission with a Golden claw. You know the one. You also know that door you have to open in the first dungeon full of Draugr with said claw? They spent ten minutes trying to figure that door out before I calmly walked in and solved it on my first try, plate of French Fries in hand. Ridiculous.

Anyway, I've been hosting these two idiots for over two days and I just feel like pointing out that the game is very much fun. Truly enthralling and the game world is INCREDIBLE in just how humungous it is. The brief chance at playing I've had I created an Orc named 'Mr. Beefy'. We've been playing it on my 360, so I don't have a screenshot, but needless to say his jaw actually clips out of helmets it's so bulbous and gingivitis infected.

On a side note, I don't understand this fucking mentality of trying to steal every goddamn thing from people in stores or homes when the people are RIGHT THERE, WATCHING YOU, OVER AND OVER AND OVER. But maybe I'm just not good at games like this.

Okay, here something that is pissing me off. I'm doing the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller and i'm at the end where you give the greybeards the horn and learn the final shout phrase. well... after i gave the guy the horn he just stands there after telling me to follow him. I tried reloading, talking to all of the other greybeards, waiting, and nothing. He just stands there and they won't tell me the phrase. Anybody else having this problem?
This happened more than once while I was fighting off robbers so my friends could keep playing. I've if you're stuck in a loop using the FOOSH! shout to knock the Gaybeards around a bit might get them back into proper scripted behaviour.
I see you jockin' me.

Last edited by Mac Sirloin; 11-13-2011 at 08:04 AM..
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11-13-2011, 08:29 AM
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11-13-2011, 11:05 AM
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I've had an odd experience with Skyrim.
This happened more than once while I was fighting off robbers so my friends could keep playing. I've if you're stuck in a loop using the FOOSH! shout to knock the Gaybeards around a bit might get them back into proper scripted behaviour.
Yeah i tried that too, sadly no dice. And i have reloaded it to early saves several times. I guess all i can do now is hope for Bethesda to get off their asses and start patching the game. I tried moving on to other things and well, so far ran into more quest glitch related problems... Seriously? Don't they even test the game one last time before shipping?
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11-13-2011, 11:58 AM
Mac Sirloin's Avatar
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Oddly enough, my thankless stinky friends ran into a similar problem. I think they just waited it out though. At least you've got a bit of an opportunity to do a bit of Questing, right?
I see you jockin' me.

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11-13-2011, 12:23 PM
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That's true. Right now i'm going around killing bandits exploring caves and what no for gold so i can buy a house for all my loot. After exploring Bethesda's forums, i found that they have indeed created a patch for this problem and others i have been having. Problem is my dad just switched over to a new service provider and he decided to place the modem in a spot where my Ethernet cable can't get to it. So i'm going to be without XBL for a while.(As well as this update)
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11-13-2011, 01:27 PM
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I'm pretty sure they patched the exploit where you could put a basket on an NPC's head and steal anything without any risk. I tried it multiple times, but the NPCs just drop the basket somehow. Damnit, I wanted to steal shit.

Also, wow, I didn't expect that the leader of the Greybeards is a dragon! Awesome.
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11-13-2011, 02:13 PM
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I'm pretty sure they patched the exploit where you could put a basket on an NPC's head and steal anything without any risk. I tried it multiple times, but the NPCs just drop the basket somehow. Damnit, I wanted to steal shit.

Also, wow, I didn't expect that the leader of the Greybeards is a dragon! Awesome.
Yeah, the morbidly obese, brainless sacks of dumb that were my visiting 'friends' exploited this glitch at the start of the game a bit, but somehow it caught on and stopped working. They were on a Wireless 360 so it may have just downloaded the update over Wifi without us knowing, but it was weird.

Also, awesome.
I see you jockin' me.

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11-13-2011, 02:35 PM
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Ugh. well i managed to hook up my xbox to get the update and nothing. Looks i'm going to have to start a new game and DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN! I really hope it works or that they fix it soon, because i'm not keeping a game i can't beat the main quest to. Also several other quests still glitched real fucking nice... I'm so pissed right now.
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11-13-2011, 03:00 PM
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Don't have Skyrim yet, but I'm saving up to buy it.
Munch's Oddysee wasn't a bad game.

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11-13-2011, 05:52 PM
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I just granted an Orc his 'perfect death'.

I stabbed him in the normal generic way. He did not complain.
its a sex injury: im missing my left ear. dont ask.

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11-13-2011, 06:51 PM
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I would have used the image tags but I can't so it basically shows why a.) Conjury is awesome and b.) How to end every humanoid battle.

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11-13-2011, 10:12 PM
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How to make Skyrim even more fun:

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11-14-2011, 12:56 AM
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Yeah, Criken's stuff is awesome. Watched that last night, haha.
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11-14-2011, 08:45 AM
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